Carga in english


pronunciation: loʊd part of speech: noun
In gestures

carga = burden ; load ; cargo ; freight ; loading ; albatross ; payload. 

Example: In information retrieval applications it was more usual for one organisation to carry most of the burden of development of the system, and then to market it to others.Example: By designing the floors to carry a superimposed live load of 6.5 kN/m2, it is easy to move bookshelves, reader places and other library functions to any part of the building.Example: Today 13 vehicles and 25 staff tour Kent daily, each mobile library carries a cargo of 2,500 books.Example: The figure of the woman carried considerable ideological freight during England's commercial expansion from 1688 to 1730.Example: Each unit moves around an oval track on a continuous chaindrive in sequence, passing on both sides of a loading and unloading point = Each unit moves around an oval track on a continuous chaindrive in sequence, passing on both sides of a loading and unloading point.Example: The sheer margin of the challenger's victory over the incumbent is a sign that the Democratic base is really fired up, and that Bush could be an albatross.Example: The total vehicle weight along with its payload is 12 tons.


» aliviar a Alguien de la carga derelieve + Nombre + of the burden of .

Example: This partially relieves the designer of the burden of hand-coding all the libraries.

» aliviar de una carga arelieve + the burden (on/from) .

Example: The regional network relieves the burden on large research libraries.

» animal de cargapack animal .

Example: His provisions, likewise, were nearly exhausted, while his pack animals were struggling along the defile in his rear exposed to the depredations of the French troops.

» barco de cargabulk cargo ship .

Example: To illustrate how the mechanism works in a realistic domain, the author implements design systems for the deck structure and midship section of bulk cargo ships = Para ilustrar cómo funciona el mecanismo en un entorno real, el autor pone en práctica sistemas de diseño para la estructura de cubierta y la sección de mitad del barco de los navíos de carga.

» batea de carga de una camionetatonneau .

Example: She willfully drove over every rut on the road, scattering us generously over the tonneau.

» caballo de cargashire horseShirepack horse .

Example: The scythe, to me, conjures up a vision of warm summer days and lingering sunsets, straw hats, sackcloth and shire horses.

Example: The use of Shires in the modern age is more widespread than would be imagined.

Example: It's a picture of a man smoking pipe while holding a riding horse and a pack horse by the reins.

» carga axialaxial load .

Example: Tapered roller bearings are particularly designed to carry combined (radial and axial) loads.

» carga biológicabioburden .

Example: Bioburden is defined as the quantitative estimation of the number of viable microorganisms in or on a medical product, device or raw material before sterilization.

» carga de caballeríacavalry charge .

Example: While leading a cavalry charge, he was wounded by a grapeshot that pierced the upper part of his thigh.

» carga de la prueba, laburden of proof, the .

Example: The burden of proof is a key element in dialectic argumentation but turn-taking eventually determines the winner of an argument.

» carga de lavadorawashing loadload of washing .

Example: This washing machine will wash, rinse and spin dry a regular washing load in just 8 minutes, using only 10 gals. of water.

Example: Her only problem with it is that she had a huge family and she needed a bigger drum for handling her loads of washing.

» carga de profundidaddepth-charge .

Example: The words sank like a depth-charge into Jeanne Leforte's consciousness -- she was mortally pierced and her brain was in anarchy.

» carga de trabajoworkload [work load] .

Example: Each of these changes, if we were to deal with them in an adequate manner, create severe workload problems for the cataloging department.

» carga docenteteaching responsibilities .

Example: Most courses are aught by Penn State University faculty as part of their regular teaching responsibilities.

» carga eléctricaelectrical charge .

Example: Computers don't have it in for him, they just can't tolerate his electrical charge.

» carga emocionalemotional baggage .

Example: This statement highlights the emotional baggage that all too frequently accompanies decision-making.

» carga excesivaoverload  .

Example: Overload occurs when individuals cannot feasibly meet the demands made upon them.

» carga explosivaexplosive charge .

Example: In one of the attacks, two explosive charges destroyed the external wall of the church and created a wave of panic among children and nuns.

» carga familiardependent [Persona que depende de otra. A veces escrito dependant] .

Example: This project did not attempt to look at more personal factors such as partners and dependents on this occasion.

» carga o descarga mediante barcazalighterage .

Example: Lighterage is about loading or unloading ships using lighters that can form a sort of ad-hoc ramp or shuttle from ships at anchor.

» carga que se lleva a cuestasmillstone around + Posesivo + neck .

Example: Like a millstone around our necks, the scandal, year after endless year, drags us all down with it.

» carga radialradial load .

Example: Tapered roller bearings are particularly designed to carry combined (radial and axial) loads.

» cargasfiller  .

Example: Absorbency is the property in paper which permits a sheet to take in the liquids it contacts, the amount of which depends on the fillers and sizing introduced during the manufacturing process.

» con carga por delantefront-loaded .

