Caso in english


pronunciation: keɪs part of speech: noun
In gestures

casar = match up. 

Example: A few universities are even using social media to match up roommates in advance.


» antes que te cases, mira lo que haceslook before you leap .

Example: If you are ready to tackle this task, then go for it, but look before you leap!.

» casar bienfit in + well .

Example: The one-one-one relationship between librarian and client fits in well with this vision of unique individuality.

» casar conjibe with .

Example: That simply doesn't jibe with sociological and psychological facts since most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader = Eso simplemente no cuadra con los factores sociológicos y sicológicos pues la mayoría de la gente desea, y necesita, una figura paterna idealizada como líder.

» casarse (con)marry (to) .

Example: The aim is to write about her work in Sweden until she married and moved to Denmark.

» casarsetie + the knotwalk down + the aisleget + marriedexchange + Posesivo + vowsenter into + marriage .

Example: According to their friends, the couple made a spur-of-the-moment decision to tie the knot during a holiday = Según sus amigos, la pareja tomó la decisión de casarse de improviso durante las vacaciones.

Example: Walking down the aisle signifies the beginning of your new life, so celebrate your wedding with a king-size cake.

Example: This woman would like to get married some day without her nubility reputation getting dragged through the mud any further.

Example: They have been mum about their wedding plans, including when and where they will exchange their vows.

Example: If I am currently in a civil union and wish to enter into marriage, do I have to dissolve my civil union prior to entering into marriage?.

» casarse con alguien de dineromarry into + moneymarry + a fortunemarry + money .

Example: But in reality, those invited either want to mingle with 'the cream of society' or make sure their children marry into money.

Example: She was in trouble and wanted to marry a fortune and save the whole family -- as sly as a fox.

Example: The premise of the show is that gold diggers would do anything to marry money.

» casarse con Alguien de una una clase/posición social superiormarry + Nombre + above + Posesivo + station .

Example: He managed to marry a woman slightly above his station , though she reminded him of that as often as she could = Él se las ingenió para casarse con una mujer de una clase social ligeramente superior, aunque ella se lo recordaba tan a menudo como podía.

» casarse con Alguien por el dineromarry + Nombre + for money .

Example: She married him for money and I don't think she will ever divorce him.

» casarse con alguien ricomarry into + moneymarry + a fortunemarry + money .

Example: But in reality, those invited either want to mingle with 'the cream of society' or make sure their children marry into money.

Example: She was in trouble and wanted to marry a fortune and save the whole family -- as sly as a fox.

Example: The premise of the show is that gold diggers would do anything to marry money.

» casarse con una ideawed to + view .

Example: Also, to become emotionally wedded to a particular view is to eviscerate one's effectiveness in achieving a workable solution.

» casarse por dineromarry + money .

Example: The premise of the show is that gold diggers would do anything to marry money.

» novio a punto de casarsebridegroom .

Example: A bridegroom was killed yesterday by undercover police officers in a hail of 50 bullets as he left his stag party = Un novio a punto de casarse fue acribillado ayer por policías encubiertos con una ráfaga de 50 balas cuando salía de su fiesta de despedida de soltero.

» volver a casarseremarry  .

Example: It was common for printers' widows to take over their husbands' businesses, at least until they remarried.

» volverse a casarremarry  .

Example: It was common for printers' widows to take over their husbands' businesses, at least until they remarried.

caso1 = case ; instance ; case history ; episode ; occurrence. 

Example: Some categories of material defy helpful categorisation, and need to be treated as special cases.Example: In these instances a reference is not only shorter than an added entry, but removes the need to make multiple added entries.Example: The librarian should remember that the literature contains many case histories where failure can be directly traced to neglect of this principle.Example: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.Example: Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.


» aun en el mejor de los casoseven at the very best (of times) .

Example: Having lived abroad in Istanbul and now London, I know a lot about our reputation over here, which even at the very best of times is far from good.

