Casillero in english


pronunciation: lɑkɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

casillero = mailbox ; pigeonhole [pigeon hole] ; inbox [in-box]. 

Example: Anthony read the handwritten note he found in his mailbox from the principal of the high school at which he had been employed as head of the school media program for one month.Example: If we imagine headings to be a succession of labelled pigeon holes each carrying documents or records of documents then the contents and labels should match.Example: In the beginning, access to research literature of medicine was by-word-of-mouth or by glancing through the journals in one's inbox.


» casillero de entradainbox [in-box] [Espacio que suele existir en las secretarías y en el correo electrónico para colocar los documentos que llegan, mientras que los documentos listos para enviar se colocan en el casillero de salida outbox] .

Example: In the beginning, access to research literature of medicine was by-word-of-mouth or by glancing through the journals in one's inbox.

Casillero synonyms

cabinet in spanish: gabinete, pronunciation: kæbənət part of speech: noun footlocker in spanish: Cajón de los zapatos, pronunciation: fʊtlɑkɜr part of speech: noun storage locker in spanish: Casillero de almacenamiento, pronunciation: stɔrədʒlɑkɜr part of speech: noun
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