Example: It is faster to wash your clothes with a top-loaded model than with the front-loaded version.

» con carga por detrásrear-loaded .

Example: Commercial premises are either front loaded, with parking from the street with a side drive (sometimes shared), or rear loaded from an alley.

» con una carga negativanegatively charged .

Example: When electric charges move, they form what is called an electric current -- the flow of negatively charged particles through a wire.

» con una carga positivapositively charged .

Example: A chelant, sometimes referred to as a sequestrant, is a specialized molecule designed to bind to positively charged metal ions, most commonly calcium and magnesium.

» culto a la cargacargo cult [Adoración de los productos llevados por el hombre blanco a algunas zonas del pacífico ] .

Example: Sociologists specializing in Melanesian religions say all the cargo cults are based on a mixture of native and Christian beliefs and rituals.

» de carga automáticaself-loading .

Example: It is one of only a handful of hay trailers on the market that is self-loading as well as self-unloading.

» de carga frontalfront-loaded .

Example: It is faster to wash your clothes with a top-loaded model than with the front-loaded version.

» de carga superiortop-loaded .

Example: It is faster to wash your clothes with a top-loaded model than with the front-loaded version.

» de carga traserarear-loaded .

Example: Commercial premises are either front loaded, with parking from the street with a side drive (sometimes shared), or rear loaded from an alley.

» descargaunloading .

Example: Each unit moves around an oval track on a continuous chaindrive in sequence, passing on both sides of a loading and unloading point = Cada unidad se mueve en secuencia alrededor de una pista oval sobre una cadena de tracción continua, pasando a ambos lados de un punto de carga y descarga.

» exceso de cargaoverload  .

Example: Overload occurs when individuals cannot feasibly meet the demands made upon them.

» imponer una cargaplace + burden .

Example: This article discusses the out-of-control situation of federal paperwork and the consequent burdens it places on the US public and business sector.

» muelle de cargaloading dockloading bay .

Example: Trucks started pulling up every hour, day and night, to the library's loading dock and depositing heaps of unordered and unwanted books.

Example: Archaeological work in advance of construction of a new loading bay has provided important evidence regarding development of the north bank of the city.

» mulo de cargaworkhorse .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Catalog editing with Carlyle's 'CATIE': a thoroughbred or a workhorse?'.

» navío de cargabulk cargo ship .

Example: To illustrate how the mechanism works in a realistic domain, the author implements design systems for the deck structure and midship section of bulk cargo ships = Para ilustrar cómo funciona el mecanismo en un entorno real, el autor pone en práctica sistemas de diseño para la estructura de cubierta y la sección de mitad del barco de los navíos de carga.

» potencial de cargaloadability .

Example: Its effect on improving voltage stability, loadability limit and reducing power losses have been studied under normal as well as contingency conditions.

» realizar una carga en calienteexecute + a warm boot [En informática, utilización de información de cierre de sistema en el siguiente arranque] .

Example: The program automatically swaps CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and executes a warm boot in one step.

» repartir la cargaspread + the load .

Example: Will the increase in demand I foresee be met by market forces, the load being spread amongst as large a number of suppliers as the market will support?.

» tiempo de cargaloading time .

Example: She believes restrictions imposed by library management, such as logo requirements and a limit on loading time, curtail the creativity of teenagers  = Piensa que las restricciones impuestas por la dirección, como por ejemplo que aparezca el lototipo de la biblioteca y la limitación del tiempo de carga de las páginas, coharta la creatividad de los adolescentes.

» trayecto sin viajeros o cargadeadhead [Usado en aviación] .

Example: A deadhead is a flight segment an aircraft must fly in order to get into position with no passengers on board.

» zona de cargaloading dockloading bay .

Example: Trucks started pulling up every hour, day and night, to the library's loading dock and depositing heaps of unordered and unwanted books.

Example: Archaeological work in advance of construction of a new loading bay has provided important evidence regarding development of the north bank of the city.

cargar = encumber ; upload ; load ; burden ; debit ; charge. 

Example: If the copy price is entered, the system will encumber the appropriate binding fund.Example: Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.Example: This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.Example: Libraries that aren't burdened by millions of volumes do not need subject heading lists prepared for million-volume libraries.Example: An acquisitions file is intended to indicate the status of each title on order, together with information on its ordering (supplier, date etc., for whom it was ordered, and the heading or budget to which the cost is to be debited).Example: Each donkey drawn cart is provided with a solar unit installed on the roof; a battery charged by this solar energy supplies the electric power.


» acabar cargando con Algowind up with + Nombre .

Example: 'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.

» cargar consaddle with .

Example: As information incumbents, large academic libraries are saddled with legacy assets, such as huge stores of books, public service systems, acquisitions, cataloguing, and bricks and mortar.

» cargar con ellolive with it .

Example: For my part, it is a presidential valediction and I have only a couple of hours in which to live with it.