» ayuda en caso de catástrofedisaster relief .

Example: Disaster relief work can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help people in need of your expertise and assistance.

» basado en casos prácticos realescase-based [case based] .

Example: The case-based reasoning approach has some obvious intuitive relevace to IR system design.

» cada caso por separadoon a case-by-case basis .

Example: However, it is our intention to incorporate some changes in new agreements and deal with other matters on a case-by-case basis.

» caso clínicoclinical case .

Example: The physicians were asked to request some information related to a current clinical case and then to evaluate its impact on the care of their patients.

» caso comercialbusiness case .

Example: In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.

» caso con éxitosuccess story .

Example: There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

» caso de emergenciaemergency case .

Example: Recent research estimates that 10% of emergency cases that reach hospitals is smombies.

» caso de manual, untextbook case, a .

Example: Omarska also provides a textbook case of unlawful confinement, a war crime.

» caso hipotéticohypothetical case .

Example: This article presents a hypothetical case in which a lawyer is crushed to death when a bookcase collapses on him = Este artículo presenta una caso hipotético en el que un abogado murió aplastado al caérsele encima una estantería.

» caso nominativonominative case .

Example: The results of a study of misfiled titles beginning with articles in the nominative case in European languages are listed and discussed.

» caso objetivoobjective case .

Example: A reader or a listener, the descriptive grammarians would argue, would not assume, despite the singular verb and the objective case pronouns, that Mary was the subject, rather than the object, of the sentence.

» caso perdidoa basket case .

Example: They are seen as basket cases, 'damaged goods', the vulnerable children of the world who need the help and protection of the UN, NGOs and armies of therapists from the West.

» caso prácticocase study [Enseñanza o aprendizaje de un tema a través del estudio de casos prácticos o reales]casepractical case .

Example: It is now time to turn to a case study, and this section is devoted to one indexing system in rather more depth.

Example: Cases provide 'realistic' educational experiences for students beginning their study of business administration.

Example: The author shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.

» caso realcase study [Enseñanza o aprendizaje de un tema a través del estudio de casos prácticos o reales] .

Example: It is now time to turn to a case study, and this section is devoted to one indexing system in rather more depth.

» casoscaseworkcase scenarios .

Example: The Consumer Protection Department's inspectors were already working to capacity and did not want actively to encourage more casework = Los inspectores del Departamento de Protección al Consumidor ya estaban saturados de trabajo y no querían propiciar nuevos casos.

Example: This paper describes how to use case scenarios as a method to train hospital staff on how and when to use electronic resources.

» casos prácticosbest practices .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

» caso teóricotheoretical case .

Example: A theoretical case is therefore made concerning the inertial impact of culture on IT implementation.

» caso tristesad story .

Example: If nothing else, the sad story of Dialog and the American Chemical Society may serve to chart the waters a little better for other organisations in the field.

» como en el caso deas withjust as foras in the case of .

Example: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.

Example: The first line contains the volume, issue, cover date, number of copies, and the date received, just as for regular issues.

Example: Such documents are often not, strictly speaking, anonymous but, because they are written by several authors or appear at intervals over an indefinite period of time as in the case of periodicals and directories they tend to be known by their titles.

» como es el caso deas it is withas with .

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.

Example: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.

» como ocurre en estos casosas is the way with these things .

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» como + ocurrir + en el caso deas + be + the case for .

Example: Some library material may be not be borrowed at all, as is the case for undergraduates who wish to borrow reference material.

» como siempre era el casoas was always the case .

Example: By the time Dan returned, everything was once again back to normal, as was always the case.

» como siempre es el casoas is always the case .

Example: As is always the case in life, from these challenges came great lessons.

» como siempre había sido el casoas had always been the case .

Example: The sun rose and set; the tides ebbed and flowed; the seasons followed each other in the usual order; one generation succeeded another, as had always been the case.

» como siempre ha sido el casoas has always been the case .

