Convocar in english


pronunciation: kənvin part of speech: verb
In gestures

convocar = summon ; convene ; convoke ; call ; call together. 

Example: All interested parties were summoned to further cooperate for the success of the show.Example: An interview committee, consisting of the library personnel officer and the associate executive director for branches, convened to speak with applicants for the adult materials selection position = An interview committee, consisting of the library personnel officer and the associate executive director for branches, convened to speak with applicants for the adult materials selection position.Example: According to canon law, national councils are the deliberating assemblies at which all the bishops of a nation are convoked by the patriarch or primate = According to canon law, national councils are the deliberating assemblies at which all the bishops of a nation are convoked by the patriarch or primate.Example: The creation of a series of entries for inclusion in a catalogue or printed index is an indexing process which must involve some system, which we might call an indexing system.Example: After adverting to the responsibility of his action in calling the Assembly together, he admits that the war is ended, and with it the power of the Confederacy of the Southern States.


» convocar a Alguien a una reunióncall + Nombre + to a meeting .

Example: In a matter of days, we are going to call them to a meeting.

» convocar de nuevoreconvene  .

Example: According to this model, managers meet to identify goals and objectives and then reconvene after a given time to rate their levels of accomplishment.

» convocar elecciones generalescall (for) + (a) general election(s) .

Example: He will meet with the Greek President to ask him to dissolve the Parliament and call general elections for January.

» convocar una eleccióncall + an election .

Example: Usually, according to parliamentary law, the head of government must regularly call an election.

» convocar una huelgacall + a strike .

Example: An alarming increase in jail suicides has led prison guards to call a strike in an effort to press the government to act immediately.

» convocar una reunióncall (for) + a meetingconvene + meeting .

Example: Rising to leave, she indicated that she intended to call a meeting of the staff to see if they had any ideas.

Example: A second meeting was convened in March 1976 with the chairpersons of existing ISBD specialized working groups.

» convocar un congresoconvene + conference .

Example: During its most active and productive period, 1910-1913, the Society convened the 1st national library conference held in Russia and initiated publication of the 1st Russian library periodical.

» convocar un seminarioconvene + seminar .

Example: In the course of their conference in Montreal, FID convened a seminar on Education and Training for Technology Transfer.

» ser convocado para un partidomake + the cut for a game .

Example: Both their goalkeeper and one of their midfielders are unlikely to make the cut for the game due to a muscular and knee injury respectively.

» volver a convocarreconvene  .

Example: According to this model, managers meet to identify goals and objectives and then reconvene after a given time to rate their levels of accomplishment.

Convocar synonyms

convoke in spanish: convocar, pronunciation: kɑnvoʊk part of speech: verb
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