Ceguera in english


pronunciation: blaɪndnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

ceguera = blindness. 

Example: There may be a number of factors to account for such blindness = There may be a number of factors to account for such blindness.


» ceguera de ríoriver-blindness [Enfermedad científicamente conocida como oncocerciasis] .

Example: This study attempts to identify the journals publishing articles on onchocerciasis -- a disease also known as river-blindness occurring in tropical Africa and Latin America.

» personas con ceguera parcialpartially-sighted .

Example: More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.

Ceguera synonyms

cecity in spanish: cecity, pronunciation: sesəti part of speech: noun sightlessness in spanish: ceguera, pronunciation: saɪtləsnəs part of speech: noun
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