Example: However, as has always been the case, the desire for power won over the desire for peace.

» como siempre será el casoas will always be the case .

Example: I know that parts of this process have been characterized by tension -- as will always be the case in a political process.

» cuando sea el casowhen applicable .

Example: When applicable, local and national sales/purchase taxes [e.g. Value Added Tax (VAT)] are included = Cuando proceda, se incluyen los impuestos locales y nacionales por las ventas/compras [por ejemplo, Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA)].

» darse el caso que + Indicativohappen to + Infinitivochance to + Infinitivo .

Example: So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'.

Example: During a trip to Italy, he chanced to see a production of Cavalleria = Durante un viaje que hizo a Italia, de casualidad vió una producción de Cavalleria.

» defender + Posesivo + casotake up + Posesivo + case .

Example: NACs see their role as champions of the inarticulate by either taking up their case or providing groups with the information weaponry to campaign for their rights.

» de nuevo en este casohere again .

Example: Here again the documents of the subject area, such as periodical articles and research reports, will provide the terms to be included in the language.

» en algunos casosin some cases .

Example: While this is undoubtedly true in some cases, this is a situation which can only improve with time.

» en ambos casosin either casein either instancein both instances .

Example: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.

Example: In either instance, tax collectors are responsible for insuring that all property taxes due the municipality are collected.

Example: In both instances, we immediately advanced them the money they needed to get back on a sure footing.

» en aquellos casosin those cases .

Example: In those cases different approaches were taken to identify and verify data file structures and to reconstruct missing documentation.

» en aquellos casos en los quein those cases where .

Example: A similar explanation must be given in those cases where the librarian believes as a matter of principle that enquirers should be shown how to find the answers to their own questions.

» en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + controlin the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control .

Example: We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

» en caso de emergenciain an emergency situationin an emergency .

Example: In an emergency situation when someone is ill, sometimes the best help available will come from librarians who are able to work only part time.

Example: In an emergency, good information about the building is second in importance only to good judgment.

» en caso de fuerza mayorin the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control .

Example: We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

» en caso de necesidadat a pushat a pinchin a pinchin a bindin a (tight) spotin a (tight) corner .

Example: A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.

Example: They produce anything between 9 to 10 millions barrel per day and at a pinch could throw a couple millions more on the market.

Example: These can be good in a pinch, but with the smallest amount of preparation, you can make your own tea infusions for a fraction of that price.

Example: With Wade in traction and Merle having just had her baby three days ago, we're really in a bind.

Example: She is of the view that the Russian president is definitely in a tight spot -- Russia is overstretching itself with expensive military ventures and incresingly isolating itself.

Example: 93 per cent of people surveyed say they have little or no faith in a elected representative to tell the truth if in a tight corner.

» en caso extremoin extremis .

Example: A collapse in house prices can lead to bankruptcies, defaults on loans and, in extremis, the need for the banking system to be bailed-out by the government.

» en caso necesarioin a predicament .

Example: Perhaps the unsettling that is experienced in a predicament is because these situations create an opening for messy emotional responses that draw on feelings.

» en casos rarosin rare cases .

Example: The irate patron stance is characterised by very erect posture, an angry facial expression, sustained eye contact, dilated pupils, emphatic head nods, and in rare cases, clenched fists.

» en ciertos casosin certain cases .

Example: Previous investigation has shown that in certain cases of infantilism the amount of nitrogen in the urine is low.

» en cualquier casofor that matterin any eventin any casein either case .

Example: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.

Example: In any event, those using the system will need to concern themselves with the general management of the data bases.

Example: In any case it is best to split up the work among all those involved, having an adult in charge of each group.

Example: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.

» en cuyo casoin which case .

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

» en el caso contrariootherwise .

Example: Initials, even when used consistently, are never to be employed as headings; when they are used consistently, the name for which the initials stand must be chosen (if it can be discovered), otherwise entry must be made under title.

