Centrado in english


pronunciation: sentɜrd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

centrado = centred [centered, -USA] ; focused [focussed]. 

Example: Punching equipment is not always as accurate as it might be; holes may not be well centred upon their coding position, and holes are sometimes not completely cut away.Example: These include a series of focused workshops and a four day national conference.


» centrado enNombre + centric .

Example: The emerging user centric model of relevance proposes that the only valid measure of relevance of a document to a user's information need is that of user.

» centrado en el clientecustomer-centred [customer-centered, USA] .

Example: The overall trend for the future is one of a customer-centred vendor community working as part of a team with librarians.

» centrado en el conocimientoknowledge-centric .

Example: The article is entitled 'Building knowledge centric government'.

» centrado en el estudiantestudent-centred [Método de enseñanza que da prioridad al aprendizaje individual por parte del alumno más que a la enseñanza única impartida por el profesor] .

Example: A student-centred model is recommended, which implies independent or self-study under the direct supervision of the lecturer, under whose guidance the student learns at his/her own pace.

» centrado en el hombrehuman-centred [human-centered, -USA]anthropocentric .

Example: The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.

Example: These workplaces comprise a technocentric perspective and do not truly represent an anthropocentric route of information technology.

» centrado en el material impresoprint-centred [print-centered, -USA] .

Example: Many libraries have certainly been transformed over the past decade from being print-centered 'places' to also providing web-based content and services to users who may never enter the building.

» centrado en el niñochild-centred [child-centered, -USA] .

Example: All these passages are raked together into a kind of anthological ragbag which passes for 'research,' for a 'child-centered learning situation'.

» centrado en el objetoartefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA] .

Example: The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.

» centrado en el ser humanoanthropocentric .

Example: These workplaces comprise a technocentric perspective and do not truly represent an anthropocentric route of information technology.

» centrado en el servicioservice-focused .

Example: The public library must be service-focused, developing services that meet user's needs and delivering them where they will be most effective.

» centrado en el usuariocustomer-focuseduser-focuseduser-centred [user-centered, -USA] .

Example: The customer-focused service provided by libraries makes them ideal candidates.

Example: The CBC has just revamped their site so it's more user-focused.

Example: This would involve a more user-centred library, based on McClellan's principles of 'service in depth'.

» centrado en la coleccióncollection-centredcollection-based .

Example: There are many ways to measure collection quality of which collection-centred measures are the most common = Existen muchas maneras de medir la calidad de la colección de las cuales las medidas centradas en la propia colección son las más comunes.

Example: The author presents recommendations for moving forward the development of a national preservation surrogacy strategy in line with other collection-based initiatives.

» centrado en las imágenesimage intensive .

Example: Unlike text-based digital libraries, image intensive digital libraries have inherent problems of slow downloading and unloading.

» centrado en la tecnologíatechnology-centred [technology-centered, -USA]technocentric .

Example: The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.

Example: These workplaces comprise a technocentric perspective and do not truly represent an anthropocentric route of information technology.

» centrado en la webWeb-centric .

Example: The author presents the obstacles and difficulties faced in making real video, Web-centric, network Java applications.

» centrado en los valoresvalue-driven .

Example: Assessment of these implications and their probable outcomes is unavoidably value-driven.

» centrado en uno mismoself-focusingself-focused .

Example: We can all do the same for each other provided we have discovered how to talk in a way that gets beyond the self-focusing use of literature.

Example: In either case we are making use of the book for our own ends: our reading has become self-focused.

» centrado en un tema específicotopic-centred .

Example: Special libraries and information centres tend to develop smaller, more topic-centred collections.

» centrado específicamente ennarrowly focused in/on .

Example: The typical botany library in this sample is small, narrowly focused in its collection, attached to a botanical garden and staffed by part-time or one full-time librarian.

centrar = centre [center, -USA]. 

Example: In 1956, research from the United States confirmed this: 'Reference in the small library is evidently centred in the circulation department'.


» centrándose enwith a focus on .

Example: The materials were developed with a focus on Uganda and are being used and adapted in other countries as well.

» centrar la atenciónfix + Posesivo + attentionfocus + attention .

Example: Our reading may fix all its attention on this element, in which case, as many readers do, we concentrate on the what-happens-next part of the narrative.

Example: Much attention was focused specifically on the cataloguing and organisation of nonbook materials in the early 1970s.

» centrar la atención entrain + a spotlight onput + a spotlight onspotlight + fall onspotlight + focus onthrow + a/the spotlight on .

Example: A study of the local newspapers can be used to train a spotlight, so to speak, on a local community.

Example: The article 'Electronic security has put a spotlight on theft' concludes that electronic theft detection systems are the single most effective deterrent to library material loss.

Example: As analysis allows the spotlight to fall on those portions of the community that are unserved, an imperative next step involves outreach efforts that are specifically targetted to those groups.

Example: When a framework of marketing is established to guide the planning process, the spotlight becomes focussed on the client = Cuando el marketing actúa de guía del proceso de planificación, la atención se centra en el cliente.

Example: The media's job is to throw the spotlight on what is of interest to the public.

» centrarsefocus [Pasado y Participio Presente: focussed/focused y focussing/focusing] .

Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...

» centrarse encentre around/on/uponconcentrate on/uponfocus on/upontargetzero in onrevolve aroundhome in onpull off on .

Example: The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.

Example: Let me first concentrate upon the broader of the two issues: the profession itself.

Example: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.

Example: Four major approaches to art historical scholarship are defined and the iconographical approach is targeted.

Example: 'Can we zero in on the suggestion made earlier that we start some kind of a program for the 'gifted and talented' at the library?', the director asked.

Example: Ordinarily the training of staff revolves around specific library procedures, but the location and use of various reference tools are sometimes the subject of special tours and briefings.

Example: This article discusses the organisations that develop standards in information management and homes in on the US national bodies central to many of the international standards.

Example: AltaVista pulls off significantly more on obscure or specialist subjects than rivals like InfoSeek and Excite.

» centrarse sobrefocus on/upontarget .

Example: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.

Example: Four major approaches to art historical scholarship are defined and the iconographical approach is targeted.

» centrar una discusiónfocus + a discussion .

Example: This discussion focused on the activities of Frank Gillie, who has recently been sent to jail for getting libraries to pay substantial sums for multi-volume works which he could not provide.

» debate + centrarse sobredebate + centre around/on/upon .

Example: Much of the debate is centred on maintaining and up-dating information files of local organizations.

» diversificarse y no centrarse únicamente enbranch out from .

Example: Publishers need to branch out from paper and microfilm materials.

» interés + centrarse eninterest + lie with .

Example: Our interest has lain with indexing practices rather than with search procedures.

» volver a centrarse enrefocus on .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

Centrado synonyms

central in spanish: central, pronunciation: sentrəl part of speech: adjective, noun focused in spanish: enfocado, pronunciation: foʊkəst part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective centred in spanish: centrado, pronunciation: sentɜrd part of speech: adjective centralized in spanish: centralizado, pronunciation: sentrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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