Carro in english
pronunciation: kɑr part of speech: noun
carro = trolly ; carriage ; cart ; chariot ; waggon [wagon, -USA] ; trolley.
Example: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.Example: The two formes of the sheet were imposed on the bed of the reciprocating carriage where they were inked by two sets of rollers, one at each end of the frame.Example: The replacement of the horse and cart by the motor truck has improved the transport system.Example: Built for King Frederick William II. in 1788-91 with the Quadriga on top, a four-horse chariot driven by the goddess of Victory, holding the symbols of victory.Example: In San Francisco horse-drawn wagons preceded the cable cars.Example: When you arrive at the check-out desk you have a laden trolley and many more items than on your shopping list.more:
» aguantar carros y carretas = jump through + hoops ; have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre ; have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre ; have + a devil of a time ; go through + a lot ; be through a lot ; have + a shitty time ; have + a rotten time .
Example: The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'. Example: 'Well, Laura, it looks as if you have your work cut out for you!' remarked Lachaise, a knowing smile spreading over her face. Example: Time for a change, but whoever gets in, will sure have their job cut out for them thanks to good old Bush. Example: As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend. Example: These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have. Example: We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault. Example: You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind. Example: I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.» bajarse del carro = get down + Posesivo + high horse ; get off + Posesivo + high horse .
Example: Perhaps they should get down their high horses before they shoot themselves in the foot. Example: If she doesn't get off her high horse, there's little hope that your relationship will make it in the long term.» carro con ruedas = wheeled trolly .
Example: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.» carro de combate = tank .
Example: The 'strategic computing' plan announced by the United States in early 1984 envisages, among others, the use of intelligent robots (for example, to serve as ammunition loaders in tanks, or in unmanned reconnaissance and manipulating devices).» carro de la compra = shopping cart ; shopping trolley .
Example: Features like authentication, shopping carts, portals for specific user-groups, and ILL can easily be added -- perhaps making the digital experience seem virtual. Example: The article 'A cyberspace shopping trolley' discusses the challenges of online bookselling and the worries publishers have about it.» carro de los platos sucios = dirty-dish cart .
Example: She put her empty cup in the dirty-dish cart, and mounted on the wings of a pure and ingenuous elation the long flight of stairs leading to the offices on the first floor.» chupar carro = be just along for the ride .
Example: Accept who you are and the role you play and that 'Like that flea on the elephant' you are just along for the ride = Acepta quien eres y el papel que desempeñas y que "al igual que la pulga sobre el elefante" déjate llevar.» chupar carro de = ride (on) + Posesivo + coattails ; cash in on ; ride on + the back(s) of .
Example: Riding the coattails of Barack Obama, Democrats picked up seven seats held by Republicans in Tuesday's election to match the seven it gained two years ago. Example: At the same time, veteran fiction writers and new authors cashing in on fame from other media continued to rule the lists. Example: The first few (unpatriotic) corporations to outsource production were cutting a fat hog, riding on the backs of third-world laborers.» engancharse al carro = jump on + the bandwagon ; ride + the hype ; catch + the fever ; jump on + the gravy train ; climb on + the gravy train ; climb on + the bandwagon ; get on + the bandwagon ; get on + the gravy train ; ride + the gravy train .
Example: While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture. Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet. Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet. Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train. Example: Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train. Example: Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind. Example: Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs. Example: It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything. Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.» hacer ruedas de carro = cartwheel .
Example: I taught myself to cartwheel when I was 11 years old.» hacer una rueda de carro = do + a cartwheel ; turn + a cartwheel ; perform + a cartwheel .
Example: If you are scared of doing a cartwheel, just know that your brain is thinking of the worst case scenario. Example: She was a lifelong lover of fun, turning a cartwheel on her 50th birthday to prove that she still could. Example: She performed a cartwheel in the ring, then took a victory lap with the American flag on her back.» ¡para el carro! = steady on! .
Example: David Brown shouted '.Steady on, Gerry', but nobody else said anything = David Brown gritó ¡calma!, pero nadie más dijo nada.» parar el carro = hold + Posesivo + horses .
Example: Over the last couple of months, drug companies had been holding their horses in the hope that the new budget would bring them some relief.» retorno de carro = carriage return [En tecnología de la información, la tecla más grande del teclado, situada a la derecha, que el usuario pulsa para indicar el final de una línea o de un párrafo] .
Example: Every record must be separated by a carriage return or a carriage return and a linefeed.» subirse al carro = get on + Posesivo + high horse ; jump on + the bandwagon ; jump on + the gravy train ; climb on + the gravy train ; climb on + the bandwagon ; get on + the bandwagon ; get on + the gravy train ; ride + the gravy train .
Example: They will get on their high horse and ride roughshod over anything that gets in their way. Example: While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture. Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train. Example: Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train. Example: Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind. Example: Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs. Example: It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything. Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.» tirar del carro = pull + Posesivo + (own) weight ; pull together ; lend + a (helping) hand ; put + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel ; set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel ; muck in ; pitch in ; give + Nombre + a (helping) hand .
Example: Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight. Example: She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through. Example: In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well. Example: They've all been putting their shoulder to the wheel and it's paid off. Example: The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe. Example: All our neighbours, relatives, friends, we all mucked in and helped each other -- they were mostly all women because all the men had gone to war. Example: It's up to everyone to pitch in and help those who find themselves lacking the most basic of necessities -- food. Example: It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.