Cooperativa in english


pronunciation: koʊɑpɜreɪtɪv part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

cooperativa = co-op ; cooperative [co-operative]. 

Example: The co-op took the initiative to open a branch library when its basement area became uneconomic.Example: Other co-operatives and libraries also have serials records = Other co-operatives and libraries also have serials records.


» biblioteca miembro de una cooperativamember library .

Example: It is more likely that details in a co-operative cataloguing data base will reflect the cataloguing requirements of the member libraries for their own local catalogues, than any requirements that might be perceived for the union catalogue.

» como cooperativacollegially .

Example: The staff has gone through an evolutionary change from a hierarchically organised professional staff of 6 with faculty status to a collegially organised professional staff of 7 with the status of librarian.

» cooperativa bibliotecaria en EscociaSCOLCAP .

Example: SCOLCAP is based on the National Library of Scotland and is financed by the Scottish Education Department, and through subscriptions.

» cooperativa de bibliotecaslibrary cooperative .

Example: Other library co-operatives also have serials records.

» cooperativa de catalogacióncataloguing cooperative .

Example: These cataloguing co-operatives developed software which would support cataloguing jointly.

» cooperativa de catalogación suecaLIBRIS .

Example: LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a major library automation project in Sweden.

» cooperativa de consumofood co-op .

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with affirmative action, alternative energy sources, homesteading, Chinese-American boys, androgyny, food co-ops.

» cooperativa de créditocredit union .

Example: If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.

» Cooperativa para Autoridades de Nombre (NACO)Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) .

Example: Nearly 100,000 records have been submitted by participants in the Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) project.

» en cooperativacooperatively [co-operatively] .

Example: The use of a scheme in centrally or co-operatively produced catalogue records can also be important in establishing its future.

» red cooperativa de bibliotecascooperative network .

Example: Co-operative networks offer an alternative to centralised cataloguing as a means of maintaining a local library catalogue.

cooperativo = cooperative [co-operative]. 

Example: Various large abstracting and indexing co-operative ventures or networks have developed their own formats.


» adquisición cooperativacooperative acquisition [Sistema por el cual se organiza y coordina la adquisición entre dos o más bibliotecas o centros de documentación a nivel local, regional, nacional o internacional para que haya al menos un ejemplar de cada publicación en el área geográfica en cuestión] .

Example: Co-operative acquisition is a system which consists of organizing and coordinating acquisition between two or more libraries or documentation centres or services at a local, regional, national or international level, so that at least one copy of each publication is held in the geographical area concerned.

» Proyecto Cooperativo de Mecanización de las Bibliotecas de Birmingham (BLCMP)Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP) .

Example: BLCMP (originally Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project) is a co-operative venture which embraces both network and stand-alone services, and batch and online services.

Cooperativa synonyms

joint in spanish: articulación, pronunciation: dʒɔɪnt part of speech: adjective, noun helpful in spanish: servicial, pronunciation: helpfəl part of speech: adjective concerted in spanish: concertado, pronunciation: kənsɜrtəd part of speech: adjective united in spanish: unido, pronunciation: junaɪtəd part of speech: adjective combined in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: kəmbaɪnd part of speech: adjective synergistic in spanish: sinérgico, pronunciation: sɪnɜrdʒɪstɪk part of speech: adjective co-op in spanish: cooperativa, pronunciation: koʊɑp part of speech: noun conjunctive in spanish: conjuntivo, pronunciation: kəndʒʌŋktɪv part of speech: adjective accommodative in spanish: cómodo, pronunciation: əkɑmədeɪtɪv part of speech: adjective synergetic in spanish: sinergia, pronunciation: sɪnɜrdʒetɪk part of speech: adjective conjunct in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: kɑndʒəŋkt part of speech: adjective noncompetitive in spanish: no competitivo, pronunciation: nɑnkəmpetətɪv part of speech: adjective
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