Capacidad in english


pronunciation: kəpæsəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

capacidad1 = ability ; capability ; competence ; appetite ; capacity ; hat ; aptitude ; faculty. 

Example: The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.Example: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter and the catalog card but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.Example: In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.Example: Such machines will have enourmous appetites.Example: Older people have suffered some losses in sensory and physical capacity, and newer teaching techniques might intimidate them.Example: The city librarian has commonly been a general cultural consultant, often with more than one hat, with the curatorship of the museum and/or art gallery as additional offices.Example: In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes = In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes.Example: Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.


» actuar por encima de + Posesivo + capacidadespunch above + Posesivo + weight .

Example: So although the Philippines is not the largest of countries, it, in using a phrase from boxing, punches above its weight in the international arena.

» capacidad académicaacademic ability .

Example: Recent studies suggest that reading in Spanish may have positive effects on the reading attitudes and academic abilities of Spanish-speaking children and adolescents in the US.

» capacidad adquisitivapurchasing powerbuying powerspending power .

Example: It is vital that librarians manage effectively the allocation of the materials budget and the development of the collections as the purchasing power of the materials budget declines.

Example: Despite the decline in the general rate of inflation, the buying power of libraries has continued to dwindle = A pesar del descenso de la tasa general de inflación, el poder adquisitivo de las bibliotecas ha continuado descendiendo.

Example: More periodicals, and more expensive periodicals are chasing customers with reduced spending power.

» capacidad analíticaanalytical capacity .

Example: The information fatigue syndrome causes paralysis of the analytical capacity, constant searches for more information, increased anxiety and sleeplessness and self-doubt in decision making.

» capacidad cognitivacognitive abilitycognitive capacity .

Example: No technology can function beyond the cognitive abilities of its constructor.

Example: The author discusses the cognitive capacities of older adults, with particular attention paid to long- and short-term memory functioning.

» capacidad comunicativaspeaking skills .

Example: Effective speaking skills are essential for busy librarians faced with a variety of speaking situations daily = Unas buenas habilidades comunicativas son esenciales para los bibliotecarios que se enfrentan a una variedad de situaciones comunicativas todos los días.

» capacidad crediticiacredit standing .

Example: The minimum amount due is the amount you are required to pay to keep your account in good credit standing.

» capacidad críticacritical skillscritical awarenesscritical faculty .

Example: In this message-rich culture, individuals have more need that ever before in human history for a repertoire of critical skills.

Example: And what do we mean by critique? We mean critical awareness, socially, politically, intellectually.

Example: Schucking noted that early step when a child's 'imagination awakes, without corresponding development of the critical faculty,' a step most children make before they reach school age = Schucking se percató de ese primer paso en el niño cuando "se despierta su imaginación sin el correspondiente desarrollo de la capacidad crítica", un paso que dan la mayoría de los niños antes de alcanzar la edad escolar.

» capacidad crítica de los programas televisivosteleliteracy .

Example: This article stresses the importance of teleliteracy, as children need to be able to interpret television stimuli with the same discrimination that they need to apply in their reading.

» capacidad de absorciónabsorptive capacity [Habilidad de retener aquello que se está intentando aprender o de integrar o dar cabida a una demanda, petición u oferta]absorptive capability .

Example: These findings may have implications for those concerned with student learning styles and absorptive capacity.

Example: Assimilation theories exaggerate the absorptive capability of the majority culture & oversimplify the social transaction processes between ethnic boundaries.

» capacidad de búsquedasearching power .

Example: With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.

» capacidad de comercializaciónmarketability .

Example: SLIS have a more pressing need to extend the marketability of their graduates than other types of information personnel-producing programmes.

» capacidad de comprensiónlistening skillsunderstanding capacity .

Example: This article presents a comparison of the impact of three methods of story hour presentation upon children's listening skills = Este artículo presenta una comparación del impacto de tres métodos de presentar la hora del cuento sobre la capacidad de comprensión de los niños.

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» capacidad de discriminacióndiscriminating power .

Example: The multi-level judgements, by which users can evaluate documents on a more general relevance scale, are also useful for estimating the discriminating power.

» capacidad deductivaheuristic power .

Example: Information seeking in electronic environments will become a collaboration among end user and various electronic systems such that users leverage their heuristic power and machines leverage algorithmic power.

» capacidad de engancheholding power .

Example: While both critics and proponents of educational computing attest to the holding power of digital technologies, fundamental questions are raised by this power to attract the young.

» capacidad de escucharlistening skills .

Example: This article presents a comparison of the impact of three methods of story hour presentation upon children's listening skills = Este artículo presenta una comparación del impacto de tres métodos de presentar la hora del cuento sobre la capacidad de comprensión de los niños.

» capacidad de interpretar imágenesvisual literacy .

