Castidad in english


pronunciation: tʃæstəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

castidad = chastity. 

Example: What Anselmo maintains on matter of clergy's celibacy, sin of sodomy, monk's and nun's vows of chastity, and about the marriage shows nevertheless that he was not a despiser of the human being.


» cinturón de castidadchastity belt .

Example: Chastity belts were once the scourge of women -- locked into mechanical devices to allow their husbands or fathers to feel secure of their virtue.

» hacer voto de castidadtake + a vow of chastity .

Example: Vows of chastity can also be taken by laypersons as a voluntary act of devotion.

» voto de castidadvow of chastity .

Example: Some religious in addition to the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience make other vows such as special obedience to the Pope.

Castidad synonyms

virtue in spanish: virtud, pronunciation: vɜrtʃu part of speech: noun celibacy in spanish: celibato, pronunciation: seləbəsi part of speech: noun sexual morality in spanish: moralidad sexual, pronunciation: sekʃuəlmɜræləti part of speech: noun sexual abstention in spanish: abstención sexual, pronunciation: sekʃuələbstentʃən part of speech: noun
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