Candente in english


pronunciation: gloʊɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

candente1 = hot ; red-hot. 

Example: Preferred word forms will also be noted: 'heat' may be preferred to 'hot'.Example: A commonly quoted version of Edward's death is that he was murdered with a red-hot poker forced up his fundament.

candente2 = hot ; red-hot. 

Example: But searching an Internet database through hot new technique such as Wide Area Information Servers is vastly different from using the BITNET protocols to rummage through files on one of its server computers.Example: A fast expanding nightlife and a red-hot design district are making it one of the world's most glamorous destinations.


» asunto candentehot potatohot topichot issue .

Example: When you're handed a hot potato such as the sickly economy, as is the case with President Obama, the responsible solution is to let it cool down.

Example: Futurology has become a hot topic in today's world, particularly for managers.

Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.

» cuestión candentered-hot topic .

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» tema candentehot potatored-hot issuered-hot topic .

Example: When you're handed a hot potato such as the sickly economy, as is the case with President Obama, the responsible solution is to let it cool down.

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

Candente synonyms

bright in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: braɪt part of speech: adjective glow in spanish: brillar, pronunciation: gloʊ part of speech: noun enthusiastic in spanish: entusiasta, pronunciation: ɪnθuziæstɪk part of speech: adjective aglow in spanish: radiante, pronunciation: əgloʊ part of speech: adverb luminous in spanish: luminoso, pronunciation: lumənəs part of speech: adjective lambent in spanish: centelleante, pronunciation: læmbənt part of speech: adjective lucent in spanish: lucente, pronunciation: lusɪnt part of speech: adjective radiance in spanish: resplandor, pronunciation: reɪdiəns part of speech: noun
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