Canal in english


pronunciation: tʃænəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

canal1 = canal ; chute ; conduit ; channel ; flume. 

Example: A ferryman in a traditional costume will pole the skiff through a seemingly endless labyrinth of brooks, rivers and canals which earned the land the name of Venice of the North.Example: Concrete chutes and weirs are used for principal spillways and emergency spillways.Example: The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.Example: The water, that trickles from it in a rivulet, leaves a white incrustation along its channel, in appearance exactly like soap suds.Example: Hauling the logs in wagons was expensive and time consuming, so in 1867 loggers began using flumes to move timber to the mines.


» abrir en canalcut + Nombre + openslit + Nombre + openslit + Nombre + open (right) down the middlecut + Nombre + open (right) down the middle .

Example: The best way to keep the avocados from browning once cut open is to wrap them in plastic.

Example: Next, peel the charred skin off of the bell peppers and discard, then slit them open and remove the seeds.

Example: I tend to slit it open down the middle so it's almost in half and stuff with cheese, then fold back together and wrap in bacon before roasting in the oven.

Example: Take a whole chicken, cut it open down the middle of the breast, flatten it out, and rub it with a little oil and spices.

» canal auditivo externoear canalexternal auditory canal .

Example: Ear swabs are not useful in the diagnosis of otitis media as the tympanic membrane (ear drum) separates the middle ear from the ear canal.

Example: Otitis externa is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal.

» canal de distribucióndistribution channel .

Example: Internet as a new distribution channel of scientific grey literature.

» Canal de la Mancha, elEnglish Channel, the .

Example: Seven desperate migrants have been fished out of the English Channel after trying to climb aboard a moving ferry bound for Britain.

» canal de navegaciónshipping canal .

Example: Heavy metals can be traced far back in time in these shipping canals and are mainly responsible for the existing contamination.

» Canal de Suez, elSuez Canal, the .

Example: Their defense minister says protecting the Suez Canal is one of the main objectives of an army deployment in nearby cities shaken by violence.

» canal digestivo, elalimentary canal, thealimentary tract, the .

Example: The alimentary canal includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.

Example: One of the most common locations for a foreign body is the alimentary tract.

» canales de publicaciónpublishing channels .

Example: The term 'grey literature' refers to documents issued informally in limited amounts which are not available through normal publishing channels, a definition which includes many scientific and technical research reports.

» canales y ríos navegablesinland waterwayswaterways [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: The scholarly focus of the collections is concentrated in 3 areas: Western Americana, railroads and inland waterways.

Example: This document covers information sources about water and waterways, and environmental statistics.

» canal intestinal, elintestinal tract, the .

Example: Banana contains large amounts of soluble fiber, which can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria keeping the cleanness of the intestinal tract.

» crear un canal paraestablish + a channel for .

Example: Channels for the acquisition of some of these excluded categories had already been established.

» establecer un canal paraestablish + a channel for .

Example: Channels for the acquisition of some of these excluded categories had already been established.

» ingeniería de canalescanal engineering .

Example: On the other hand, 626 is now unused, for the subject to which it was originally allocated, canal engineering, has so decreased in importance that it no longer justifies a separate heading.

canal2 = channel. 

Example: The normal inter-library loan channels of the telephone and the postal service must still be interposed between the identification of the existence and the location of a document, and the receipt of the same document.


» cambiar de canal de radiotune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de canal de televisióntune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» canal de comunicaciónline of communicationcommunication channelcommunication pathway .

Example: In the latter case particularly, there should be a clear line of communication between staff operating the system and those above them.

Example: More disciplining in the enunciation of objectives and more concern for communication channels is needed = Se necesita mayor rigurosidad en la enunciación de los objetivos y una mayor preocupación por los canales de comunicación.

Example: Traditional communication pathways between acquisitions and other departments are inadequate in the process of acquiring the electronic resources increasingly in demand by the community.

» canal de sonidosound channel .

Example: Other physical details, including, as appropriate, type of recording, playing speed, groove characteristics, track configuration, number of tracks, number of sound channels, recording and reproduction characteristics.

» canal de televisióntelevision stationtelevision channelTV channel .

Example: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.

Example: The bandwidth available for each television channel affects the amount of information that can be sent with each frame.

Example: A TV channel has been fined after it aired a live lecture by an Islamic scholar who allegedly advocated killing people who insult the prophet Muhammad.

» canal vía satélitesatellite channel .

Example: Indeed, the demand for wide-band satellite channels is so great that, from 1984, satellites will be placed at 2-degree intervals of the equatorial orbit, instead of the previously used 4-degree separation.

» supercanal de comunicacionessuperhighway .

Example: I mentioned Japan's plan to install a fiber optic-based information superhighway into every home and office early in the next century.

Canal synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun sound in spanish: sonar, pronunciation: saʊnd part of speech: noun, adjective conduct in spanish: conducta, pronunciation: kəndʌkt part of speech: noun, verb convey in spanish: transmitir, pronunciation: kənveɪ part of speech: verb source in spanish: fuente, pronunciation: sɔrs part of speech: noun canal in spanish: canal, pronunciation: kənæl part of speech: noun transfer in spanish: transferir, pronunciation: trænsfɜr part of speech: noun carry in spanish: llevar, pronunciation: kæri part of speech: verb transport in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɔrt part of speech: noun duct in spanish: conducto, pronunciation: dʌkt part of speech: noun conduit in spanish: conducto, pronunciation: kɑnduɪt part of speech: noun transmit in spanish: transmitir, pronunciation: trænzmɪt part of speech: verb canalize in spanish: canalizar, pronunciation: kænəlaɪz part of speech: verb channelize in spanish: canalizar, pronunciation: tʃænəlaɪz part of speech: verb communication channel in spanish: canal de comunicación, pronunciation: kəmjunəkeɪʃəntʃænəl part of speech: noun transmission channel in spanish: canal de transmisión, pronunciation: trænsmɪʃəntʃænəl part of speech: noun
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