Característica in english


pronunciation: kerəktɜrɪstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

característica = attribute ; character ; characteristic ; feature ; peculiarity ; trait ; contour ; distinctive feature ; character trait ; trait of character. 

Example: A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common, and by which isolates can be grouped.Example: Close attention to the role of the computer specialist reveals more of the character of reference activities.Example: Of the two characteristics of indexing, exhaustivity affect two important measures of the efficiency of an information retrieval system.Example: The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.Example: For, as Panizzi saw it, 'A reader may know the work he requires; he cannot be expected to know all the peculiarities of different editions; and this information he has a right to expect from the catalogues'.Example: The reasonable reader readily sees that most of these traits should be acquired and fostered early in life.Example: As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.Example: Personality theory based on genetics is used to trace inherited character traits in European royalty.Example: Our job is to find out what traits of character we need to become virtuous.


» asumir una característica + Adjetivotake on a + Adjetivo + character .

Example: They took on the unusual character of a great and impassioned national debate of the relative merits of the existing finding catalog and the alternative proposed by Panizzi and his associates.

» característica comúncommon denominator .

Example: I fear, however, that if you oversimplify to this extent you reduce everything to the lowest common denominator, at the expense of quality.

» característica de divisióncharacteristic of division [Atributo usado en el análisis de una materia y sus subdivisiones en clases] .

Example: A facet, then, is the sum total of isolates formed by the division of a subject by one characteristic of division.

» característica de la divisióncharacteristic of division [Atributo usado en el análisis de una materia y sus subdivisiones en clases] .

Example: A facet, then, is the sum total of isolates formed by the division of a subject by one characteristic of division.

» característica de la subdivisióncharacteristic of subdivision .

Example: A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common, and by which isolates can be grouped.

» característica del surcogroove characteristic .

Example: Other physical details, including, as appropriate, type of recording, playing speed, groove characteristics, track configuration, number of tracks, number of sound channels, recording and reproduction characteristics.

» característica distintivastock-in-tradedistinctive feature .

Example: We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.

Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.

» característica físicaphysical characteristic .

Example: Prejudice arises not only from race or creed but occasionally from such facts as color of hair, personality, physical characteristics, etc.

» característica personalpersonality traitpersonality characteristic .

Example: A good librarian has a complex combination of personality traits and learned skills, and little of the former can be taught in the library science classroom.

Example: This article is all about the key personality characteristics that can either lead to success or failure.

» característica propiatrademark .

Example: This slightly off-balance, whimsical remark was a Marsha James' trademark.

» característicasprofile [Datos relativos al usuario y a sus intereses documentales]facemake-up [makeup] .

Example: The user then receives, on a regular basis, notifications of new documents or information which fall within the topic specified in his profile.

Example: Had this venture succeeded, the complete face of bibliographical control today would have been different.

Example: Account also had to be taken of the disparate make-up and wide age-spread of a reader community which consists of Commission officials and trainees plus diverse visitors from outside.

» características comunescommonness  .

Example: Campbell's lectures present themes on the commonness of all mankind and the importance of relationships with God, the land, and one another.

» características culturalescultural background .

Example: The development of the library and information sector in the South Pacific has been slow and unequal, reflecting very much the geographical, political, cultural and economic background of the region.

» características económicaseconomic background .

Example: The development of the library and information sector in the South Pacific has been slow and unequal, reflecting very much the geographical, political, cultural and economic background of the region.

» características geográficasgeographical background .

Example: The development of the library and information sector in the South Pacific has been slow and unequal, reflecting very much the geographical, political, cultural and economic background of the region.

» características políticaspolitical background .

Example: The development of the library and information sector in the South Pacific has been slow and unequal, reflecting very much the geographical, political, cultural and economic background of the region.

» características religiosasreligious background .

Example: Languages should never be studied in isolation, but against their historical, social and religious background, particularly in the case of Biblical languages.

» características técnicastechnical specification [Documento que establece las características de un producto o servicio como puede ser calidad, rendimiento, seguridad, dimensiones, etc]technical features [Generalmente usado en plural]technical data .

Example: A technical specification is a document which lays down characteristics of a product or a service such as levels of quality, performance, safety, dimensions.

Example: Its technical features include minimum hardware requirements, large database capacity, variable length fields, repeatable fields, subfields, powerful indexing, and rapid searching.

Example: The final operator in this group is (g), denoting coordinate concepts: (1) sulphides (g) selenides $v & (g) tellurides (p) thermodynamic properties (6) technical data.

» característica técnicaspec [Abreviatura de specification] .

Example: The article 'Specs for a workstation' reviews the choices available to someone specifying or selecting a workstation.

» con las características similares a las de textotext-like .

Example: Information retrieval has been primarily concerned with text and text-like data.

» describir las características decharacterise [characterize, -USA] .

Example: Works from international publishing houses may be more difficult to characterise in this way.

» establecer característicaslay down + features .

Example: The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.

» extracción de característicasfeature extraction .

Example: Feature extraction has long been an important topic in pattern recognition.

» tener características en comúnshare + similarities .

Example: School libraries as they have evolved in recent times share certain similarities the world over.

» URC (Características Uniformes de Recursos)URC (Uniform Resource Characteristics) .

Example: The Uniform Resource Names (URN) provides unique identifiers for networked resources and the Uniform Resource Characteristics (URC) contains metadata on a networked resource.

característico = characterising [characterizing, -USA] ; essential ; characteristic ; distinguishing ; signature ; trademark. 

Example: In essence the characterising quality of these programmes relates to a body of experience and research in the area of information storage and retrieval.Example: The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.Example: The characteristic features of the Waring distribution render it particularly suitable as a model for the frequency distribution of scientific productivity.Example: The article 'Till the end of time' predicts that automated record processing will be the major distinguishing feature of libraries at the close of this century.Example: Good looking goatees are no longer just the signature facial hairstyle for beatniks.Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.


» rasgo característicocharacteristic feature .

Example: The purpose of this study is to bring out the characteristic features and restrictions of children's websites.

» ser característico debe emblematic of .

Example: A system of performance appraisal (PA) is emblematic of twentieth century organisations, with probably more than 80 percent of all libraries of any size using PA.

Característica synonyms

feature in spanish: característica, pronunciation: fitʃɜr part of speech: noun distinctive in spanish: distintivo, pronunciation: dɪstɪŋktɪv part of speech: adjective typical in spanish: típico, pronunciation: tɪpəkəl part of speech: adjective diagnostic in spanish: diagnóstico, pronunciation: daɪəgnɑstɪk part of speech: adjective symptomatic in spanish: sintomático, pronunciation: sɪmptəmætɪk part of speech: adjective distinguishing in spanish: distintivo, pronunciation: dɪstɪŋgwɪʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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