» en el caso deforin association within the context of .

Example: For newly created authority entries the date recorded is the date the entry was created.

Example: Notices conveying, for example, the essential elements of the catalogue are likely to be especially important in association with microfilm or card catalogues.

Example: The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.

» en (el) caso de (que)in the case ofin the event ofin the event thatshouldin case ofin case .

Example: The same thing happended in the case of the British refusal to go along with the American compromises in the last revision.

Example: In the event of a serious accident (a fire, deliberate destruction, or a computer error) nothing will happen to the records vital to the operation of the library.

Example: This is helpful in the event that it may be necessary to modify those entries as the result of a change to the authority heading.

Example: Should they have misjudged the availability of such a source, they can anticipate alternate approaches.

Example: The induction course will give all the necessary employment details relating to such matters as the amount of leave entitlement, insurance stoppages, what to do in case of sickness, etc..

Example: There are six steps that you should take now to be prepared in case your child might someday be missing.

» en el caso poco probable de quein the unlikely case (that) .

Example: In the unlikely case you do not receive the issue in 14-21 days, please submit a second claim.

» en el improbable caso de quein the unlikely case (that) .

Example: In the unlikely case you do not receive the issue in 14-21 days, please submit a second claim.

» en el mejor de los casosat bestat most [También at the most]ideallyin the best of circumstancesthe best case scenarioat the most [También at most]at the best of timesat the very best .

Example: Facet analysis in UDC is, at best, inconsistent.

Example: The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.

Example: Ideally we would like both to maximise recall, or the number of relevant documents retrieved, at the same time ensuring that the documents retrieved all remain relevant.

Example: Virtually all SLIS have fewer staff than five years ago -- one or two fewer in the best of circumstances and ten or fifteen in the worst.

Example: The best case scenario predicts at least 4 emerging roles for librarians in school library media centres.

Example: The chemical systems described must be based on a small number of elements and composed of molecules having 8 atoms at the most.

Example: Finding books by subject in large libraries is a difficult task at the best of times.

Example: You only had to read the article to see that this was pure fabrication at the very best.

» en el peor de los casosat worstin the worst of circumstancesat + Posesivo + very worstthe worst case scenarioat + Posesivo + worstin the worst caseif (the) worst comes to (the) worstif (the) worse comes to (the) worst .

Example: Further changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.

Example: The lack of accessibility through normal channels does cause problems to librarians which can in the worst of circumstances make it seem as if the report is, indeed, unpublished.

Example: At its very worst writing for a market can be pure 'hack' writing for money only, but in the world of books such an over-simplification can be misleading.

Example: The worst case scenario suggests that library and information services may be replaced by electronic information points analogous to the electronic cash points installed at banks.

Example: This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.

Example: Theoretical results demonstrate that planning is in the worst case intractable.

Example: If the worst comes to the worst and you are attacked, try to escape rather than fight back, especially if you believe that your assailant may be armed.

Example: If worse comes to worst, you can always see if your employer may be amenable this time to giving you a cash advance.

» en el primer casoin the former case .

Example: In the former case, the layout of the text is adjusted to leave room for the graphics.

» en el segundo casoin the latter case .

Example: In the latter case a classified arrangement of subjects is also considered an important starting point in searching.

» en el último casoin the latter case .

Example: In the latter case a classified arrangement of subjects is also considered an important starting point in searching.

» en ese casoin that case .

Example: In that case it is, at its level, both a commercial and artistic success, since the publishers do not expect every book to be a runaway bestseller.

» en esos casosin those cases .

Example: In those cases different approaches were taken to identify and verify data file structures and to reconstruct missing documentation.

» en este casoin this casein this instance .

Example: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.

Example: In this instance, she worked successfully for years while taking her prescription medication, but they simply rejected her out of hand.

» en este caso en particularin this particular case .

