Cartabón in english


pronunciation: bevəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

cartabón = protractor. 

Example: This article identifies map reading tools (such as coordinate readers, protractors, dividers, planimeters, and symbol-templates) according to a functional classification = This article identifies map reading tools (such as coordinate readers, protractors, dividers, planimeters, and symbol-templates) according to a functional classification.

Cartabón synonyms

cant in spanish: hipocresía, pronunciation: kænt part of speech: noun chamfer in spanish: chaflán, pronunciation: tʃæmfɜr part of speech: noun camfer in spanish: camre, pronunciation: kæmfɜr inclined in spanish: inclinado, pronunciation: ɪnklaɪnd part of speech: adjective beveled in spanish: biselado, pronunciation: bevəld part of speech: verb, adjective bevel square in spanish: cuadrado biselado, pronunciation: bevəlskwer part of speech: noun
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