Canon in english


pronunciation: kænən part of speech: noun
In gestures

canon = canon ; levy tax ; levy ; tax [taxes, -pl.]. 

Example: The archetypal canon is of course that of the books of the Bible, which are gathered together in a fixed and unchanging order.Example: Excluded is the 1% levy tax which will be added to invoice upon check-out = Excluded is the 1% levy tax which will be added to invoice upon check-out.Example: These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).Example: Financed with taxes voted by the county and with state and federal aid, the central library maintains eight branch libraries and three bookmobiles.


» canon de conductacanon of conduct .

Example: Clemency is the 'gracious attitude of one who sits in the seat of authority toward one who has given offence by breaking of the law, or by some violation of those canons of conduct which constitute offence'.

» canon de televisiónlicence fee .

Example: This week thousands of us worked together to persuade the government not to top-slice the licence fee from the BBC funding.

» conforme a los cánonescanonically .

Example: They somehow managed to botch the election by choosing a man who was canonically ineligible for the job.

» imponer un canonlevy + a tax .

Example: The existing laws authorise each district to levy and collect a tax, to the amount of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting or repairing school houses.

» poner un canonlevy + a tax .

Example: The existing laws authorise each district to levy and collect a tax, to the amount of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting or repairing school houses.

cañón1 = cannon ; gun ; muzzle ; barrel ; heavy gun. 

Example: This book identifies the tonnage and cannon of many ships involved in the Brazilian war of independence from Portugal.Example: Examples range from guns -- revolvers, pistols, carbines, and assault rifles -- to grenade launchers, anti-tank guns, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missile launchers.Example: She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.Example: This muzzle-loading rifle has vents cut into the barrel near its muzzle.Example: The crash of artillery followed instantly from two heavy guns in front, and the shells tore through our ranks with awful effect.


» al pie del cañónat workon-the-job .

Example: Then there was the continual drunkenness at work of the journeyman Hans van Leuven alias Elzevier (who was the father of the founder of the famous Elzevier Press).

Example: This article compares serials cataloguing education in 1977/78 and 1984/85 as well as describing on-the-job training from the perspectives of the trainee and trainer.

» cañón antiaéreoanti-aircraft gun .

Example: Rebels armed with anti-aircraft guns and Soviet rifles were outgunned by the heavily armed pro-Gadhafi forces.

» cañón de aguawater cannon .

Example: Iran has imported high-tech armored anti-riot vehicles equipped with water cannons that can douse people with boiling water or tear gas.

» cañón de campañafield gun .

Example: A heart on a pink background thus indicates 'romance' (rather than medicine) and a magnifying glass or a gun might indicate a detective story though a gun might mean a 'western' if it is a revolver and a war story if it is a field gun.

» cañón de proyeccióncannon projector .

Example: If you take a look at some of the pics, you'll see they just use a special lens on a cannon projector.

» cañón pesadoheavy gun .

Example: The crash of artillery followed instantly from two heavy guns in front, and the shells tore through our ranks with awful effect.

» carne de cañóncannon foddereasy preyas tough as leatheras tough as nailsas tough as nutsas tough as old bootsas tough as shoe leathereasy targeteasy meat .

Example: The writer challenges that idea that the auxiliary infantryman of the Roman army was merely expendable 'cannon fodder'.

Example: However, the apical part of the leaves seems not to provide ovipositing females with enough protection against birds, making them easy preys.

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

Example: She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.

Example: Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.

Example: Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.

Example: Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.

Example: She was an easy target for the gunmen who allegedly pilfered millions of dollars worth of jewelry from her in Paris.

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

» cubierta de cañonescannon deckgun deck .

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

Example: The gun deck, sometimes referred to by the Pilgrims as the 'tween deck,' is where the Pilgrims lived for most of the voyage.

» escopeta de dos cañonesdouble-barrelled shotgun .

Example: Even in the UK, a double-barrelled shotgun can be bought without much hassle.

» estallido de cañonescrash of guns .

Example: In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

» fuego de cañonescrash of gunscannonade .

Example: In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

Example: The cannonade was heard as far away as Pittsburgh, about two hundred miles to the west and over several mountain ranges.

» morir al pie del cañóndie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» pasárselo cañónhave + a whale of a timehave + a great timehave + the time of + Posesivo + lifehave + a balllive it uphave + a field dayhave + a blast .

Example: She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.

Example: The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.

Example: We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.

Example: We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.

Example: She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.

Example: We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.

Example: We are having a blast here but like all good things it must come to an end.

» rifle de dos cañonesdouble-barrelled rifle .

Example: Each hunter cannot have more than 150 pieces of ammunition for a double- barrelled rifle or 25 pieces of ammunition for carbine rifles.

» seguir al pie del cañónsoldier onbe (still) working awaybe (still) toiling awaybe (still) hard at itkeep on + trucking .

Example: Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.

Example: I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.

Example: Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.

Example: I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.

Example: Seeing Dean keep on trucking in the face of adversity makes me so proud to have met him.

» una mentira como un cañóna big fat lie .

Example: I had simply realized by then that everything an Indian girl is promised about her wedding and consequent marriage is a big fat lie = Para entonces ya me había dado cuenta de que todo lo se le promete a una chica india sobre su boda y el matrimonio es una mentira muy gorda.

cañón2 = gorge ; canyon. 

Example: This is the cradle of Shangri-la and one of the deepest river gorges on earth = This is the cradle of Shangri-la and one of the deepest river gorges on earth.Example: The article is entitled 'Canyons, rivulets: scientists give first impression of Titan photos'.


» cañón de la chimeneaflue .

Example: These concept areas include: (1) fuels; (2) chimneys and flues; (3) safety regulations; (4) heating systems; and (5) environmental considerations.

» el Gran Cañónthe Grand Canyon .

Example: A powerful and inspiring landscape, the Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size.

Canon synonyms

canyon in spanish: cañón, pronunciation: kænjən part of speech: noun
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