Example: In this particular case, the district has 27 school libraries and 49 kindergarten libraries.

» en estos casosin these cases .

Example: The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.

» en la mayoría de los casosmost oftenin most casesin the majority of casesmostlyunder most circumstancesin most situationsin most instances .

Example: Most often a classroom or other existing space is converted into a library, with all the limitations that implies.

Example: The classification number stands on its own to the upper left of the card and this will probably be acceptable in most cases.

Example: In the majority of cases, attitudinal distinctions were associated with failures of communication.

Example: Mostly such new schemes will not be general schemes.

Example: Under most circumstances disasters happen quickly and without much notice.

Example: Bleeding as a result of a minor head wound can also be treated at home in most situations.

Example: In most instances, the next of kin is responsible for arranging the funeral of the deceased, for example: spouse, child, parent, legal partner or sibling.

» en los casos en quewhere .

Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.

» en muchos casosin many instances .

Example: To make the best use of resources school and public libraries have, in many instances, combined with both positive and negative results.

» en raros casosin rare cases .

Example: The irate patron stance is characterised by very erect posture, an angry facial expression, sustained eye contact, dilated pupils, emphatic head nods, and in rare cases, clenched fists.

» enseñanza a través del estudio de casoscase-teaching .

Example: As another case-teaching veteran, Andrew R. Towl, advises, they should remember that 'the ordering of cases is a pedagogical sequence, not necessarily the same as the logical exposition of the subject'.

» en todo casoif anything .

Example: If anything, it interposes an additional link in the communication chain, with its attendant 'interface' problems.

» en todos los casosunder all circumstances .

Example: Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.

» en (un) caso de apuroin a bindin a pinchin a predicamentat a pushat a pinchin a (tight) spotin a (tight) corner .

Example: With Wade in traction and Merle having just had her baby three days ago, we're really in a bind.

Example: These can be good in a pinch, but with the smallest amount of preparation, you can make your own tea infusions for a fraction of that price.

Example: Perhaps the unsettling that is experienced in a predicament is because these situations create an opening for messy emotional responses that draw on feelings.

Example: A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.

Example: They produce anything between 9 to 10 millions barrel per day and at a pinch could throw a couple millions more on the market.

Example: She is of the view that the Russian president is definitely in a tight spot -- Russia is overstretching itself with expensive military ventures and incresingly isolating itself.

Example: 93 per cent of people surveyed say they have little or no faith in a elected representative to tell the truth if in a tight corner.

» en unos pocos casosin a few cases .

Example: In a few cases, exposure to chicken faeces in an area frequented by free-ranging poultry is thought to have been the source of infection.

» escritor de casos prácticoscase writer [case-writer] .

Example: Case-writers are the students' proxies on the scene.

» éste es también el caso dethe same is true (for/of/with) .

Example: The same is true for most automated library systems = Éste es también el caso de la mayoría de los sistemas bibliotecarios automatizados.

» éste no es el caso ennot so in .

Example: Not so in medicine, where if you are wrong good intentions count for almost nothing.

» esto no ocurre en el caso dethe same is not true (for/of/with) .

Example: The same is not true, of course, of the humanities or social sciences, where the method is less likely to be successful.

» estudio de casocase study [Enseñanza o aprendizaje de un tema a través del estudio de casos prácticos o reales] .

Example: It is now time to turn to a case study, and this section is devoted to one indexing system in rather more depth.

» excepto en el caso de queexcept when .

Example: There is therefore no justification for repeating the author's name except when the name in the heading differs significantly from that following the title.

» gestión de casos clínicoscase management .

Example: They then assessed the quality of information received, its contribution to patient care, and its impact on case management.

» gramática de casoscase grammar .

Example: Some methods used for analyzing text are subjective, but many are based on linguistics, especially case grammar.

» hacer casotake + noticelisten (to)love + Nombre + backgive + Nombre + attention .

