Cerrojo in english


pronunciation: boʊlt part of speech: noun
In gestures

cerrojo = barrel bolt ; bolt ; sliding bolt. 

Example: Exit doors in a public building shall not be fitted with barrel bolts.Example: Doors that you usually lock from the inside - for example the back door - should also be fitted with bolts.Example: We offer storage facilities with roll-up doors fitted with sliding bolts.


» cerrar y echar el cerrojobolt + Nombre + closed [Usado generalmente para puertas y ventanas]bolt + Nombre + shut .

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

Example: When they were in the kitchen, Baylor shut the door leading into the garage and bolted it shut.

» correr el cerrojoslide + the bolt .

Example: Once they'd brought the portmanteau and the valise inside, the butler shut the door, and slid the bolt.

» echar el cerrojobolt + Nombre + closed [Usado generalmente para puertas y ventanas]bolt + Nombre + shutslide + the bolt .

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

Example: When they were in the kitchen, Baylor shut the door leading into the garage and bolted it shut.

Example: Once they'd brought the portmanteau and the valise inside, the butler shut the door, and slid the bolt.

Cerrojo synonyms

dash in spanish: guión, pronunciation: dæʃ part of speech: noun, verb bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun abscond in spanish: fugarse, pronunciation: æbskɑnd part of speech: verb smack in spanish: tortazo, pronunciation: smæk part of speech: noun, verb slap in spanish: bofetada, pronunciation: slæp part of speech: noun, verb gobble in spanish: engullir, pronunciation: gɑbəl part of speech: verb, noun absquatulate in spanish: absquatulado, pronunciation: æbskwɑtʃuleɪt part of speech: verb go off in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: goʊɔf part of speech: verb slapdash in spanish: despreocupado, pronunciation: slæpdæʃ part of speech: adjective decamp in spanish: decampar, pronunciation: dəkæmp part of speech: verb thunderbolt in spanish: rayo, pronunciation: θʌndɜrbɔlt part of speech: noun deadbolt in spanish: cerrojo, pronunciation: dedboʊlt part of speech: noun run off in spanish: escapada, pronunciation: rʌnɔf part of speech: verb run out in spanish: sin, pronunciation: rʌnaʊt part of speech: verb stiffly in spanish: rígidamente, pronunciation: stɪfli part of speech: adverb rigidly in spanish: rígidamente, pronunciation: rɪdʒɪdli part of speech: adverb bolt of lightning in spanish: rayo, pronunciation: boʊltʌvlaɪtnɪŋ part of speech: noun bolt out in spanish: decir a boca de jarro, pronunciation: boʊltaʊt part of speech: verb
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