Canjear in english


pronunciation: ɪkstʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

canjear = cash in ; barter ; swap ; swop ; exchange. 

Example: They have implemented a voluntary system for libraries of charging for photocopies with flat-rate 5 franc tokens, which can either be re-used by the recipient or cashed in for 4 francs.Example: The article is entitled 'Learn how valuable knowledge is acquired, created, bought and bartered'.Example: The program automatically swaps CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and executes a warm boot in one step.Example: While poking about among books children naturally discuss those they have read, swopping responses, and so leading each other on.Example: Inmates sold or exchanged everything they had for extra food.


» canjear portrade + Nombre + in for .

Example: She plays a devoted housewife who finds herself tossed out on her ear when her philandering husband trades her in for a younger model.

» canjear prisioneros de guerraexchange + prisoners of war .

Example: When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.

» canjear un cupónredeem + a voucherhonour + a couponredeem + a couponhonour + a voucher .

Example: An announcement will be made in the near future about procedures for ordering and redeeming vouchers from IFLA HQ when the arrangements have been finalised.

Example: Passangers were upset when the airline decided to stop honoring its drink coupons without any notice.

Example: You can redeem the coupons for $20 and $15 off any service.

Example: I purchased a voucher and was extremely disappointed when the staff wouldn't honour the voucher on weekends.

» canjear un valeredeem + a voucherhonour + a couponredeem + a couponhonour + a voucher .

Example: An announcement will be made in the near future about procedures for ordering and redeeming vouchers from IFLA HQ when the arrangements have been finalised.

Example: Passangers were upset when the airline decided to stop honoring its drink coupons without any notice.

Example: You can redeem the coupons for $20 and $15 off any service.

Example: I purchased a voucher and was extremely disappointed when the staff wouldn't honour the voucher on weekends.

» sin canjearunredeemed .

Example: Before an unredeemed dog is sold to a new owner, the poundkeeper may require that such dog be held under observation in a veterinary hospital.

Canjear synonyms

change in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb switch in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: swɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb commute in spanish: conmutar, pronunciation: kəmjut part of speech: verb convert in spanish: convertir, pronunciation: kɑnvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun substitution in spanish: sustitución, pronunciation: səbstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun central in spanish: central, pronunciation: sentrəl part of speech: adjective, noun interchange in spanish: intercambio, pronunciation: ɪntɜrtʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun switch over in spanish: pasar a otra cosa, pronunciation: swɪtʃoʊvɜr part of speech: verb telephone exchange in spanish: central telefónica, pronunciation: teləfoʊnɪkstʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun
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