Ceremonioso in english


pronunciation: serəmoʊniəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ceremonioso = ceremonious. 

Example: From the time of the Celtic occupation of Ireland in 500 BC, music played by harpers has been associated with ancient warfare and with banquets and ceremonious occasions.


» pompa ceremoniosaceremonial pomp .

Example: It's its decrepitude as much as its ceremonial pomp that makes this cemetery interesting to me.

» ser muy ceremoniosostand on + ceremony .

Example: Australians and Americans don't like to stand on ceremony and they will quickly move on to first name terms.

Ceremonioso synonyms

conventional in spanish: convencional, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective formal in spanish: formal, pronunciation: fɔrməl part of speech: adjective
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