Cervatillo in english


pronunciation: fɔn part of speech: noun
In gestures

cervatillo = fawn. 

Example: The fawn and its mother stay together for about one year.


» parir cervatillosfawn .

Example: There are peaks in deer traffic accidents during the rut in the autumn and after fawning in the spring.

Cervatillo synonyms

creep in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: krip part of speech: noun, verb cringe in spanish: encogerse, pronunciation: krɪndʒ part of speech: verb dun in spanish: pardo, pronunciation: dʌn part of speech: noun crawl in spanish: gatear, pronunciation: krɔl part of speech: verb, noun grovel in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: grɑvəl part of speech: verb cower in spanish: acobardarse, pronunciation: kaʊɜr part of speech: verb kowtow in spanish: inclinarse, pronunciation: kaʊtaʊ part of speech: verb, noun toady in spanish: lameculos, pronunciation: toʊdi part of speech: noun truckle in spanish: someterse servilmente, pronunciation: trʌkəl part of speech: noun, verb greyish brown in spanish: marrón grisáceo, pronunciation: greɪɪʃbraʊn part of speech: noun suck up in spanish: aspirar, pronunciation: sʌkʌp part of speech: verb bootlick in spanish: hacer la pelotilla, pronunciation: butlɪk part of speech: verb kotow in spanish: inclinarse, pronunciation: koʊtoʊ part of speech: noun, verb grayish brown in spanish: marrón grisáceo, pronunciation: greɪɪʃbraʊn part of speech: noun
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