Campos in english


pronunciation: fildz part of speech: noun
In gestures

campo1 = country ; countryside ; field ; open country. 

Example: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.Example: Problems of community service seem to show up more clearly in the countryside.Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.Example: Stars seem brighter in open country for several reasons -- the main one being light pollutio.


» abandonar el campo de juegowalk off + the pitchwalk off + the field .

Example: Both teams of players in a friendly match in Italy walked off the pitch because of racist chants form the crowd against a player.

Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.

» biblioteca de campo de concentraciónconcentration camp library .

Example: The article 'Libraries and reading in P.O.W. camps' describes the establishment of the concentration camp library of Oflag IIC at Woldenberg, and its management, largely by the inmates, which was typical of many prisoner of war camps.

» campo abiertoopen country .

Example: Stars seem brighter in open country for several reasons -- the main one being light pollutio.

» campo a travésoff-roadcross country .

Example: Experience the thrill of rock climbing, mud crawling and off-road adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Example: You should start six weeks before the start of a cross country season in order to get your body in shape to run a cross country race.

» campo de alfareropotter's field [Nombre de origen biblíco y usado para designar los cementarios donde se entierran principalmente a los pobres y desconocidos] .

Example: In some cases, the remains of unidentified individuals may be buried in mass graves in potter's fields, making exhumation and future identification troublesome.

» campo de aviaciónairfield .

Example: The author describes, assesses and illustrates 216 sites which range from airfields and blockhouses, to searchlights and pillboxes, dating from the 16th c. to 1945.

» campo de batallabattlegroundbattlefield .

Example: From about 1952 to the end of the decade, the institute and its activities became a battleground for competing philosophies, methods, and techniques for the subject analysis of recorded knowledge.

Example: William Simpson (1823-189 9), a Glaswegian, was in effect the first war correspondent who sent back battlefield drawings of the Crimean War.

» campo de ceniza volcánicaash field .

Example: Following the narrator across endless ash fields, lava fields and steep rock faces, the reader easily gets lost in a dream in which the mysterious and the familiar merge.

» campo de césped artificialall-weather pitch .

Example: The university has a full-sized, sand-based, all-weather pitch that is flood lit for evening use.

» campo de concentraciónconcentration campgulaginternment camp .

Example: The archive of the Auschwitz Museum has evidence of the existence of a small library in the concentration camp, which was stocked largely with Nazi propaganda.

Example: So if ALA won't speak out when books are burned and librarians are tossed into the Cuban gulag, then they would betray the values drilled into us in graduate school.

Example: During World War I and World War II the Australian Government established internment camps across the country.

» campo de cricketcricket grounds .

Example: He researched existing and extinct cricket grounds in order to write the biographies of 400 cricketers who had represented the county.

» campo de damnificadosrelief camp [Generalmente para las personas afectadas por catástrofes naturales] .

Example: Tens of thousands of people marooned by severe flooding and mudslides still remain in relief camps.

» campo de deportessport arena .

Example: They measured emotional responses of basketball fans as they exited the sport arena after their team had won or lost an official game.

» campo de detencióninternment camp .

Example: During World War I and World War II the Australian Government established internment camps across the country.

» campo de entrenamientotraining grounds .

Example: There have been several high profile incidents at training grounds where players have been injured in disputes between team-mates.

» campo de exterminacióndeath camp .

Example: These two extraordinary, brutally honest autobiographical works deal with Spiegelman's attempts to record his father's recollections of experiences in the Nazi death camps.

» campo de fresasstrawberry field .

Example: A strawberry field is not a beautiful sight -- it lacks the charm and character of a citrus grove, an apple orchard, or even a field of corn.

» campo de fútbolfootball fieldfootball ground(s)football pitchsoccer fieldsoccer pitch .

Example: He looked up and descried a gym class, all wet and draggled, scurrying back across the sodden football field.

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

Example: If you wish to hire one of our football pitches you will be charged as follows: £30 per hour for members and £40 per hour for non-members.

Example: Earth has had a close brush with an asteroid thrice the size of a soccer field = Un asteroide de tres veces el tamaño de un campo de fútbol ha pasado casi chocando con la tierra.

Example: The way we are going with the use of water to feed our natural turf soccer pitches, it comes as no surprise that artificial turf soccer pitches are becoming hugely popular.

