Cera in english


pronunciation: wæks part of speech: noun
In gestures

cera = wax. 

Example: This ensures that the wax is cleanly cut and the characters are sharp.


» blanco como la cerawaxen .

Example: He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.

» cera & museo de cerawaxworks museum .

Example: It's like visiting a waxworks museum, then realising that one of the waxworks is alive.

» cera de abejabeeswax .

Example: The embalming material mainly consists of plant material including coniferous resins and possibly beeswax.

» cera de los oídosearwax .

Example: Except in cases of overproduction of earwax, doctors will advise you to limit cleaning the inner part of the ear to a minimum.

» cera para mueblesfurniture wax .

Example: Then apply two coats of furniture wax and buff the wood to a shine.

» cera para suelosfloor wax .

Example: Beginning in the far corner of the room, apply a thin coating of floor wax with a new (or perfectly clean) mop-head.

» dar cerawax .

Example: Chapter 12 covers the following: waxing a car; repairing tubeless tires, and repacking front wheel bearings, checking the timing belt, the ignition key, and the inlet manifold.

» depilación a la cerawaxing .

Example: Most forms of Brazilian waxing leave a small line of pubic hair above the vulva, commonly known as the 'landing strip'.

» depilado a la cerawaxed .

Example: Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation if exposed to the sun.

» depilar a la cerawax .

Example: Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation if exposed to the sun.

» figura de cerawaxwork .

Example: She has become so popular in just in two years that eight of her waxworks have been unveiled at Madame Tussauds museums worldwide.

» grabado a la cerawax etching .

Example: Others, especially those of Ukrainian heritage, use a series of tinted dyes and wax etchings to create stunning works of art.

» grabado en cerawax etching .

Example: Others, especially those of Ukrainian heritage, use a series of tinted dyes and wax etchings to create stunning works of art.

» museo de cerawaxworks .

Example: Living in North Carolina is now very much like visiting a waxworks.

» no hay más cera que la que ardewhat you see is what you get .

Example: Andrew is a musician truly doing it for the love of it, what you see is what you get.

» papel de ceragreaseproof paperwaxed paper .

Example: The original, known as a translucency, is normally a line drawing on a sheet of translucent paper which resembles tracing paper or greaseproof paper.

Example: Toffee apples may be stored wrapped individually in greaseproof or waxed paper.

» vela de cerawax candle .

Example: When it comes to aromatherapy wax candles, paraffin is not the best choice.

cero = nought ; zero [zeroes/zeros, -pl.] ; nil ; zero + Nombre ; zilch ; goose egg ; zippo ; zip. 

Example: Freeze drying is denoted by the special auxiliary .046 and introduced in a class mark by the facet indicator .0 (point nought).Example: If the first digit of the number is zero, the material type is not encoded in the bard-coded label.Example: While our vision of our readers is hazy and our interests in them nil, then criticism must be either trivial or irrelevant.Example: In recent years special libraries have been faced with a number of important factors, including reduced purchase budgets, zero increases in staffing, and the opportunities offered by automation.Example: Before you lend cash to Tom, Dick and Harry, be sure you know what you're doing or else your friendship will be worth zilch.Example: I think the overall objective was to get the win and finish the game, but the goose egg (shutout) at the end was a statement for our defense.Example: I googled that problem last night and got zippo for answers.Example: Talk about a spirit killer, I put all that work in and got zip for it except a pat on the back.


» bajo cerobelow zerosub-zerobelow-freezing .

Example: Dirt roads, no electricity, one-room school a mile away, below zero blizzards in the winter, and mosquito clouds in the summer.

Example: The documentary examines the growing number of skinny celebrities and the worrying trend for sub-zero sizes.

Example: Sleet may occur when a warm layer of air lies above a below-freezing layer of air at the Earth's surface.

» catalogar partiendo de cerocatalogue from + scratch .

Example: Since I was cataloging the collection from scratch, I was cataloging series by series.

» cero a ceroscoreless  .

Example: Having been kept scoreless during the first half, Wales came out after the break and began scoring.

» cero a la izquierdaciphernon-entityzilchzippo .

Example: He had been feeling like a cipher, a nonentity.

Example: He had been feeling like a cipher, a nonentity.

Example: Before you lend cash to Tom, Dick and Harry, be sure you know what you're doing or else your friendship will be worth zilch.

Example: I googled that problem last night and got zippo for answers.

» cero a l izquierdazip .

Example: Talk about a spirit killer, I put all that work in and got zip for it except a pat on the back.

» cero toleranciazero toleranceno-nonsense .

Example: The large number of complaints from staff and students concerning the use of mobile telephones in the libraries led to the introduction of a pilot zero tolerance scheme to ban their use.

Example: When you daydream about conquests you'll never have, the no-nonsense guy daydreams about ladies within reach.

» cilindro de cerawax cylinder .

Example: He does so indirectly, by talking to a stenographer or a wax cylinder.

» comenzar de cerobegin from + scratchstart from + scratchstart at + ground zero .

Example: If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

» comenzar desde cerostart at + ground zerostart from + scratch .

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

» comenzar partiendo de cerobuild from + scratch .

Example: When a library outgrows its second automated circulation system it sets stringent functional, performance and growth specifications and builds from scratch.

» compilar partiendo de cerocompile from + scratch .

Example: This article describes problems encountered in compiling a data base from scratch.

» construir partiendo de ceroconstruct from + scratch .

