Cerda in english


pronunciation: saʊ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

cerda1 = sow. 

Example: The same spelling is sometimes used for different words, which may or may not be pronounced the same, eg sow and sow, China and china.

cerda2 = bristle ; seta [setae, -pl.]. 

Example: A linear equation system is derived to calculate the physical deflection of bristles according to the force exerted on them from the surface of the paper.Example: The crab's mouth has elongated setae, notably on the maxilla, which it repeatedly flails through the seawater to feed on suspended material.


» con cerdabristly .

Example: The most attractive stage is when the young leaves are expanding as bright red bristly tendrils.

cerdo1 = pig ; pork ; swine ; grunter. 

Example: A child may find through reading a book that a dull day is transformed because he has met a talking pig and a spider that can write in 'Charlotte's Web'.Example: A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts = A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts.Example: The words 'swine,' 'hogs,' and 'pigs' refer to animals of the porcine family or pig family.Example: On the farm there is a piggery of 50 grunters -- most excellent porkers they are too.


» barbacoa de cerdopig roast .

Example: The judge ruled that a magazine that published a photograph of a woman baring her breasts at a pig roast did not intrude on her privacy.

» caña de cerdopork loin .

Example: This roast pork loin and potatoes is a snap to prepare.

» carne de cerdopigmeatpork [Utilizado para referirse a la carne de cerdo, se utiliza pig para referirse al animal] .

Example: These programmes cover red meat slaughterhouses, ware potatoes, liquid milk processing, horticulture, cereals, fisheries, and pigmeat slaughtering and processing.

Example: A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts = Se incluye una breve historia de los siguientes tipos de comida de los negros del sur de los Estados Unidos: cerdo, guisantes, repollo, maíz, batatas, quingombó, sandía y cacahuetes.

» carne de cerdo picadaminced pork .

Example: Minced pork omelet is an easy dish to prepare.

» cerdo a la barbacoapig roast .

Example: The judge ruled that a magazine that published a photograph of a woman baring her breasts at a pig roast did not intrude on her privacy.

» cerdo cebónporker  .

Example: One day she indulged in her habit of swigging too much gin before going to feed the porker and after opening its pen she slumped in a heap.

» cerdo hormigueroaardvark .

Example: Crocodiles, giant snakes, aardvarks, and anteaters on the other hand release significant amounts of methane.

» cerdo machoboar .

Example: The wild boars you see today in North America are the great grandchildren of the European boars.

» cerdo vietnamitapot-bellied pig .

Example: Due to its relative intelligence, strong human bonding characteristics, and trainability, the pot-bellied pig has become an increasingly popular companion.

» chillar como un cerdosqueal like + a pig .

Example: WHO is squealing like a pig over charges it fabricated the flu 'pandemic'.

» chuleta de cerdochoppork choppork cutlet .

Example: Professional cleavers used for carcass and sectional cutting also work for chops and chickens.

Example: This is basically the same way I cook pork chops, except that I use curry instead of paprika, and the pork chops take a lot longer.

Example: Fish fillets, boneless poultry, pork cutlets, and veal cutlets are some of the foods that are often dredged in flour before cooking.

» codillo de cerdoham hockpork hock .

Example: Ham hocks should simmer for a couple of hours until the meat is ready to fall off the bone; then cut into bite or serving size pieces.

Example: Pork hocks may take several hours to cook in the oven but they are cheap and require little attention.

» comida de cerdosswill .

Example: All of this crap is just swill that they feed the public.

» comida para cerdosswill .

Example: All of this crap is just swill that they feed the public.

» cortezas de cerdopork scratchingspork rindspork cracklings .

Example: Pork scratchings behind the bar, a well-used dartboard in the corner and a fug of smoke hanging over the tables are all hallmarks of the traditional English pub.

Example: Pork rinds are high in protein, low in cholesterol and have zero carbs -- perfect for those low carb diets.

Example: I like to munch on pork cracklings, so I usually have a pack of good quality ones at home.

» costilla de cerdopork rib .

Example: Pork ribs are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser, and they are also conveniently versatile.

» cría de cerdos, lapig farming .

Example: One commercial application that is gaining favour in pig farming is the electronic sow feeder.

» criadero de cerdospiggery  .

Example: The Government has been urged to put piggery as one of its priorities in the development of the country.