» campo de fútbol de tierradirt football pitch .

Example: Dirt football pitches proliferate in lower-class areas.

» campo de golfgolf coursegolf links .

Example: Golf is, of course, a sport also indelibly linked to Scotland, and the suburbs of the city boast several golf courses.

Example: On trips to Scotland and the country's famed St Andrews Golf Links, he had been impressed by its wideness and natural beauty.

» campo de hierba artificialall-weather pitch .

Example: The university has a full-sized, sand-based, all-weather pitch that is flood lit for evening use.

» campo de instruccióntraining grounds .

Example: There have been several high profile incidents at training grounds where players have been injured in disputes between team-mates.

» campo de internamientointernment camp .

Example: During World War I and World War II the Australian Government established internment camps across the country.

» campo de juegopitchplaying fieldsports fieldsports ground .

Example: The heading PITCH (Football) illustrates how to qualify a word by another in parenthesis to clarify the meaning = El encabezamiento CAMPO (Fútbol) ilustra cómo modificar una palabra con otra entre paréntesis para aclarar el significado.

Example: The article 'Off the sidelines, onto the playing field' discusses a recent project which commissioned 9 research papers to explore the future of libraries.

Example: The foundation of a good sports field is the soil in which the grass is grown.

Example: Students are now very much enjoying the new sports grounds that were opened at the end of October.

» campo de juego de tierradirt pitch .

Example: In Africa one can see balls made out of condensed plastic bags tied together with string and a game played on a dirt pitch with goal posts made from sticks.

» campo de lavalava field .

Example: Following the narrator across endless ash fields, lava fields and steep rock faces, the reader easily gets lost in a dream in which the mysterious and the familiar merge.

» campo de maízfield of corncorn field .

Example: A strawberry field is not a beautiful sight -- it lacks the charm and character of a citrus grove, an apple orchard, or even a field of corn.

Example: More carbon dioxide is released from residential lawns than corn fields according to a new study.

» campo de manzanosapple orchard .

Example: They are the owners of one of the largest privately owned apple orchards in the world.

» campo de minasminefield .

Example: The rules about surrounding proximity operators by spaces, sometimes required, sometimes optional, are rather confusing, and this guide is a help in this minefield.

» campo de naranjosorange groveorange orchard .

Example: Large wells formerly used for irrigation of orange groves have been abandoned because land is used for housing projects.

Example: The most extensive orchards in the United States are apple and orange orchards.

» campo de obstáculosobstacle course .

Example: Oh well, I could either stand here like a fart in a colander or I could haul my sorry ass up this obstacle course.

» campo de olivosolive grove .

Example: This area was scattered with agricultural settlements at a time when the central ruling authority used the stony ground to plant vineyards and olive groves.

» campo de petróleooil field .

Example: This is a valuable quality control tool now finding commercial use in the oil field.

» campo de prácticastraining grounds .

Example: There have been several high profile incidents at training grounds where players have been injured in disputes between team-mates.

» campo de prisionerosprison campP.O.W. campprisoner of war campgulag .

Example: In this sense the book resembles one of Solzhenitsyn's novels about one good day in the life of one of Stalin's victims living out a wretched existence in a Siberian prison camp.

Example: The article 'Libraries and reading in P.O.W. camps' describes the establishment of the concentration camp library of Oflag IIC at Woldenberg, and its management, largely by the inmates, which was typical of many prisoner of war camps.

Example: The article 'Libraries and reading in P.O.W. camps' describes the establishment of the concentration camp library of Oflag IIC at Woldenberg, and its management, largely by the inmates, which was typical of many prisoner of war camps.

Example: So if ALA won't speak out when books are burned and librarians are tossed into the Cuban gulag, then they would betray the values drilled into us in graduate school.

» campo de reclusióninternment camp .

Example: During World War I and World War II the Australian Government established internment camps across the country.

» campo de refugiadosrefugee camp [Generalmente para personas afectadas por conflictos políticos] .

Example: This article details an interview with Kate Holm a Danish volunteer librarian at the refugee camp in Dukwe, Botswana.

» campo de tierradirt pitchdirt field .

Example: In Africa one can see balls made out of condensed plastic bags tied together with string and a game played on a dirt pitch with goal posts made from sticks.

