Capital in english


pronunciation: kæpətəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

capital1 = capital city ; capital. 

Example: The capital city of London has some major general bookshops and a number of specialist bookshops which are virtually national suppliers.Example: For this purpose, press and information offices have been established in the capitals of the ten member countries.


» capital de la naciónnation-state capital .

Example: Amid all the doom and gloom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.

» capital del estadonation-state capitalstate capital .

Example: Amid all the doom and gloom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.

Example: The state capital where she worked as a reference librarian has an almost rural serenity about it.

» capital de provinciaprovincial capital .

Example: A law passed in 1835 disentailed Church properties, making it possible to create libraries in each provincial capital with the acquired religious and scholarly works.

» capital estatalstate capital .

Example: The state capital where she worked as a reference librarian has an almost rural serenity about it.

capital2 = assets ; capital ; asset base. 

Example: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.Example: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.Example: The first implication I would draw is that the achievement of scale in a way that substantially increases the riskiness of the asset base may prove to be counter-productive.


» beneficio de capitalcapital gain .

Example: Capital gains are a part of being very rich, but so is dividend income tax.

» capital activoworking capital [Capital en metálico del que se puede disponer inmediatamente] .

Example: All forms of loan are for fixed capital only and not for working capital.

» capital cognitivoknowledge assets .

Example: The aim was that the edge would come from leveraging its knowledge assets, ie the leadership and expertise of its worldwide work force, through information technology enablement.

» capital culturalcultural asset .

Example: Cultural assets facilitate the formation of a cohesive and secure professional middle class.

» capital de riesgoventure capital [Dinero que se presta para comenzar algún tipo de negocio que se considera arriesgado] .

Example: This article introduces various sources of funding available for financing a business, emphasizing the role of venture capital.

» capital desembolsadopaid-up capital .

Example: The allocation was made on the basis of the paid-up capitals of such companies.

» capital digitaldigital assets [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: Libraries increasingly depend on digital assets they neither own nor manage.

» capital económicofinancial capital .

Example: A new corporate language is emerging and the difference is that intellectual, rather than physical and financial capital is the focal point.

» capital en obligacionesdebenture capitaldebenture stock .

Example: In case of debenture capital (not convertible into equity shares) of companies, the fees will be charged @ 25% of the fees payable as per the above mentioned scales.

Example: Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.

» capital fijofixed capital [Capital invertido en propiedades, material o equipación] .

Example: All forms of loan are for fixed capital only and not for working capital.

» capital físicophysical capital .

Example: A new corporate language is emerging and the difference is that intellectual, rather than physical and financial capital is the focal point.

» capital humanohuman capital [Conocimiento, experiencia, habilidades, etc. que posee un individuo y que le hace valioso para una empresa o la sociedad en general] .

Example: Librarians have to look at alternative sources of funding, but also try to convince government of the need for subsidising information services as part of an investment in human capital.

» capital iniciadorseeding moneyseed money .

Example: In addition, IFLA Headquarters presently receives $37,000 annually as seeding money for publications and for the organization of the annual General Conference.

Example: Federal seed money encouraged state and local support.

» capital intelectualintellectual capital .

Example: Intellectual capital is knowledge within an organization which can be used to create advantage.

» capitalista que presta capital de riesgoventure capitalist .

Example: Venture capitalists funded fledging companies in the early days of information technology some of which went on to dominate the market.

» capital socialsocial capital .

Example: The author examines social capital as a theoretic construct with the potential to enhance the understanding of public relations contribution to the organisational bottom line.

» conseguir capitalraise + capital .

Example: Half his adult life had been spent in a struggle to raise that capital -- a fruitless struggle, for he had not yet found a single man of substance to share his vision.

» desembolso de capitalcapital outlay .

Example: Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.

» flujo de capitalcapital flow .

Example: This paper presents a model to explain how IMF programmes can catalyse private capital flows following a financial crisis.

» ganancia de capitalcapital gain .

Example: Capital gains are a part of being very rich, but so is dividend income tax.

» gastos de capitalcapital costscapital investmentcapital expenditure .

Example: There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.

Example: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.

Example: When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined.

» inmovilizar capitaltie up + capital .

Example: Therefore to bind up more copies of an edition than could be sold within a short period of time tied up capital without any compensation.

» intereses del capitalcapital charges .

Example: The price in 1800 was made up of rags, 9d.; labour, capital charges, chemicals, etc , 4d.; and excise tax, 5d.

» inversión de capitalcapital costscapital investmentcapital expenditure .

Example: There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.

Example: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.

Example: When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined.

» invertir capitalsink + capital .

Example: It was never normal for a printer to sink capital in a stock of paper sufficient for miscellaneous book-printing.

» inyección de capitalcash injectioncash infusion .

Example: Dilapidated housing will be brought up to scratch thanks to a cash injection which could total millions of pounds.

Example: Face it, if you don't have a cash infusion strategy that allows you to access money quickly, you're done and you will never create a successful business.

» liquidar capitalliquidate + assetsliquidate + capital .

Example: One alternative is to liquidate assets to pay off debt, but is it a smart decision to make?.

Example: Selling overstock is a way of liquidating capital that would otherwise be wasted, and allowing it to circulate through local markets.

» mercado de capitalesfinancial marketcapital marketmoney market .

Example: Financial markets, which had been roiled Tuesday by a falling dollar and soaring energy prices, recovered some of their losses Wednesday.

Example: Recent research into the reaction of key executives to the integration and expansion of global capital markets suggests that many of them are almost 'as happy as Larry'.

Example: He is the lord and master of the money markets of the world and virtually lord and master of everything.

» pagar capitalrepay + capital .

Example: When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).

» suma de capitalcapital sum .

Example: Projects need to demonstrate value for money in relation to the large capital sums involved = Los proyectos necesitan demostrar su rentabilidad en relación con las grandes sumas de capital invertidas.

capital3 = pivotal. 

Example: His position was pivotal because he was not only the organizer but also the financier and indeed the speculator of the book trade.


» de capital importanciamomentousof cardinal importance .

Example: The new realities identified above are fraught with momentous implications = Las nuevas realidades identificadas más arriba están cargadas de implicaciones trascendentales.

Example: Humanitarian assistance is of cardinal importance for the victims of natural disasters and other emergencies.

» delito capitalcapital offence .

Example: During the First World War, self-inflicted wounds were a capital offence and if discovered, a man found guilty of this faced execution by firing-squad.

» pena capitalcapital punishment .

Example: Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.

» siete pecados capitales, losseven deadly sins, the .

Example: The seven deadly sins are 'pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth/acedia'.

Capital synonyms

cap in spanish: gorra, pronunciation: kæp part of speech: noun great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective uppercase in spanish: mayúscula, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪs part of speech: adjective majuscule in spanish: mayúscula, pronunciation: mədʒʌskjul part of speech: noun upper case in spanish: mayúsculas, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪs part of speech: noun working capital in spanish: capital de trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrkɪŋkæpətəl part of speech: noun chapiter in spanish: capitel, pronunciation: tʃæpɪtɜr part of speech: noun upper-case letter in spanish: letra mayúscula, pronunciation: ʌpɜrkeɪsletɜr part of speech: noun
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