Celo in english


pronunciation: zil part of speech: noun
In gestures

celo = rutting ; oestrus [estrus, -USA] ; rut. 

Example: During rutting, the temperament of the animal changes to a more aggressive and less tractable nature.Example: Female guinea pigs come into oestrus (commonly called being 'on heat') and are receptive to males every 15-17 days.Example: There are peaks in deer traffic accidents during the rut in the autumn and after fawning in the spring.


» entrar en celobe in rutbe in heatbe on heatbe in season .

Example: When the male is in rut he loses his ordinary sense of caution.

Example: It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.

Example: Female guinea pigs come into oestrus (commonly called being 'on heat') and are receptive to males every 15-17 days.

Example: The only reason I noticed that she was in season was because she had a blood stain on her white tail.

» época del celoruttingrutting seasonmating season .

Example: During rutting, the temperament of the animal changes to a more aggressive and less tractable nature.

Example: During the rutting season, they are used to fend off other males in an attempt to gather a harem of females to breed with.

Example: Mating season begins, with males of most species using special mating calls to attract females, which can include purrs, clicks, and buzzing.

» estar en celobe on heatbe in heatbe in rutbe in season .

Example: Female guinea pigs come into oestrus (commonly called being 'on heat') and are receptive to males every 15-17 days.

Example: It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.

Example: When the male is in rut he loses his ordinary sense of caution.

Example: The only reason I noticed that she was in season was because she had a blood stain on her white tail.

» llamada de animal en celorutting call .

Example: The authors further explain that the rutting calls appear to be understood by rival males as an indicator of the caller's fighting ability.

Celo synonyms

ardor in spanish: ardor, pronunciation: ɑrdɜr part of speech: noun elan in spanish: vivacidad, pronunciation: ilən part of speech: noun ardour in spanish: ardor, pronunciation: ɑrdɔr part of speech: noun
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