Coordinado in english


pronunciation: koʊɔrdəneɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

coordinado = in step ; coordinative [co-ordinative] ; synergistic ; orchestrated ; coupled ; coordinated ; aligned ; choreographed. 

Example: There are two forms of data transmission: (a) asynchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are not in step); (b) synchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are in step).Example: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be.Example: The electronic library is a library without walls, a permeable information centre that supports user access to information and collections in a synergistic manner.Example: Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.Example: For future metacatalogues to be successful, methods must be developed to use all existing organizational tools by layering, exchanging and translating data within a loosely coupled organizational system.Example: Automatisms consist of involuntary but coordinated movements that tend to be purposeless and repetitive.Example: Cars come out of the factory perfectly aligned but as soon as they hit the road things can start to slowly change.Example: Many of these girls were virgins to the stage then, but they took to it like fish to water, strutting their stuff while making their perfectly choreographed dance moves.


» coordinado conin sync with .

Example: The output files were always named in sequence starting on 1, not necessarily in sync with the image file names.

» de un modo coordinadosynergistically .

Example: Human knowledge and machine knowledge can be integrated more synergistically to improve the performance of expert systems.

» funcionamiento coordinadosynergy .

Example: The homogeneity, competitiveness and resulting synergy of this market is fostering significant advances in the capability of smaller computers to manage large massess of data.

» indización coordinadacoordinate indexing .

Example: In searching, we have to have some method of combining concepts, or coordinating them, so that we can perform the required matching operation, and this second method is often known as coordinate indexing.

» materia coordinadacoordinate subject .

Example: Two subject at the same level in the hierarchy (for example, both subdivisions of the same parent or superordinate subject) are said co-ordinate subject.

» no estar coordinado conbe out of step with .

Example: Information systems in business, in as much as they exist at all, are usually out of step with the needs of management.

» relación coordinadacoordinate relation [Relación formal que yuxtapone términos o clases] .

Example: A coordinate relation is a formal relation which juxtaposes terms or classes.

» TC (término coordinado)CT (co-ordinate term) .

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

coordinar = channel ; coordinate [co-ordinate] ; monitor ; liaise (with/between) ; choreograph ; synergise [synergize, -USA]. 

Example: Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.Example: Most recommend that once abstractors have decided which concepts to include in abstracts and in which form to represent them, their terms should be coordinated with index terms assigned from a controlled vocabulary.Example: Ideally it should be possible to include some form of student assessment or to monitor the student's progress.Example: A full-time professional librarian, who could promote the service both internally and externally and liaise with other agencies, was never appointed.Example: Response to reading room theft should be carefully choreographed but decisive.Example: Certain learner characteristics and learning contexts may synergize to override the disadvantages of a late start.


» coordinar esfuerzoscoordinate + efforts .

Example: What is required is a recognised organisation to co-ordinate all their efforts.

» coordinarlo todotie + the pieces together .

Example: The six essential planning guidelines are: identify the project, nail down the details, determine conversion methodology, develop a realistic conversion schedule, determine who is going to do your conversion, and tie the pieces together.

» coordinar una reuniónconduct + a meeting .

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to arrange for and conduct library staff meetings weekly.

Coordinado synonyms

adroit in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: ədrɔɪt part of speech: adjective integrated in spanish: integrado, pronunciation: ɪntəgreɪtəd part of speech: adjective unified in spanish: unificado, pronunciation: junəfaɪd part of speech: adjective matching in spanish: pareo, pronunciation: mætʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective interconnected in spanish: interconectado, pronunciation: ɪntɜrkənektɪd part of speech: adjective matched in spanish: emparejado, pronunciation: mætʃt part of speech: adjective
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