» criador de cerdospig farmer .

Example: So I say, we're just a bunch of poor, old, Midwestern pig farmers shuffling along trying to do what we can = Por eso digo que somos tan sólo un puñado de criadores de cerdos, viejos y pobres, de la región central de los Estados Unidos que vamos tirando como podemos.

» criar cerdosraise + pigs .

Example: For pork that tastes better than plastic-wrapped meat and costs only pennies per pound, consider raising pigs of your own.

» de cerdoporky [porkier -comp., porkiest -sup.]  .

Example: The fields are alive with the mooing and bleating of herbivores, plus a few oinks from the porky omnivores.

» echarle margaritas a los cerdoscast pearls before swine .

Example: To attempt to draw them into a conversation, search for common ground, or drop the partisan heat is to cast pearls before swin.

» filete de cerdopork fillet .

Example: When enjoying delectably lean and tender pork fillet, you'll find it hard not to make a pig of yourself.

» granja de cerdospiggery  .

Example: The Government has been urged to put piggery as one of its priorities in the development of the country.

» grasa de cerdopork fat .

Example: Black pudding, as made in the UK, is a blend of onions, pork fat, oatmeal, flavourings -- and blood (usually from a pig).

» industria del cerdo, lapig farming .

Example: One commercial application that is gaining favour in pig farming is the electronic sow feeder.

» lomo de cerdopork loin .

Example: This roast pork loin and potatoes is a snap to prepare.

» manitas de cerdopig's trotterspig's feet .

Example: Pig's trotters can be cooked in a variety of ways, but in all cases, they require slow cooking until the meat falls off the bone.

Example: This traditional Irish dish of braised pig's feet and vegetables is often eaten after a night at the pub.

» manteca de cerdolard .

Example: Lard and suet are suitable for shortcrust and flaky pastry, used with butter or margarine.

» paletilla de cerdoshoulder of pork .

Example: The shoulder of pork has become a popular cut of meat in recent years, and it's a fantastic flavoursome meat joint when cooked slowly.

» piel de cerdopigskin .

Example: Tanned calfskin was the commonest covering material in the sixteenth century, followed by vellum and pigskin.

» piel tostada y crujiente del cerdo al hornocrackling .

Example: To my mind, one of the treats when you cook roast pork is the crackling which should always be golden brown in colour and crispy in texture.

» queso de cerdohead cheese [headcheese] .

Example: Head cheese is in fact not a cheese, but rather a terrine of meat from the head of a calf or pig (sometimes a sheep or cow) usually eaten cold or at room temperature as a luncheon meat.

» sector de la cría de cerdos, elpig sector, the .

Example: Because of EU tardiness, some countries, namely France, Holland and the UK, have jumped the gun in introducing aid for the pig sector in contravention of EU regulations.

» sudar como un cerdosweat like + a pig .

Example: I sweat like a pig normally, but now my pits are really rank at the end of the day, no matter what deodorant I use.

cerdo2 = glutton ; pig. 

Example: The writer discusses the designation of Jesus as a 'glutton and a drunkard'.Example: He was waiting for the opportunity to unleash his fury, no one calls him a pig and gets away with it.


» comer como un cerdoeat like + a pig .

Example: I'm tearing my hair out just because he can eat like a pig and he does it in front of me too.

cerdo3 = scumbag ; swine. 

Example: He then made the comment that our soldiers are fighting 'detestable murderers and scumbags'.Example: In German law it is a criminal offense for A to insult B, for example, by calling him a swine.


» cerdo chovinistachauvinist pigchauvinistic pig .

Example: So who the shit does this chauvanist pig think he is?.

Example: It is not that I wanted to be a chauvinistic pig, but I guess my genetic makeup and the environment I was involved with made me one.

» cerdo machistachauvinist pigchauvinistic pig .

Example: So who the shit does this chauvanist pig think he is?.

Example: It is not that I wanted to be a chauvinistic pig, but I guess my genetic makeup and the environment I was involved with made me one.

Cerda synonyms

seed in spanish: semilla, pronunciation: sid part of speech: noun sough in spanish: susurro, pronunciation: soʊ part of speech: verb inseminate in spanish: inseminar, pronunciation: ɪnseməneɪt part of speech: verb sow in in spanish: sembrar, pronunciation: saʊɪn part of speech: verb
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