Capturar in english
pronunciation: kæptʃɜr part of speech: verb, noun
pronunciation: kæptʃɜr part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures
capturar = capture ; capture ; bust ; catch.
Example: In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.Example: The National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) is a cooperative effort by the National Agricultural Library and 42 university libraries to test a new method of capturing this literature in digital form for publication on CD-ROM.Example: On Saturday, a trooper stood on a street corner dressed in plain clothes and helped bust 30 people for not wearing their seat belts.Example: 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.more:
» capturar datos = capture + data [Coger datos en formato legible por máquina para integrarlos en un soporte informático] .
Example: Data can then be captured online from the host and downloaded into the microcomputer's backing store for local processing.» capturar de nuevo = recapture .
Example: A teenager prison escapee has been recaptured after the ceiling he was hiding in gave way.» capturar el espíritu = capture + the spirit .
Example: All children and youth are invited to capture the spirit of the community where they live in this PapaInk art project.» capturar el momento = catch + the moment .
Example: She is truly a master at catching the moment and making creative use of light, colors, and textures to draw out emotion.» capturar la imaginación popular = catch + the popular imagination .
Example: In addition, no other scientist has caught the popular imagination like the tousle-haired Einstein.» capturar registros = capture + records .
Example: This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records.» volver a capturar = recapture .
Example: A teenager prison escapee has been recaptured after the ceiling he was hiding in gave way.