Example: There are so many possibilities that the classifier may feel that he has the task of constructing the scheme from scratch!.

» crecimiento cerozero growth .

Example: Zero growth in the public sector will be the norm for the foreseable future, but change of priority in favour of the cultural sector is taking place.

» de cerofrom the ground upfrom scratch .

Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.

Example: The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.

» de coste cerozero-cost .

Example: By contrast, the 80s and 90s will offer virtually zero-cost, highly reliable hardware but expensive software, unless a different approach to information processing is found.

» dejar a cerogoose-egg [Usado principalmente en el lenguaje deportivo] .

Example: We could have goose-egged them if not for those two stupid penalties.

» desde cerofrom the ground upfrom scratch .

Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.

Example: The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.

» disco de cerawax disc .

Example: Today we record conventionally by writing and photography, followed by printing; but we also record on film, on wax disks, and on magnetic wires.

» empate a ceroscoreless tiescoreless draw .

Example: But in the end, neither team moved a muscle, as the two battled to a scoreless tie.

Example: Nobody's really threatening at goal, and a dismal scoreless draw is looming.

» empezando de cerofrom scratchfrom the ground up .

Example: The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.

Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.

» empezar de cerostart at + ground zerobegin from + scratch .

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

Example: If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.

» empezar desde cerostart at + ground zerostart from + scratch .

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

» introducir datos partiendo de ceroenter from + scratch .

Example: Records for this program, however, have to be entered from scratch.

» justo desde cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» justo empezando de cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» justo partiendo de cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» lápiz de ceracrayon .

Example: Normally black crayon or ink was used so that the artist could see what he was doing, but otherwise the colour was of no importance.

» meridiano ceroprime meridian .

Example: In addition, all countries west of the prime meridian are in the Western Hemisphere while those east of the prime meridian are in the Eastern Hemisphere.

» papel de ceragreaseproof paperwaxed paper .

Example: The original, known as a translucency, is normally a line drawing on a sheet of translucent paper which resembles tracing paper or greaseproof paper.

Example: Toffee apples may be stored wrapped individually in greaseproof or waxed paper.

» partiendo de cerofrom scratchfrom an empty slatefrom the ground up .

Example: The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.

Example: The article 'Creation of an academic library: lessons from an empty slate' describes the construction of a new library at Arizona State University.

Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.

» partir de cerobegin from + scratchstart from + scratchstart at + ground zero .

Example: If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

» ponerse a ceroroll over to + zero .

Example: Problems are caused because PC BIOS chips are hardwired to return to 4 Jan 80 when the year rolls over to zero, i.e 2000.

» por debajo de cerosub-zerobelow-freezing .

Example: The documentary examines the growing number of skinny celebrities and the worrying trend for sub-zero sizes.

Example: Sleet may occur when a warm layer of air lies above a below-freezing layer of air at the Earth's surface.

» por encima de ceroabove freezing .

Example: It's been windy, but everyone is happy it's above freezing.

» presupuesto de base cerozero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB) [En gestión de bibliotecas, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos]zero-base(d) budget [En contabilidad, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos] .

Example: Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.

Example: With a zero base budget every activity must be justified afresh each year.

» reducir a ceroreduce + Nombre + to nil .

Example: During the war a law was passed to limit the consumption of newsprint by 'obnoxious newspapers' and even reducing it to nil = Durante la guerra se aprobó una ley para limitar el consumo de papel de periódico por los llamados "periódicos detestables" e incluso reducirlo a cero.

» rellenar con ceros los espacios vacíoszero fill .

Example: The length is a 5-digit decimal number justified right with zero fill if necessary.

» replantearse todo desde ceroget back to + basics .

Example: The article is entitled 'Biotech companies must get back to basics to weigh up risks'.

» sentirse un cero a la izquierdafeel like + a spare part .

Example: Rebellious, copper-haired teenager Niamh Keegan feels like a spare part in her boring, staid adopted family.

» ser un cero a la izquierdabe a dead loss .

Example: There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.

» temperatura bajo cerosub-zero temperature .

Example: The mammoth hunters braved sub-zero temperatures on desolate tundra at least 20000 years earlier than was thought.

» temperaturas bajo cerofreezing temperaturesfreezing weather .

Example: This causes a typical cycle of three successive cold days followed by four warmer days, relieving people from freezing temperatures.

Example: Snow and freezing weather swept parts of Europe on Saturday causing travel chaos for thousands.

» tolerancia cerono-nonsense .

Example: When you daydream about conquests you'll never have, the no-nonsense guy daydreams about ladies within reach.

» uno a ceroone down [Usado generalmente en competiciones deportivas] .

Example: Rovers were slow off the mark and found themselves one down after five minutes, but Pat Daly soon had Rovers level.

» volver a empezar de cerobe back to square onego back to + square one .

Example: She told me that I was all at sixes and sevens with my eight times table and that it was 'back to square one' for me.

Example: At today's open meeting, the Commissioners voted unanimously to go back to square one.

» zona ceroground zero .

Example: The resulting cloud rose to a height of 12000 feet and subsequent fallout drifted in an easterly direction, travelling as far as 225 km from ground zero.

Cera synonyms

rise in spanish: subir, pronunciation: raɪz part of speech: noun, verb mount in spanish: montar, pronunciation: maʊnt part of speech: noun, verb full in spanish: completo, pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective climb in spanish: subida, pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun
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