Example: Successful displays depend on two main ingredients: selection from the vast number of possible titles; and attractive layout, so that people will take notice of the books and want to know more about them.

Example: Only through listening to words in print being spoken does anyone discover their color, their life, their movement and drama.

Example: He's crazy about someone who doesn't love him back.

Example: The only way chippies like her will stop acting so cheap is if men stop giving them attention.

» hacer caso a Alguientake + Posesivo + word for it .

Example: We're also expected to take their word for it, because they're professionals, despite no real evidence.

» hacer caso (a/de)pay + attention to .

Example: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.

» hacer caso omisodisregard [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]brush asidego + unheededfall (up)on + deaf earsmeet + deaf earsthumb + Posesivo + nose atdismiss + Nombre + with the wave of the handfly in + the face ofbe oblivious of/topush + Nombre + asidecast + Nombre + asideclose + Posesivo + ears totune out .

Example: Although the overwhelming majority of technologically-driven programmes disregard information problems and issues, there are encouraging signs of a growing awareness of the need for information-driven.

Example: This paper discusses ways in which library staff become demotivated, including rigid hierarchies, ignoring staff, brushing aside suggestions, and claiming credit for their ideas.

Example: Despite all the evidence of bibliographic progress in the country during the 19th century, the expressed call for a form of national bibliographical control went unheeded.

Example: I realize that our pleas are no doubt continuing to fall on deaf ears at Thomson.

Example: The same argument on the part of librarians met deaf ears.

Example: America is criminalizing those who object to its military plans, and is thumbing its nose at the Geneva Convention.

Example: International 'rules' are often dismissed with the wave of the hand or a snort of contempt one week, and gilded and placed on a pedestal the next.

Example: If a planned activity flies in the face of human nature, its success will be only as great as the non-human factors can ensure.

Example: The advocacy of title entry for serials generally implies an ideology which is oblivious of the aims our catalog was designed to serve.

Example: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.

Example: The poor thing had been cast aside and her paramour had not even endeavoured to fight for her = La pobre había sido rechazada y su amante ni incluso se había esforzado por defenderla.

Example: She closed her ears to fact that Mr. Jackson overdosed.

Example: She's also able to tune out his increasingly direct attacks on her husband's personal indiscretions.

» hacerle caso a Alguiengive + Nombre + the time of day [Generalmente usado en negativo] .

Example: She's incapable of getting a man to give her the time of day, unless she lies, manipulate, connive, blackmail, etc.

» hacer los trámites normales en estos casosdo + the dance .

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» hacer más caso (a/de)pay + more attention topay + greater attention to .

Example: Do you feel your boyfriend is paying more attention to his friends than to you?.

Example: Therefore we ought to pay greater attention to the things that were heard, lest perhaps we drift away.

» haciendo caso omiso deheedless ofin defiance of .

Example: He tells of how he strayed, heedless of advice, from his camp one night and was unable to find his way back.

Example: She uses a variety of means, including magnets, to suspend objects in the air in defiance of the law of gravity.

» incluso en el mejor de los casoseven at the very best (of times) .

Example: Having lived abroad in Istanbul and now London, I know a lot about our reputation over here, which even at the very best of times is far from good.

» investigar un casoinvestigate + case .

Example: Homicide detectives are currently investigating the case and no charges have been filed against her though police have not yet cleared her name.

» la mayoría de los casosmost of the timemore often than not .

Example: Historically the Spanish Civil Service has been a service for the state rather than for the public most of the time.

Example: Access to remote services is more often than not by means of dedicated terminal connections.

» libro de casos prácticoscase book .

Example: Some case books take the approach of multiple exposure: if 1 case is good, then 101 must be better.

» menos en el caso de queexcept when .

Example: There is therefore no justification for repeating the author's name except when the name in the heading differs significantly from that following the title.

» ¡ni hablar del caso!no dice! .

Example: Six weeks before the wedding I said no dice!.

