Centralizado in english


pronunciation: sentrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

centralizado = centralised [centralized, -USA]. 

Example: Both centralised cataloguing systems and co-operative network are means of sharing cataloguing effort and cataloguing information.


» catalogación centralizadacentralised cataloguing [Catalogación original de documentos bibliográficos realizada por alguna organización centralizada que es accesible a otras bibliotecas]central cataloguing .

Example: Centralised cataloguing is the cataloguing of documents by some central organisation.

Example: Central cataloguing means that a central institution takes the responsibility of cataloguing for a number of branch or member libraries.

» cierre centralizadocentral locking .

Example: The interior lights and central locking are behaving strangely again.

» organismo centralizadocentralised body .

Example: To a certain extent librarians have found their dependence on centralised bodies irksome.

» servicio centralizado de control de publicaciones seriadasconsolidation service [Agencia que se encarga de controlar la subscripción y el proceso de las publicaciones periódicas para varias bibliotecas] .

Example: For the Bond University Library, established in Gold Coast, Queensland, in 1988, a decision was made to use a single consolidation service for all overseas subscriptions = Para la Biblioteca Universitaria Bond, creada en Gold Coast, Queenslad, en 1988, se tomó la decisión de usar un único servicio centralizado de control de publicaciones seriadas para todas las suscripciones extranjeras.

centralizar = centralise [centralize, -USA]. 

Example: The decision to centralise or decentralise training depends upon a combination of factors.

Centralizado synonyms

focused in spanish: enfocado, pronunciation: foʊkəst part of speech: adjective centered in spanish: centrado, pronunciation: sentɜrd part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective centred in spanish: centrado, pronunciation: sentɜrd part of speech: adjective
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