» cargar con el mochueloleave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the rappass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the fall for + Nombretake + the heatpick up + the piecescarry + the can .

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: The standards of education in the UK are woefully low leaving employers to often pick up the pieces.

Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.

» cargar con el muertoleave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the rappass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]carry + the canpick up + the piecestake + the heattake + the fall for + Nombre .

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.

Example: The standards of education in the UK are woefully low leaving employers to often pick up the pieces.

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.

» cargar con la culpatake + the heattake + the rap .

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

» cargar con la responsabilidadshoulder + the burdenshoulder + the responsibility .

Example: Reference librarians should not feel obliged to shoulder the whole burden of treating a common human ailment.

Example: He resents the lack of opportunities to apply his knowledge and skills and to shoulder the responsibility for results.

» cargar con las consecuenciasbear + the consequenceslive with + the consequences .

Example: It never did me any harm, it just taught me to bear the consequences of my actions and the effects they had on others.

Example: Others have not been so fortunate and have had to live with the consequences.

» cargar con muchos años sobre los hombrosbe full of years .

Example: Jacob is old and full of years = Jacob es viejo y carga con muchos años sobre sus hombros.

» cargar de electricidadcharge with + electricity .

Example: A rubber blanket or hinged lid covers the document to cut out extraneous light and then, at the push of a button, paper is fed into the machine and charged with electricity.

» cargar de nuevorecharge  ; reload  .

Example: With a range of 150 km, the car has been built to recharge to 80 percent of its capacity in under half an hour.

Example: Its major weakness is its inability to update easily and modify records without reloading the entire data base.

» cargar el lavavajillasload + the dishwasher .

Example: At one point, my brother and I were assigned to load the dishwasher as one of our chores.

» cargar informaciónload + information .

Example: This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.

» cargar la culpa alay + the blame onput + the blame onlay + the blame at + Posesivo + door .

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: They should take full responsibility for their own actions and not seek to put the blame on others.

Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.

» cargar la lavadoraload + the washing machine .

Example: To solve this problem, distribute the weight of the clothes evenly when loading the washing machine.

» cargar las tintaspile on + the miserylay it on + thickpile on + the agony .

Example: The recent elections, frequent strikes and airport and aircraft safety issues are some of the problems that have helped pile on the misery on the tourism sector.

Example: When I met him he was laying it on thick with compliments, and I thought it was 'cause he was drinking.

Example: I am trying to avoid anything sad in this book, for surely the world is sad enough at present without my pen piling on the agony.

» cargarle el mochuelo a Alguienpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» cargarle el muerto a Alguienpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» que se carga por la bocamuzzle-loading .

Example: This muzzle-loading rifle has vents cut into the barrel near its muzzle.

» tener que cargar conbe stuck withsaddle withget + stuck with .

Example: If you're trying to reduce the cost of your cataloging, you're stuck with accepting LC, particularly if you're in a library which is acquiring the kinds of materials for which LC is the only cataloging source.

Example: As information incumbents, large academic libraries are saddled with legacy assets, such as huge stores of books, public service systems, acquisitions, cataloguing, and bricks and mortar.

Example: The point to using non-proprietary standards is to make sure that you don't get stuck with content that you are unable to migrate to new formats over time.

» tener que cargar con el peso debe burdened with .

Example: Public libraries not burdened with huge collections need catalogs and a cataloging code that reflect their situation.

» tener que cargar con el peso de la tradiciónbe burdened with + tradition .

Example: The solutions provided by the scientists were often more modern and practical, as they were not burdened with tradition.

» volver a cargarreload  ; recharge  .

Example: Its major weakness is its inability to update easily and modify records without reloading the entire data base.

Example: With a range of 150 km, the car has been built to recharge to 80 percent of its capacity in under half an hour.

Carga synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun burden in spanish: carga, pronunciation: bɜrdən part of speech: noun onus in spanish: carga, pronunciation: oʊnəs part of speech: noun freight in spanish: carga, pronunciation: freɪt part of speech: noun laden in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: leɪdən part of speech: adjective consignment in spanish: envío, pronunciation: kənsaɪnmənt part of speech: noun payload in spanish: carga útil, pronunciation: peɪloʊd part of speech: noun cargo in spanish: carga, pronunciation: kɑrgoʊ part of speech: noun encumbrance in spanish: gravamen, pronunciation: enkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun lode in spanish: veta, pronunciation: loʊd part of speech: noun stow in spanish: estibar, pronunciation: stoʊ part of speech: verb lade in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: leɪd part of speech: verb shipment in spanish: envío, pronunciation: ʃɪpmənt part of speech: noun lading in spanish: flete, pronunciation: leɪdɪŋ part of speech: noun loading in spanish: cargando, pronunciation: loʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun warhead in spanish: cabeza armada, pronunciation: wɔrhed part of speech: noun incumbrance in spanish: incumbencia, pronunciation: ɪnkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun load up in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: loʊdʌp part of speech: verb
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