» no es lo mismo en el caso dethe same is not true (for/of/with) .

Example: The same is not true, of course, of the humanities or social sciences, where the method is less likely to be successful.

» no hacer casobrush aside .

Example: This paper discusses ways in which library staff become demotivated, including rigid hierarchies, ignoring staff, brushing aside suggestions, and claiming credit for their ideas.

» no hacer caso aturn + Posesivo + back (up)on .

Example: We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.

» no hacer caso deslight .

Example: Students who slight preclass preparation are a drag on the class; they will not know what is going on and if they speak at all will frequently attempt to wrest the discussion away from the case to more comfortable topics.

» normativa en caso de incendiofire regulations .

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» no ser necesariamente el casobe not necessarily the case .

Example: Many of us assume that more relaxed people live longer, but it's not necessarily the case.

» no ser siempre el casobe not always the case .

Example: Typically we think that water will work to put out a fire, but that is not always the case.

» no venir al casobe immaterialbe beside the pointbe beside the markbe beside the questionbe off-topicbe neither here nor there .

Example: To point out that this question was answered a great many years ago is, as the lawyers say, 'incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial'.

Example: The fact that she chose to dissolve the dance troupe she founded in 1965 is now beside the point.

Example: In this case many of my objections would appear to be beside the mark.

Example: It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better.

Example: Many of the essays submitted were quite good, but received lower scores because they were off-topic.

Example: Whether this was the case is neither here nor there; Nel can choose to resign when he likes and associate with whomever he pleases = De todos modos, si ese fue el caso, da igual; Nel puede decidir dimitir cuando quiera y asociarse con quienquiera que desee.

» para el casofor that matter .

Example: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.

» para que este sea el casofor this to be the case .

Example: For this to be the case requires some standardisation in cataloguing and classifications practices.

» peor caso, elworst case, the .

Example: The author describes the predicament of the new supervisor assuming the worst case, where the individual is not familiar with the department.

» peor de los casos, elworst case, the .

Example: The author describes the predicament of the new supervisor assuming the worst case, where the individual is not familiar with the department.

» pongamos el caso de quefor the sake of + argument .

Example: For the sake of argument, suppose that a title of which twelve copies were held by the library authority was borrowed twelve times per copy a year, this would make only 144 borrowings in a city of over half a million population.

» refutar un casostate + a case against .

Example: The article 'Devastating an industry for a pittance of revenue' states the irrefutable case against taxing books and learned journals.

» relacionado a un caso concretocase-related .

Example: The approach here is designed to build meaning representation with propositional components, from which more or less extensive constituents (predicates and case-related arguments) can be extracted.

» resolver un casocrack + a case .

Example: The case of an arson fire that destroyed a house trailer and motorhome in Forestburg has been finally cracked.

» salvo en el caso desave in the case ofshort of .

Example: However, the rules of 1908 and 1949, on which practically all our catalogs have been based, included no such provision, save in the case of so-called anonymous classics.

Example: After days of contemplating the large number of variables I now believe that a leisure society is inevitable, short of global catastrophe.

» seguir los trámites normales en estos casosdo + the dance .

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» ser el caso (de)be the case (with) .

Example: This has been the case with newspapers which suddenly find that their audiences are both growing older and dwindling in size and they are facing great difficulty appealing to the new electronic generation.

» ser siempre el casobe always the case .

Example: I'm not saying it's always the case, but why do white people usually have worse acne than black people and other races?.

» ser un caso apartebe in a league of + Posesivo + own .

Example: The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.

» ser un caso clásico debe a textbook case of .

Example: She described the teen as a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder.

» ser un caso completamente diferentebe in a league of + Posesivo + own .

Example: The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.

» ser un caso excepcionalbe in a league of + Posesivo + own .

Example: The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.

» ser un caso perdidobe a dead loss .

Example: There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.

» ser un caso típico debe a textbook case of .

Example: She described the teen as a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder.