Example: Matches between pugilists were settled in front of a roaring crowd in dirt fields and John L. Sullivan was often the one causing the roar.

» campo de tirogun rangeshooting range .

Example: Palma, described by many as an indiscreet braggart, told people at the gun range that the group was preparing for clandestine trips to Cuba.

Example: Anyone can visit a shooting range and fire weapons for a day, but this means that you will be constantly supervised.

» campo de trabajos forzadoslabour campforced labour camp .

Example: He spent more than a decade in prison and labour camps in Siberia.

Example: Arabs who played a role in the Holocaust included those who personally took part in the persecution of Jews, and patrolmen who tracked down Jewish escapees from forced labor camps.

» campo, elbush, the [Nombre utilizado en Africa y Australia para referirse a las zonas de vegetación salvaje que no han sido taladas por el hombre] .

Example: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.

» campo enemigo, elenemy camp, the .

Example: A friend in the enemy camp is the term he uses when describing our friendship.

» campo petrolífero de producción regularmarginal field .

Example: Priority is awarded to projects aiming to maximise the yield from oil reservoirs where the natural drive is weak so as to increase their flow rate and make marginal fields viable.

» campo santoburial ground .

Example: Clava Cairns near Inverness is a neolithic burial ground with surprisingly well-preserved stone monuments.

» campo visualfield of visionvisual field .

Example: Publishers, teachers and librarians need to adjust their field of vision and accept a trend away from Europe to one geared towards Africa, Asia, the Hispanic World, the Pacific Islands and Arabian countries.

Example: Rather, binocularity is a consequence of the requirement of having a portion of the visual field that looks in the direction of travel.

» carrera campo a travéscross-country race .

Example: In the last few weeks of the season, increase the intensity by running the uphills at cross-country race effort while keeping the downhills at tempo effort.

» casa de campocountry residencecottage .

Example: S. Augustine's abbey became later the country residence of the abbots.

Example: Tom Jones hiding in a particular copse with Molly Seagrim, Marvell lying in a certain garden, Dimitri Karamazov in that prison cell, Will and Anna in that cottage bedroom.

» centro del campohalfway line .

Example: This football game consists in hitting the crossbar from the halfway line.

» club de campocountry club .

Example: They have to keep contending with young whippersnappers who would rather make a country club out of their organizations than work.

» como campo de adiestramientoas a training ground .

Example: Bush said in November 2002: 'Imagine a terrorist network with Iraq as an arsenal and as a training ground'.

» como campo de prácticasas a training ground .

Example: Bush said in November 2002: 'Imagine a terrorist network with Iraq as an arsenal and as a training ground'.

» como un campo de batallalike a war zone [Generalmente usado para referirse a un lugar que está completamente destrozado o peligroso] .

Example: Our area has been like a war-zone for the last six weeks and our pensioners live in fear of the children they fought to defend.

» correr campo a travéscross-country running .

Example: When people think of cross-country running, they often picture a group of skinny people sweating profusely as they compete for first place.

» cría en campofree-range farming .

Example: But any criticism that free range farming provides an ideal breeding ground for avian disease has its fair share of counterarguments.

» de campofree-rangefree-ranging .

Example: An inherent problem with all egg production, whether free-range or battery-caged, is the disposal of unwanted male chicks at the hatchery.

Example: In a few cases, exposure to chicken faeces in an area frequented by free-ranging poultry is thought to have been the source of infection.

» dejar el campo de juegowalk off + the pitchwalk off + the field .

Example: Both teams of players in a friendly match in Italy walked off the pitch because of racist chants form the crowd against a player.

Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.

» dejar los campos en barbecholet + the fields lie fallow .

Example: By crop rotation farmers can keep their fields under continuous production, without the need to let them lie fallow, and reducing the need for artificial fertilizers, both of which can be expensive.

» diario de campofield notebook .

Example: Here are some excerpts from the field notebooks that must be kept by all students taking the course.

» en el campo de juegoon-field .

Example: With the recent on-field spat between teammates, it is evident that sometimes the intensity of the tournament gets the better of the players.

» en mitad del campoin the heart of the country .

Example: They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office.

» en pleno campoin (the) open countryin the heart of the country .

Example: There's time and space away from the rat race to be found in open country - places that can recharge mental and spiritual batteries.

