Capitel in english


pronunciation: kæpətəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

capitel = capital. 

Example: The abacus is a square slab that sits on top of the column's capital and supports the architrave or arch.

Capitel synonyms

cap in spanish: gorra, pronunciation: kæp part of speech: noun great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective uppercase in spanish: mayúscula, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪs part of speech: adjective majuscule in spanish: mayúscula, pronunciation: mədʒʌskjul part of speech: noun upper case in spanish: mayúsculas, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪs part of speech: noun working capital in spanish: capital de trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrkɪŋkæpətəl part of speech: noun chapiter in spanish: capitel, pronunciation: tʃæpɪtɜr part of speech: noun upper-case letter in spanish: letra mayúscula, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪsletɜr part of speech: noun
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