Casual in english


pronunciation: kæʒəwəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

casual = incidental ; unintended ; fortuitous ; serendipitous ; accidental. 

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically represent incidental findings (e.g. properties, side-effects, important inconsistencies in arguments or deductions, newly discovered data sources).Example: However, membership of the European Community means that UK bussinesses are increasingly vulverable to NTBs, deliberate or unintended, which are determined on a Community basis.Example: A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.Example: The help given by libraries to children can be formal, informal or serendipitous.Example: The user is liable for any accidental or unintentional transmission.


» de un modo casualin a by-the-way fashion .

Example: A few minutes spent with teacher and pupils talking about books conversationally in a by-the-way fashion serves the double purpose of preparing the right set of mind for reading while at the same time attracting attention to books that might be enjoyed.

» encuentro casualchance meetingchance encounter .

Example: There are chance meetings with strangers that interest us from the first moment, before a word is spoken.

Example: Chance encounters play a prominent role in shaping the course of human lives.

» hecho casualcoincidencechance happening .

Example: This coincidence between indexing and user approach is known as user warrant: in other words the indexing system must be tailored to the needs of the users of the index.

Example: Luck also called fortuity is a chance happening, or that which happens beyond a persons control.

» pantalones casualeskhakis .

Example: Men have an easy time deciding how to dress for this event because all they have to do is choose khakis over dress slacks and leave off the tie they would wear during the week.

» vestir de manera casualdress + casually .

Example: Dress casually when pregnant by wearing breathable fabrics, bright colors, pants with adjustable waistbands.

Casual synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective chance in spanish: oportunidad, pronunciation: tʃæns part of speech: noun easy in spanish: fácil, pronunciation: izi part of speech: adjective perfunctory in spanish: superficial, pronunciation: pɜrfʌŋktɜri part of speech: adjective familiar in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: fəmɪljɜr part of speech: adjective everyday in spanish: todos los días, pronunciation: evrideɪ part of speech: adjective cursory in spanish: superficial, pronunciation: kɜrsɜri part of speech: adjective nonchalant in spanish: despreocupado, pronunciation: nɑnʃəlɑnt part of speech: adjective insouciant in spanish: insouciante, pronunciation: ɪnsusjənt part of speech: adjective irregular in spanish: irregular, pronunciation: ɪregjəlɜr part of speech: adjective careless in spanish: descuidado, pronunciation: kerləs part of speech: adjective occasional in spanish: ocasional, pronunciation: əkeɪʒənəl part of speech: adjective passing in spanish: paso, pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun informal in spanish: informal, pronunciation: ɪnfɔrməl part of speech: adjective accidental in spanish: accidental, pronunciation: æksədentəl part of speech: adjective effortless in spanish: fácil, pronunciation: efɜrtləs part of speech: adjective unconcerned in spanish: despreocupado, pronunciation: ənkənsɜrnd part of speech: adjective unplanned in spanish: no planeado, pronunciation: ənplænd part of speech: adjective fooling in spanish: engañando, pronunciation: fulɪŋ part of speech: adjective free-and-easy in spanish: gratis y facil, pronunciation: friændhisi part of speech: adjective
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