Example: They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office.

» excursión por el campocountry walk .

Example: A classic for long country walks, or just rambles in the park, these boots are a sure-fire way to keep your feet toasty warm and dry, whatever the weather!.

» gallina de campofree-range hen .

Example: But even if free-range hens were given all the space they could use, they will still be killed for meat when their egg production wanes.

» habitante del campocountry dweller .

Example: Country dwellers were 'ignorant of many of the things which it is a pleasure and a happiness to know'.

» ir de merienda al campogo for + a picnichave + a picnic .

Example: This park is the place to go for a picnic and a cold dip in the pool.

Example: Next, it's a lot easier to have a picnic with a screw top bottle.

» línea de medio campohalfway line .

Example: This football game consists in hitting the crossbar from the halfway line.

» mano de obra del campofarm labour force .

Example: Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.

» mariscal de campofield marshal .

Example: In 1793, during the French Revolution, the rank of field marshal was replaced by the rank of brigade general.

» participar en una carrera de campo a travésrun + a cross-country race .

Example: You should start six weeks before the start of a cross country season in order to get your body in shape to run a cross country race.

» pasarse al (campo) enemigogo over to + the enemy camp .

Example: We all agreed that he was a spy and a deserter, who had gone over to the enemy camp and sold himself for gold.

» paseo por el campocountry walk .

Example: A classic for long country walks, or just rambles in the park, these boots are a sure-fire way to keep your feet toasty warm and dry, whatever the weather!.

» pollo de campofree-range chicken .

Example: Free-range chickens must be allowed outside for at least half their lives and are grown more slowly, to be killed at eight weeks.

» prácticas de campofieldwork [field work] .

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

» propio campo de juegohome groundhome turf .

Example: The fact that they have suffered no more than one defeat at home ground this season is giving the fans a reason for optimism ahead of Tuesday's clash.

Example: It was a huge team effort to beat a team who we knew would come at us strong on their home turf.

» refugio en el campocountry retreat .

Example: Cotswolds set to get a whole lot posher as Beckhams go house-hunting for country retreat.

» salir del campo de juegowalk off + the fieldwalk off + the pitch .

Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.

Example: Both teams of players in a friendly match in Italy walked off the pitch because of racist chants form the crowd against a player.

» trabajador de campofieldworker [field worker] .

Example: The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.

» trabajador del campoagricultural labourerfarm labourerfarm worker .

Example: The agricultural labourer receiving payment in kind was a married farm-hand with a one-year contract and whose wife had the duty to milk the cows morning and night.

Example: Despite these hardships, farm laborers enjoy their work since they like to be outdoors near plants and animals.

Example: In rural areas, too, great variations in wealth exist side by side, from affluent farmers and landowners on the one hand, to extremely low-paid farm workers on the other.

» trabajadores del campofarm labour force .

Example: Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.

» vida en el camporural life .

Example: The farm family has been crucial to shaping agriculture and rural life in the USA since the abolition of chattel slavery.

» vivir del campolive off + the landlive off + farming .

Example: His family lived off of the land -- every summer his mother canned vegetables, fruits, jams, sauces, and meats for the winter.

Example: Most of the population lives off farming, mostly for subsistence, but coffee, cocoa and cotton are also produced for export.

campo2 = area ; arena ; field ; front ; territory. 

Example: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.Example: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.Example: Present auguries on the resource front are not good.Example: The report suggests that structural changes within higher education and within the information industry affect the legitimacy, status, and territory of librarians' work.


» campo afíntwin field .

Example: Instead, the author has attempted to present a readable account of some of the key practices in the twin fields of abstracting and indexing.

» campo científicoacademic fieldscientific field .

Example: The influence of muckrakers has been so great that, paradoxically, they seem easy to ignore in constructing a history of the academic field of communication.

Example: Results indicate that the patterns of cross-fertilization vary greatly among these scientific fields.

» campo de acciónpurviewscope .

Example: This article discusses the fact that no library is able to acquire all published material within its subject purview.

Example: Subject field definition arises from the scope of the information service or system that the indexing language is expected to serve.

» campo de actividadarea of application .

Example: Differences between this and previous efforts are discussed and potential areas of application are pointed out.

» campo de actuaciónpurviewscopesphere of interest .

