Certeza in english


pronunciation: sɜrtənti part of speech: noun
In gestures

certeza = assurance ; certainty ; certitude ; reassurance ; sureness. 

Example: The agreement of both pieces of information with the borrower file is added assurance that the borrower is who he says he is.Example: Whilst this may seem an unnecessarily negative approach to an issue appearing to need boldness and certainty, it seemed relevant to the experienced circumstances.Example: The self-satisfied expression on his face was a proof of his certitude.Example: Such reassurance becomes particularly important if the inquirer has not sampled the file, either in a printed format or in browsing online.Example: In other words, to make sense of life-situations and to make intelligent decisions when we meet them, we need to have pondered the various possibilities either before the situations arise or with speed and sureness when they arise.


» certeza absolutaabsolute certainty .

Example: Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that absolute certainty about knowledge is impossible, or at least that all claims to knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken.

» con certezafor surewith assurancefor certainfor a factfor a certaintyconfidently .

Example: It's been a tough decision, but now it's made, and I'm coming back for sure.

Example: These maps, as those of us who are outlet junkie bargain-hunters know with assurance, are ones any shopper can pick up in any outlet mall.

Example: One thing that is for certain is that the loss affects musicians, sound technicians, recording studios, and music stores.

Example: The value of the US dollar is for a fact on the decline.

Example: She looked into the man's eyes and knew for a certainty that he meant harm.

Example: In the interests of document identification, the title is normally quoted verbatim so that the document record can be successfully and confidently matched with the document.

» conocer con certezaknow for + (dead) certainknow for + sureknow for + a (dead) certainty .

Example: I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.

Example: The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage -- both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction -- may never be known for sure.

Example: I then knew for a dead certainty that I could go the distance against a relentless opponent, and my critics knew it, too.

» con toda certezabeyond any doubtconfidently .

Example: The published material confirms beyond any doubt that he was suffering from syphilis and its common manifestation, general paresis.

Example: In the interests of document identification, the title is normally quoted verbatim so that the document record can be successfully and confidently matched with the document.

» falta de certezauncertainty .

Example: A language interface based on fuzzy set techniques is proposed to handle the uncertainty inherent in natural-language semantics.

» poderse afirmar (con certeza) queit + be + safe to say that .

Example: Carnegie then concluded: 'It is safe to say that the 37,000 frequenters of the Pratt Library are of more value to Baltimore, to the state, and to the country, than all the inert, lazy, and hopelessly poor in the nation'.

» poderse decir (con certeza) queit + be + safe to say that .

Example: Carnegie then concluded: 'It is safe to say that the 37,000 frequenters of the Pratt Library are of more value to Baltimore, to the state, and to the country, than all the inert, lazy, and hopelessly poor in the nation'.

» saber con certezaknow for + (dead) certainknow for + sureknow for + a factknow for + a (dead) certainty .

Example: I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.

Example: The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage -- both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction -- may never be known for sure.

Example: Here's the question: If you knew for a fact that you only had seven years to live, what would you do?.

Example: I then knew for a dead certainty that I could go the distance against a relentless opponent, and my critics knew it, too.

» sin certeza de cobraron spec [Abreviatura de on speculation usada para indicar que se hace un trabajo pero sin ninguna seguridad de que al final se cobrará por él] .

Example: Sometimes writers who have trouble publishing will write on spec because it is more important for them to be published than to get paid.

» tener la certeza defeel + confident .

Example: Most consumers felt confident that once a letter is written and posted, no one will read it either accidently or on purpose except for the intended addressee.

» tener la certeza de querest + assured thatrest + easy (knowing) that .

Example: Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.

Example: So you can rest easy that you are getting the very best.
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