Conyugal in english


pronunciation: kɑndʒəgəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

conyugal = spousal ; marital. 

Example: It takes willingness, understanding and a thick skin to make a spousal financial partnership succeed, but it's often worth it in the end.Example: A patron is interested in reading articles reflecting recent research into the characteristics useful for predicting marital satisfaction or success.


» vida conyugalmarried life .

Example: Love, sex, and marriage then become matters of great importance that will determine the quality of the married life we will have.

» violación conyugalmarital rapespousal rape .

Example: This article describes the work of a library that was set up as a center to obtain information to help in the campaign to make marital rape a crime in California.

Example: Spousal rape wasn't completely illegal in the United States until 1993.

Conyugal synonyms

connubial in spanish: conyugal, pronunciation: kənubiəl part of speech: adjective
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