Example: This article discusses the fact that no library is able to acquire all published material within its subject purview.

Example: Subject field definition arises from the scope of the information service or system that the indexing language is expected to serve.

Example: The members of these cabinets are agricultural specialists who read and recommend new publications, each in his own sphere of interest.

» campo de aplicaciónfield of application [Materia o materias especiales cubiertas por un tesauro]scopescope of applicationfield of practicearea of application .

Example: The field of application is the special subject(s) covered by a thesaurus.

Example: Subject field definition arises from the scope of the information service or system that the indexing language is expected to serve.

Example: After introducing the institutional framework of standardisation, the scope of applications is described, including library and office automation, information management and documentation.

Example: This has led to a fragmented field of practice characterized by short-term and small-scale projects.

Example: Differences between this and previous efforts are discussed and potential areas of application are pointed out.

» campo de especializaciónarea of competencefield of specialisation .

Example: Public libraries have had difficulty in establishing such a role without straying too far outside their own area of competence.

Example: The author discusses some of the problems faced by scientists and researchers in Zambia in keeping up-to-date with new developments in their fields of specialisation.

» campo de estudiofield of study .

Example: For example, in an academic library, guides to literature searching in the various fields of study undertaken by the students in that institution are an effective means of explaining the use of various information retrieval tools.

» campo de fuerzaforce field .

Example: Theoretical studies of proteins based on empirical force field calculations offer a methodology to overcome both of these limitations.

» campo de gravedadgravitational field .

Example: Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.

» campo de interéssphere of interest .

Example: The members of these cabinets are agricultural specialists who read and recommend new publications, each in his own sphere of interest.

» campo de investigaciónresearch field .

Example: The problem of lexicon creation and updating for large textual data bases is particularly difficult for research fields where the terminology evolves rapidly.

» campo de la computacióncomputing field .

Example: The author summarises the subject coverage of the computing field, sources abstracted/indexed, content of the records and indexing practice.

» campo del conocimientofield of knowledge .

Example: This implies that every field of knowledge should be available to everyone everywhere on the planet.

» campo de tierradirt pitchdirt field .

Example: In Africa one can see balls made out of condensed plastic bags tied together with string and a game played on a dirt pitch with goal posts made from sticks.

Example: Matches between pugilists were settled in front of a roaring crowd in dirt fields and John L. Sullivan was often the one causing the roar.

» campo de trabajofield of endeavour .

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are the novel contributions to a given field of endeavour.

» campo de visiónbreadth of visionviewing positionfield of vision .

Example: In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.

Example: Before him there are the two items to be joined, projected onto adjacent viewing positions.

Example: Publishers, teachers and librarians need to adjust their field of vision and accept a trend away from Europe to one geared towards Africa, Asia, the Hispanic World, the Pacific Islands and Arabian countries.

» campo electromagnéticoelectromagnetic field .

Example: Static electricity and electromagnetic fields can destroy data held on disks and displayed on screens.

» campo gravitacionalgravitational field .

Example: Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.

» campo gravitatoriogravitational field .

Example: Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.

» campo magnéticomagnetic field .

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» campo temáticosubject field .

Example: Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.

» campo visualfield of visionvisual field .

Example: Publishers, teachers and librarians need to adjust their field of vision and accept a trend away from Europe to one geared towards Africa, Asia, the Hispanic World, the Pacific Islands and Arabian countries.

Example: Rather, binocularity is a consequence of the requirement of having a portion of the visual field that looks in the direction of travel.

» en el campo dein the realm ofin the field of .

Example: In the realm of co-operative and centralized cataloguing systems, acronyms abound.

Example: This list of open access journals in the field of education will be served from a database driven webpage.

» generar un campo magnéticogenerate + magnetic field .

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» investigación de campointervention researchfield research .

Example: The title of the article is 'Challenges and strategies for coducting intervention research with culturally diverse populations' = El título del artículo es "Retos y estrategias para realizar investigaciones de campo con poblaciones culturalmente diversas".

Example: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.

» investigador de campofieldworker [field worker] .

Example: The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.

» salir al campo abiertogo out into + the open country .

Example: Esau went into the open country to hunt for some wild game to bring back.

» trabajo de campofieldwork [field work] .

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

campo3 = field. 

