Cansado in english


pronunciation: taɪɜrd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cansado = fatigued ; tired ; wearisome ; weary ; wearying ; wearied ; washed-out ; worn out. 

Example: In the event of any incorrect citations, one can then return to the 'scene of the crime' and discover whether the error was in the source or in one's fatigued perception of it.Example: In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.Example: The earliest binding machines replaced the wearisome hand-beating of the sheets in order to fold them.Example: Humanity is returning to the downsized, reengineered, total quality management weary business world.Example: A new wave of books dealing frankly with such concerns as sex, alcoholism and broken homes was seen as a breakthrough, but plots and styles have begun to show a wearying sameness.Example: 'I better go in,' Leforte muttered, a wearied, disillusioned expression coming over her pallid features.Example: He calls himself a writer but he never produces anything because he says he's always too washed-out to write.Example: If you're usually worn out after a workout, there's a chance you're focusing too much on quantity instead of quality.


» cansado de la vidaworld-weary [world-wearier -comp., world-weariest -sup.]  .

Example: My plants that until only recently were bursting with verdant vitality stretching up to the spring sunshine are now looking a bit dog eared and world weary as they begin to bake in the summer sun.

» cansado del mundoworld-weary [world-wearier -comp., world-weariest -sup.]  .

Example: My plants that until only recently were bursting with verdant vitality stretching up to the spring sunshine are now looking a bit dog eared and world weary as they begin to bake in the summer sun.

» con aire cansadotiredlywearily .

Example: 'Hi Muffin,' he said tiredly.

Example: 'Mel,' she said wearily, 'Kass doesn't satisfy the minimum service requirement'.

» con cara de cansadobleary-eyed [Generalmente debido al sueño o al cansancio] .

Example: She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.

» de un modo cansadowearilytiredly .

Example: 'Mel,' she said wearily, 'Kass doesn't satisfy the minimum service requirement'.

Example: 'Hi Muffin,' he said tiredly.

» estar cansado debe tired of .

Example: I am sick of being sick and tired of being exhausted = Estoy harta de estar enferma y cansada de estar agotada.

» no hay descanso para los cansadosno rest for the weary! .

Example: I could see they were tired from the journey but no rest for the weary as many people were interested in their arrival.

» sentirse cansadofeel + tired .

Example: Jeanne Leforte felt tired but elated when the session adjourned.

» tener la vista cansadaneed + reading (eye)glasses .

Example: This is why many people with 'normal' eyes will need reading glasses some time after the age of 40.

» vista cansadapresbyopiavisual fatigue .

Example: This article reviews the effects of vision changes commonly associated with aging (e.g., cataract, presbyopia, pupil changes) and examines their relationship to intellectual performance.

Example: The following categories of complaints are considered: eye strain and visual fatigue; migraine; epilepsy; muscle pain, aches, and strains; skin rashes; and stress.

cansar = wear + a little thin ; fatigue ; wear + Nombre + down. 

Example: His jauntiness can wear a little thin, and the buff will be sorry there is no index, but there is much to be grateful for in this book.Example: Always snivelling, coughing, spitting; a stupid, tedious, ill-natured fellow, who was for ever fatiguing people.Example: The trials of raising her teenage children and caring for her sick father have worn her down.


» cansar la vistacause + eyestrain .

Example: Lines printed on the stationery may cause eyestrain and line length for text may be longer than the eye can easily follow, without slipping to the next line.

» cansarseget + tiredweary .

Example: 'I'm getting tired of it, really, and my bringing these problems home to my husband every night is not at all helpful, you know what I mean?' She lowered her voice.

Example: She wearies of the constant procession of visitors, and the round of invitations and commissions, which swallow up her time.

» cansarse (de)tire (of) .

Example: Customers seem to be tiring of malls and chain stores, seeking a more personal service and wanting to bargain.

» lo mucho cansatoo much of a good thingtoo much of a good thing is bad for you .

Example: People who take dietary supplements to boost their intake of minerals may actually be getting too much of a good thing.

Example: There is an old expression that still stands true -- Too much of a good thing is bad for you.

Cansado synonyms

stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun banal in spanish: banal, pronunciation: bənɑl part of speech: adjective trite in spanish: trillado, pronunciation: traɪt part of speech: adjective weary in spanish: cansado, pronunciation: wɪri part of speech: adjective jaded in spanish: hastiado, pronunciation: dʒeɪdəd part of speech: adjective exhausted in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: ɪgzɔstəd part of speech: adjective haggard in spanish: demacrado, pronunciation: hægɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun hackneyed in spanish: trillado, pronunciation: hæknid part of speech: adjective bored in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: bɔrd part of speech: adjective drawn in spanish: dibujado, pronunciation: drɔn part of speech: adjective commonplace in spanish: vulgar, pronunciation: kɑmənpleɪs part of speech: adjective, noun ragged in spanish: harapiento, pronunciation: rægəd part of speech: adjective worn in spanish: pasado, pronunciation: wɔrn part of speech: adjective spent in spanish: gastado, pronunciation: spent part of speech: adjective flagging in spanish: enlosado, pronunciation: flægɪŋ part of speech: adjective blear in spanish: nublar, pronunciation: blɪr part of speech: adjective bleary in spanish: nublado, pronunciation: blɪri part of speech: adjective threadbare in spanish: raído, pronunciation: θredber part of speech: adjective timeworn in spanish: deteriorado por el tiempo, pronunciation: taɪmwɜrn part of speech: adjective careworn in spanish: agobiado de preocupaciones, pronunciation: kerwɜrn part of speech: adjective shopworn in spanish: trasnochado, pronunciation: ʃɑpwɔrn part of speech: adjective drooping in spanish: caído, pronunciation: drupɪŋ part of speech: adjective fatigued in spanish: fatigado, pronunciation: fətigd part of speech: adjective raddled in spanish: depravado, pronunciation: rædəld part of speech: adjective whacked in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: wækt part of speech: adjective wearied in spanish: cansado, pronunciation: wɪrid part of speech: adjective washed-out in spanish: lavado, pronunciation: wɑʃtaʊt part of speech: adjective well-worn in spanish: bien gastado, pronunciation: welwɜrn part of speech: adjective played out in spanish: jugado, pronunciation: pleɪdaʊt part of speech: adjective fagged in spanish: fatigado, pronunciation: fægd part of speech: adjective unoriginal in spanish: poco original, pronunciation: ənɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective footsore in spanish: footsore, pronunciation: fʊtsɔr part of speech: adjective bleary-eyed in spanish: ojos nublados, pronunciation: blɪrieɪjd part of speech: adjective world-weary in spanish: cansado del mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwɪri part of speech: adjective blear-eyed in spanish: ojos nublados, pronunciation: blɪrijed part of speech: adjective aweary in spanish: despierto, pronunciation: əwɪri part of speech: adjective burned-out in spanish: quemado, pronunciation: bɜrndaʊt part of speech: adjective burnt-out in spanish: quemado, pronunciation: bɜrntaʊt part of speech: adjective unrefreshed in spanish: sin renovar, pronunciation: ʌnrɪfreʃt part of speech: adjective unrested in spanish: no arrestado, pronunciation: ənrestɪd part of speech: adjective travel-worn in spanish: llevado por el viaje, pronunciation: trævəlwɜrn part of speech: adjective
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