Carente in english


pronunciation: lækɪŋ part of speech: verb
In gestures



» carente destarved ofdevoid of .

Example: Britain seems on the way to becoming an intellectual and academic backwater, starved of research facilities including libraries.

Example: Further, classification and the network of relationships between subjects can be a fascinating study in itself, even devoid of any applications.

» carente de valorworthless  .

Example: Teachers and librarians cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the literature a child is brought up with at home, no matter how anemic and worthless it may seem to be.

Carente synonyms

deficient in spanish: deficiente, pronunciation: dɪfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective missing in spanish: desaparecido, pronunciation: mɪsɪŋ part of speech: adjective nonexistent in spanish: inexistente, pronunciation: nɑnəgzɪstənt part of speech: adjective wanting in spanish: falto, pronunciation: wɑntɪŋ part of speech: verb
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