Example: The author advocates exposure to the arts as one way in which the librarian may help his patrons to gain visual literacy.

» capacidad de interpretar información gráficagraphic literacy .

Example: Graphic literacy is the ability to understand, interpret, and analyze data represented graphically.

» capacidad de interpretar información espacialspatial literacy .

Example: A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.

» capacidad de interpretar información estadísticastatistical literacy .

Example: A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.

» capacidad de leerreading skills .

Example: Parents place great emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills, at times pressing so hard on their children that schoolteachers have to try to reduce that pressure = Los padres ponen un gran énfasis en la adquisición de la capacidad de leer, a veces presionando tanto a sus hijos que los profesores tienen que intentar reducir esta presión.

» capacidad de manejar la informacióninformation handling .

Example: Considerable progress has been made in the area of information handling.

» capacidad de mantener la atenciónattention span .

Example: In suburban areas, the library is predominantly a children's library and should be geared to the needs, the noise level, and the attention span of the youthful population.

» capacidad de negociaciónbargaining power .

Example: The rightholders would get a standardised fee even where they have no bargaining power to market their rights individually.

» capacidad de procesamientothroughput [Cantidad de material que una empresa es capaz de procesar]processing power .

Example: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.

Example: It is difficult to determine how much processing power is consumed by the operating system.

» capacidad de producciónthroughput [Cantidad de material que una empresa es capaz de procesar] .

Example: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.

» capacidad de promociónpromotability .

Example: One criterion that may help the process of assessing a product is the ease of its promotability.

» capacidad de razonamientothinking skillsthinking ability .

Example: Bibliographic instruction can be instrumental in developing the information handling, thinking and writing skills that form the foundation of the academic experience = La formación de usuarios puede contribuir positivamente a desarrollar la capacidad de manejar la información, la capacidad de razonamiento y las técnicas de redacción que forman la base de la experiencia universitaria.

Example: Tricky questions help you improve your thinking abilities and are the right food for critical thinking.

» capacidad de resolver problemasproblem-solving ability .

Example: When a library user comes to the reference desk in frustration and desperation -- perhaps in a rage or in tears, it is often an unforgettable (and sometimes unpleasant) opportunity to test one's problem-solving abilities and diplomatic talents.

» capacidad de respuetaresponsiveness  .

Example: Immeasurable recognition can be gained from increasing the library's responsiveness to the business community.

» capacidad de retenciónholding power .

Example: While both critics and proponents of educational computing attest to the holding power of digital technologies, fundamental questions are raised by this power to attract the young.

» capacidad de saber leer y escribirliteracy skills .

Example: This is a programme launched in 1979 in response to the urgent need of black young adult South Africans for reading and literacy skills.

» capacidad disminuidadiminished capacity .

Example: 'Heat of passion,' or 'diminished capacity' are forms of such mitigating circumstances = "Ataque de ira," o "capacidad disminuida" son algunas circunstancias atenuantes.

» capacidad económicaearning capacityearning power [Posibilidad de mantener un trabajo que esté mejor o peor pagado] .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

Example: However, women's lack of substantial earning power in the labour market, accounts for much of the poverty endured by single-parent families headed by women.

» capacidades informáticascomputer skills .

Example: There is need for library staff to have language and computer skills, training in librarianship, and in the specific subject area in which they work.

» capacidad físicaphysical capability .

Example: But we simply don't have the physical or mental capability to follow through on every great idea we get.

» capacidad informáticacomputing power .

Example: At the same time, the firm ACI was greatly increasing its computing power, with a view to future expansion.

» capacidad intelectualintellectual ability .

Example: One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.

» capacidad lingüísticalanguage skill .

Example: There is need for library staff to have language and computer skills, training in librarianship, and in the specific subject area in which they work.

» capacidad mentalbrainpower [brain power]mental capability .

Example: The brainpower of its citizens is America's greatest natural resource but much is going to waste = La capacidad mental de sus ciudadanos es el principal recurso natural de América aunque mucho se está desperdiciando.

Example: But we simply don't have the physical or mental capability to follow through on every great idea we get.

» capacidad nuclearnuclear capability .

Example: Meanwhile, the growing nuclear capability of Communist China has led a number of non-nuclear countries to reassess their strategic security positions.

» desarrollar la capacidad degain in + the ability to .

Example: Syndicates tended to become smaller as their members gained in financial strength and in the ability to bear greater proportions of the risk.

» desarrollar + Poseivo + capacidadesfulfil + Posesivo + potential .

Example: To fulfil their potential, librarians must articulate and act upon a vision that involves them more fully in the work of faculty, researchers, and medical practitioners.

» desarrollo de capacidadescapacity building .

Example: Federal assistance programmes should follow the successes of the 1930s programmes, supporting infrastructure development through the encouragement of local capacity building.