» si éste es el casoif this is the case .

Example: If this is the case, it may be possible to select a search term and display all the related terms, or go straight ahead and expand our search to include them = Si es así, puede ser posible seleccionar un término de búsqueda y mostrar todos los términos relacionados, o continuar y ampliar nuestra búsqueda de modo que los incluya.

» si éste no es el casoif this is not the case .

Example: If this is not the case, then the definition of requirements may be a more loosely constructed document = Si no es así, entonces la especificación de los requisitos puede ser un documento con menos precisión.

» sin hacer casoregardless  .

Example: What can we do is rethink our query, or we can 'bash on regardless' using the power of the computer to perform lots more searches in the hope that 'something will turn up'.

» suponer que + ser + el casoassume to + be the case .

Example: It is widely assumed to be the case that, in the past century, there has been an ongoing process of dialect levelling in England.

» tú hazme casotake it from me .

Example: 'Take it from me, elections matter,' Gore said = "Créeme, las elecciones importan", dijo Gore.

» un caso perdidoa dead doga dead duck .

Example: For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.

Example: Meritocracy is a dead duck -- a child from a 'modest' background can only go from rags to riches in the sense that a human being can take off if they flap their arms around wildly enough.

caso2 = case ; legal case ; court case. 

Example: Enter a judgement and other judicial decisions of a court in a case under the heading for the court.Example: Prisoners rely on inadequate legal resources in prison law libraries to prepare legal cases to protect their constitutional rights.Example: This article reviews recent copyright court cases involving issues of information access and use.


» caso abiertocold case .

Example: These 'cold cases,' some dating back to the 1960's, lack the critical information or evidence needed to identify or charge a suspect.

» caso célebrecause célèbre [Expresión de origen francés usado en su origen para referirse a un juicio o pleito legal muy comentado por todos] .

Example: The war in Iraq became a 'cause célèbre' for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S..

» caso de asesinatomurder case .

Example: At the age of 90, and in f

Caso synonyms

suit in spanish: traje, pronunciation: sut part of speech: noun, verb character in spanish: personaje, pronunciation: kerɪktɜr part of speech: noun cause in spanish: porque, pronunciation: kɑz part of speech: noun, verb event in spanish: evento, pronunciation: ɪvent part of speech: noun subject in spanish: tema, pronunciation: səbdʒekt part of speech: noun, adjective shell in spanish: cáscara, pronunciation: ʃel part of speech: noun slip in spanish: resbalón, pronunciation: slɪp part of speech: noun, verb eccentric in spanish: excéntrico, pronunciation: ɪksentrɪk part of speech: adjective type in spanish: tipo, pronunciation: taɪp part of speech: noun instance in spanish: ejemplo, pronunciation: ɪnstəns part of speech: noun example in spanish: ejemplo, pronunciation: ɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun showcase in spanish: escaparate, pronunciation: ʃoʊkeɪs part of speech: noun sheath in spanish: vaina, pronunciation: ʃiθ part of speech: noun lawsuit in spanish: demanda judicial, pronunciation: lɔsut part of speech: noun casing in spanish: caja, pronunciation: keɪsɪŋ part of speech: noun encase in spanish: encerrar, pronunciation: enkeɪs part of speech: verb pillowcase in spanish: funda de almohada, pronunciation: pɪloʊkeɪs part of speech: noun causa in spanish: causa, pronunciation: kɔsə part of speech: noun guinea pig in spanish: conejillo de indias, pronunciation: gɪnipɪg part of speech: noun display case in spanish: estuche de muestra, pronunciation: dɪspleɪkeɪs part of speech: noun caseful in spanish: con caso, pronunciation: kæsfəl part of speech: noun grammatical case in spanish: caso gramatical, pronunciation: grəmætəkəlkeɪs part of speech: noun pillow slip in spanish: funda de la almohada, pronunciation: pɪloʊslɪp part of speech: noun
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