Camión in english


pronunciation: trʌk part of speech: noun
In gestures

camión = motor truck ; truck ; rig ; lorry. 

Example: The replacement of the horse and cart by the motor truck has improved the transport system.Example: The freeway signs in the country don't say motor trucks, they say trucks.Example: Women who drive tractor-trailer rigs face many of the same problems encountered by women pursuing other nontraditional occupations.Example: This software is designed to enable technicians to monitor a wide range of vehicle performance through a data port on a car or lorry.


» camión articuladojuggernautarticulated lorryarticulated truck .

Example: The title of the article is 'Collection Management and Development Institute: pilot survives crush of juggernaut= El título del artículo es "La gestión de la colección y el Instituto para el Desarrollo: piloto sobrevive el aplastamiento de un camión articulado'.

Example: An additional benefit comes from the fact that trains can take on extra long articulated lorries that by law are prohibited in road traffic.

Example: More than half of the total crashes involving articulated trucks occurred during the day.

» camión bombatruck bomb .

Example: Al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for two truck bombs that hit government ministries in Baghdad last week.

» camión cisternafuel tankerroad tankergas tankertanker trucktank truck .

Example: Two buses and a fuel tanker have collided on a major highway in Afghanistan killing 73 people.

Example: Our warehouse shelter nearly 150 vehicles ranging from locomotives to road tankers.

Example: A huge gas tanker explosion has injured at least 16 people, destroying vehicles and causing ceilings to collapse in nearby building.

Example: Tanker trucks can become very contaminated if they are not cleaned regularly and filled with properly chlorinated water for drinking.

Example: The average size of tank trucks has increased from 3000 gallons in 1941 to about 4500 gallons today.

» camión con remolquetractor-trailer .

Example: Women who drive tractor-trailer rigs face many of the same problems encountered by women pursuing other nontraditional occupations.

» camión de bomberosfire truckfire engine .

Example: This is an imaginative story about a little boy who loves fire trucks.

Example: Two fire engines and around 20 firefighters were called to a fire in a derelict swimming baths in Walnut Tree Road.

» camión de la basuragarbage truckrubbish truckrubbish lorrydustcart [dust cart]trash truck .

Example: Over half of the garbage trucks in Reykjavik are actually powered by methane that is siphoned from the landfill.

Example: Two English tourists have been killed after the driver of a rubbish truck driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed on to the pavement.

Example: A man who blocked in a rubbish lorry with his car in a dispute over waste collection was allegedly hit on the head and sworn at by a binman.

Example: Tributes were today being paid to a teenage binman knocked down and killed by his own dustcart.

Example: Last week, at one of these ungated crossings a trash truck was hit by a freight train.

» camión de mudanzasmoving van .

Example: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.

» camión grúacrane truckcrane lorry .

Example: The 52-year-old driver of a crane truck was injured after the vehicle flipped on Saturday morning.

Example: The trees will be cleared by backhoes and transported out of the site by crane lorries.

» camión militararmy lorry .

Example: He was fatally injured when run over by an army lorry while on point duty.

» camión portacontenedorescontainer lorrycontainer truck .

Example: In places the waters had swept container lorries loaded with goods yards off the road where they now lay twisted and mangled and almost unrecognizable as vehicles.

Example: This is still the only port to test all outbound container truck and train traffic for radiation.

» camión que esparce sal en las carreterasgritter  .

Example: They use gritters to sprinkle rock salt on roads and snowploughs to ensure motorists are able to drive safely in poor conditions.

» camión-tanqueroad tankergas tankertanker trucktank trucktank truck .

Example: Our warehouse shelter nearly 150 vehicles ranging from locomotives to road tankers.

Example: A huge gas tanker explosion has injured at least 16 people, destroying vehicles and causing ceilings to collapse in nearby building.

Example: Tanker trucks can become very contaminated if they are not cleaned regularly and filled with properly chlorinated water for drinking.

Example: The average size of tank trucks has increased from 3000 gallons in 1941 to about 4500 gallons today.

Example: The average size of tank trucks has increased from 3000 gallons in 1941 to about 4500 gallons today.

» compañía de camionestrucking company .

Example: His lawyer calss him a 'working stiff' who runs a small trucking company, doesn't smoke and has an occasional sip of whiskey.

» empresa de camionestrucking company .

Example: His lawyer calss him a 'working stiff' who runs a small trucking company, doesn't smoke and has an occasional sip of whiskey.

» garaje de camionestruck depot [Cochera de camiones] .

Example: The 7th building, a main library and administrative headquarters, was a converted truck depot = El séptimo edificio, ahora la biblioteca principal y la oficina administrativa central, era antes un garaje de camiones.

» llevar en camióntruck .

Example: The houses are built, then taken apart and trucked to where they are needed and then re-assembled.

» transportar en camióntruck .

Example: The houses are built, then taken apart and trucked to where they are needed and then re-assembled.

» transporte por camióntrucking .

Example: Trucking is one of the largest growing industry sectors in the United States.

» un camión dea truckload of .

Example: He risked unpopularity by privatizing the bus service and using savings for a truckload of classroom computers.

Camión synonyms

hand truck in spanish: carretilla de mano, pronunciation: hændtrʌk part of speech: noun motortruck in spanish: camioneta, pronunciation: moʊtɜrtrək part of speech: noun
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