Example: Records are normally divided into fields.


» abreviatura del nombre del campotag [Abreviatura o código que se utiliza para identificar un campo de un registro o una función] .

Example: You can also sort records according to the frequency of search terms in the retrieved records by including the tag 'PO' (for 'postings') in your SORT statement.

» búsqueda por camposfield searching .

Example: Field searching: the ability to search for the occurrence of terms in specific fields within the record makes it possible to be more precise in searching.

» campo bibliográficobibliographic field .

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» campo de cabeceraleader field .

Example: Leader fields contain coded information required at the beginning of all MARC records.

» campo de controlcontrol field .

Example: The control fields contain coded data such as the record control number, ISBN, language of the text, an intellectual level code, and a country of publication code.

» campo de datosdatafield [Sección del registro bibliográfico de longitud variable que contiene un tipo determinado de información, que sigue al directorio y que está asociado a una entrada del directorio] .

Example: A datafield is a variable length portion of a bibliographic record containing a particular category of data, following the directory and associated with one entry of the directory.

» campo de informacióndata field .

Example: In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 -- , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.

» campo de longitud fijafixed length field .

Example: A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.

» campo de longitud variablevariable length field .

Example: Variable length fields are fields where the length of any given field varies from one record to another.

» campo de notasnotes field .

Example: This therefore includes more information than is included in notes field of MARC or on a catalog card.

» campo de registrofield [Aplicado a una parte de un registro de una base de datos] .

Example: Records are normally divided into fields.

» campo de relaciónlinking field .

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» campo de texto librefree-text field .

Example: Omitting the field label retrieves information from 'free-text' fields only.

» campo indizableindexing field .

Example: This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.

» campo insertoembedded field .

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» campo reservadoreserved field .

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» campo restringidolimit field .

Example: The highlighted fields on the previous screen are limit fields: the data in these fields have been specially indexed for more efficient retrieval.

» código de campofield code [En bases de datos, abreviatura, normalmente compuesta de dos letras, que se utiliza para referirse a los campos de los registros] .

Example: A user-defined format uses two-letter display codes, which in most cases are identical to the database's field codes (without the slash or equal sign, eg., TI, AU).

» contenido del campofield content .

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» de campos fijosfixed-field .

Example: Dbase data bases are fixed-length, fixed-field files in which all records must contain the same fields and be of the same length.

» delimitador de campofield delimiter .

Example: A field delimiter marks the end of a field.

» etiqueta de campofield labelfield tag [Tres caracteres asociados a un campo y usados para identificarlo] .

Example: Field labels are characters that identify specific fields.

Example: In order to signal the beginning of each field each field is identified by a three character tag followed by two numeric indicators.

» identificador de campofield label [Término que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor" o "au"] .

Example: To search a limit field use 'in' or '=' with field label, e.g. FIND: french in la; FIND: da=1979.

» identificador de campo abreviadoshort field label [Término abreviado que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "au" para indicar "autor"] .

Example: The two- to four-letter abbreviations on the left side of the screen are the short field lables - the abbreviated field names.

» identificador de campo desarrolladolong field label [Término completo que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor"] .

Example: If your system administrator has set the Show options to display long field labels, you will se the full field names rather than the abbreviations.

» indicador de campofield indicator [Primer elemento de un campo que añade información sobre el contenido del campo, sobre la relación entre un campo y otros del mismo registro o que indica la acción a seguir en cierto tipo de gestión de datos] .

Example: In addition to a tag, each of the main fields also has two field indicators; indicators are used to distinguish between the different types of information that can be entered in the same field.

» marca de final de campodelimiter .

Example: After a valid alphabetic match is found, the text for that field including correct delimiters and tag suffixes will be retrieved from an authority file.

» nombre del campofield name .

Example: Hard copy print-out may allow a more 'conventional' catalogue type layout and will probably not require labels for field names.

» separador de campofield separator .

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» sufijo de campofield suffix code .

Example: If you include a field suffix code (e.g., /TI) in an EXPLODEd command, the suffix will be ignored, because EXPLODE searches only thesaurus entries.

» tamaño del campofield size .

Example: Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.

» tecla de borrado de campoERASE FIELD key .

Example: The ERASE FIELD key erases all characters in the input field to the right of where the cursor is located.
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