Certificado in english


pronunciation: sɜrtɪfɪkət part of speech: noun
In gestures

certificado1 = certificate ; certification ; licensure. 

Example: He received his certificate of librarianship from the University of California at Berkeley the following year, and then returned to UCLA where he obtained a position in the library.Example: It is remarkable how, in an economy with diminishing job opportunities, librarians compensate for their inability to demonstrate the value of their skills by seeking the protection of educational and certification requirements.Example: Only through formal certification or licensure will librarians achieve the consistently high level of performance necessary to command the confidence and respect accorded a profession.


» certificado de antecedentes penalesbackground check .

Example: Many public and private employers require background checks for employment purposes.

» certificado de aptitudcertification .

Example: It is remarkable how, in an economy with diminishing job opportunities, librarians compensate for their inability to demonstrate the value of their skills by seeking the protection of educational and certification requirements.

» certificado de bautismobaptism certificate .

Example: A baptism certificate can be obtained only from the church at which you were baptized.

» certificado de defuncióndeath certificate .

Example: When death certificates are unavailable due to cost, law, practice, legibility, time or proximity, the identification and availability of mortuary, cemetery and funeral home records becomes important to the family historian.

» certificado de depósitocertificate of deposit .

Example: To be sure, big banks also are reaching out for new depositors and are advertising new rates on certificates of deposit.

» certificado de fecha de registrotime stamp [timestamp] .

Example: This pan-European service enables copyright owners to register their content online followed by certification and a time stamp.

» certificado de matrimoniomarriage certificate .

Example: Any person who willfully and knowingly obtains a marriage certificate for fraudulent purposes is guilty of a felony.

» certificado de nacimientobirth certificate .

Example: The data are based on information abstracted from birth certificates filed in vital statistics offices.

» certificado de sanidadhealth permit .

Example: People who buy foods from roadside vendors or caterers that do not have health permits 'are playing Russian roulette'.

» certificado de seguridadsecurity certificate [En Internet, información que utiliza el protocolo SSL para establecer una conexión segura] .

Example: On the Internet, a security certificate is a chunk of information (often stored as a text file) that is used by the SSL protocol to establish a secure connection.

» certificado fitosanitariophytosanitary certificate .

Example: Most countries require a phytosanitary certificate to accompany incoming shipments of live plants.

» renovación de certificado de aptitudrecertification  .

Example: There has been a recent drive toward mandatory continuing education -- often linked with certification and recertification.

certificado2 = registered ; certificated ; certified. 

Example: Amongst the present 2,700 or more registered readers, pupils and students predominate.Example: In 1977 it was granted the status of a certificated trade union.Example: In some cases, certified translations of legal documents require not only certification, which is done by the translator, but also notarisation.


» carta certificadaregistered lettercertified letter .

Example: The New Zealand Post Office Museum and Archives acquired the outward letterbooks and a number of registers (of correspondence, paid vouchers, overtime payments, registered letters etc) from several post offices in New Zealand.

Example: I got a certified letter from Microsoft the other day and after a bit of nerviness opening it up it turned out to be just junk mail.

» cheque certificadocertified cheque .

Example: The offer shall be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred thousand dollars, as a guaranty of good faith.

» correo certificadoregistered mail .

Example: A 'registered mail' facility notifies the sender when his message has been received.

certificar = accredit ; certify ; certificate. 

Example: This is a report of a survey of off-campus/extension courses in graduates library education programs accredited by the American Library Association.Example: The paper discusses a process which will certify that gold from artisanal miners meets social, environmental and human rights standards.Example: Extensions to deadlines will only be granted on the basis of illness (certificated by a doctor) or other serious circumstances.

Certificado synonyms

security in spanish: seguridad, pronunciation: sɪkjʊrəti part of speech: noun credentials in spanish: cartas credenciales, pronunciation: krədenʃəlz part of speech: noun credential in spanish: credencial, pronunciation: krɪdentʃəl part of speech: noun certification in spanish: proceso de dar un título, pronunciation: sɜrtəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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