» en + Posesivo + capacidad comoin + Posesivo + capacity as .

Example: Strange that so helpful and charming a person in his capacity as a librarian could behave so monstrously; but behave thus he did.

» estar por encima de + Posesivo + capacidadbe above + Posesivo + head .

Example: There is so much happening in the world today that I want to talk about with my children, but they are still young and some of it is above their heads = Hay tantas cosas que están pasando en el mundo hoy día y que me gustaría comentar con mis hijos, pero son pequeños todavía y algunas cosas les resultan difícl de entender.

» no actuando en capacidad de autornon-authorial .

Example: Throughout the whole of the manuscript period, during which books were being extensively written, in a non-authorial sense, or copied, the terms 'copyist' or 'scrivener', seem to have sufficed.

» persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidadunderachiever .

Example: This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.

» sin capacidad de discernimientoundiscriminating .

Example: On the one side is 'high culture' catering for the intellectual elites, on the other side is 'mass culture' catering for an undiscriminating mass audience of 'consumers'.

» tener la capacidad dehave + the potential (to/for)have + the capacity of .

Example: They have achieved this status because they have the potential to store a relatively large number of documents.

Example: Primordial germinal cells, which are precursors to spermatozoids, apparently have the capacity of turning into embryonic stem cells.

capacidad2 = capacity ; headroom. 

Example: Marginal storage cards normally have capacity for storing citations and abstracts.Example: I was also encouraged to read a subscriber to this list has over 40,000 items meaning this software has plenty of headroom = I was also encouraged to read a subscriber to this list has over 40,000 items meaning this software has plenty of headroom.


» alcanzar el límite de + Posesivo + capacidadstretch + Nombre + beyond the breaking pointstretch + Nombre + to breaking pointstretch + Nombre + to the limitbe stretched to the bone .

Example: With every air-conditioner running at full blast, the city's creaky infrastructure is often stretched beyond the breaking point.

Example: The diversity of cookbooks available in the USA today is stretching the market to breaking point and specialist retailers are feeling the pinch.

Example: All agencies, it was found, were stretched to the limit, but by pooling resources these might be made to go further.

Example: Unfortunately, with budgets stretched to the bone, the focus is not on investments to boost the economy, but on fiscal retrenchment.

» capacidad de almacenamientostorage capacity .

Example: The system uses powerful information retrieval techniques to exploit the vast storage capacity of compact discs.

» capacidad de las carreterasroad capacity .

Example: Up to the 1980s, the general attitude to road congestion in Britain was to increase road capacity by building new roads.

» capacidad excesivaovercapacity [over-capacity]  .

Example: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.

» capacidad para librosbook capacity .

Example: Statistics cover costs, book capapcity and seating capacity.

» con gran capacidadcapacious .

Example: This is an efficient method of storing large amounts of programs and data, which is faster, more reliable and much more capacious than the floppy disc.

» de gran capacidadlarge-capacityhigh capacity .

Example: The technology now exists to permit searching of fairly large full-text or bibliographic data bases on local computers using optical storage or large-capacity hard disks.

Example: Videodiscs can provide high capacity secondary storage and it is possible for the personal computer enthusiast to make use of a home video recorder in this way.

» de mucha capacidadcapacious .

Example: This is an efficient method of storing large amounts of programs and data, which is faster, more reliable and much more capacious than the floppy disc.

» funcionar a plena capacidadbe fully into + Posesivo + stride .

Example: The newly elected Scottish Local Government Authorities assumed their powers in May 75 and are not yet fully into their stride.

» llegar al límite de + Posesivo + capacidadstretch + Nombre + beyond the breaking pointstretch + Nombre + to breaking pointstretch + Nombre + to the limitbe stretched to the bone .

Example: With every air-conditioner running at full blast, the city's creaky infrastructure is often stretched beyond the breaking point.

Example: The diversity of cookbooks available in the USA today is stretching the market to breaking point and specialist retailers are feeling the pinch.

Example: All agencies, it was found, were stretched to the limit, but by pooling resources these might be made to go further.

Example: Unfortunately, with budgets stretched to the bone, the focus is not on investments to boost the economy, but on fiscal retrenchment.

» tener capacidad paraseat + Número [Personas sentadas] .

Example: The rest of the room is occupied by an assortment of comfortable chairs and sofas; a table which seats four is in the center of the room.

Capacidad synonyms

content in spanish: contenido, pronunciation: kɑntent part of speech: noun, adjective capability in spanish: capacidad, pronunciation: keɪpəbɪləti part of speech: noun capacitance in spanish: capacidad, pronunciation: kəpæsətəns part of speech: noun mental ability in spanish: habilidad mental, pronunciation: mentələbɪləti part of speech: noun electrical capacity in spanish: capacidad eléctrica, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkəlkəpæsəti part of speech: noun
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