Camelo in english


pronunciation: kɑmeloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

camelar = bluff ; humbug ; lead + Nombre + down the garden path ; con ; hoax ; flim-flam ; cajole ; lead + Nombre + up the garden path ; sweet talk ; fast-talk ; smooth-talk ; wheedle ; wile ; beguile. 

Example: They are bluffed easily, and it is quite possible they will be bluffed again.Example: More persons, on the whole, are humbugged by believing in nothing than by believing in too much.Example: Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.Example: A number of victims have contacted police after seeing Masterson's mug shot and recognizing him as the man who conned them.Example: He hoaxed the popular media into thinking that he had burnt a million quid for the publicity it would, and has continued to, generate.Example: You are being flim-flammed by just another industry shill.Example: After some cajoling, Summer agreed to record a demo of the song.Example: Very often, he simply followed his nose to see where it led; sometimes leading him up the garden path, and sometimes bringing really useful results.Example: There are many ways to sweet talk someone including flirting, flattery, laughing at his jokes and being knowledgeable about things that he likes .Example: And is it fair for someone who barely knows the subjetc to pass because he fast talked his teachers?.Example: He smooth-talked his victims, spiked the drink of one and kidnapped another.Example: He managed to wheedle Danny enough on that point to have him concede a bit of space in the garage.Example: She is a character who serves and survives three consecutive kings, wiling them with her temptress charms.Example: Beguiling as the show is, it perhaps lacks major impact because it has taken elements from lacework and painting in such a way as to avoid the fundamental challenges of both.


» camelar para que + abandonarwheedle + Alguien + out of .

Example: She encouraged him, and wheedled him out of his old life and into that of a university student with ideas and beliefs.

» camelar para que + Subjuntivowheedle + Alguien + intojolly + Alguien + into .

Example: Once Modjeski heard him express sympathy, she knew she could wheedle him into acceding.

Example: He had to develop a sixth sense about the new employees' reliability, cut off the ones who weren't producing, as well as jollying them into accepting new duties that weren't in the initial contract.

camelo = humbug ; con ; con trick ; hoax ; con job ; flim-flam ; sweet talk ; smooth talk ; grift. 

Example: That is what he does now, only now there is a lot of palaver and humbug and pretense of deliberation, which the bill proposes to continue, but which everybody can see would be a false pretense.Example: He has long argued that populist conservatism is nothing more than a con.Example: The social contract has been the con trick by which the bosses have squeezed more and more out of the workers for themselves.Example: This article examines several controversial cataloguing problems, including the classification of anti-Semitic works and books proven to be forgeries or hoaxes.Example: The global warming hoax had all the classic marks of a con job from the very beginning.Example: You may believe in UFOs, psychics, psychic powers, astrology, spoon benders, water dowsers and other such flim-flam -- I don't.Example: Ursel now became quite desperate and knew that she was in deep trouble, while all her sweet talk would not help any more.Example: So she tempted him with her charms, and he gave in to her smooth talk.Example: Earlier racketeers dreamed of such a grift, but they quickly realized they could never get away with it.
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