Coordinación in english


pronunciation: koʊɔrdəneɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

coordinación = alignment ; coordination [co-ordination] ; synergy ; liaison. 

Example: Word processing packages must be able to permit the user to manipulate test, as is necessary in alignment of margins, insertion and deletion of paragraphs, arrange for text to appear in the centre of the page and underline.Example: Because the co-ordination of index terms in the index description is decided before any particular request is made, the index is termed a pre-co-ordinate index.Example: The homogeneity, competitiveness and resulting synergy of this market is fostering significant advances in the capability of smaller computers to manage large massess of data.Example: It is important to make sure that there is close liaison between the cataloguing department and the order department, otherwise cards are liable to be ordered twice or in insufficient quantity to meet the total demand.


» centro de coordinaciónre-routing centre .

Example: Finally, a whole network of libraries in France should be upgraded in order to relieve pressure on the Bibliotheque Nationale, which can then become a re-routing centre.

» falta de coordinaciónmisalignment  .

Example: These problems range from misalignment of priorities in information technology budgeting to extraordinary difficulties in human resources areas = Estos problemas van desde falta de coordinación en las prioridades del presupuesto para la tecnología de la información a dificultades extraordinarias en las cuestiones referentes a los recursos humanos.

» falto de coordinaciónuncoordinated [unco-ordinated] .

Example: Duplication of publications, debasement of quality, misleading titles, and an unplanned, uncoordinated and piecemeal growth of secondary publications are part and parcel of this information indiscipline.

» sin coordinaciónuncoordinated [unco-ordinated] .

Example: Duplication of publications, debasement of quality, misleading titles, and an unplanned, uncoordinated and piecemeal growth of secondary publications are part and parcel of this information indiscipline.
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