Cambio in english


pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

cambiar = alter ; change ; reshape [re-shape] ; reverse ; revolutionise [revolutionize, -USA] ; shift ; turn into ; undergo + transformation ; amend ; redraw [re-draw] ; swing ; morph ; reengineer [re-engineer] ; metamorphose ; refashion ; move along ; reschedule ; convert ; take + a turn ; turn + Nombre + (a)round ; shunt between ; switch ; transition ; swap ; swop ; exchange ; change + Posesivo + ways ; make + a change ; rework ; switch + Nombre + (a)round ; swap + Nombre + (a)round. 

Example: Even the same collection some years on will have altered, and the device, in order to remain effective, must evolve in keeping with the development of the collection.Example: A scheme should permit changes in terminology as subjects change their names.Example: I do not think I am alone in believing there is a need for significant change, for reshaping our educational programs as well as our institutional goals and philosophies.Example: Entry of the number '11' reverses the present blacklisting status.Example: It was pointed out that the practices of the profession were not being totally revolutionized overnight.Example: In general, then, a post-co-ordinate index is simpler to produce than a pre-co-ordinate index, because it shifts the responsibility for co-ordination of index terms to the searcher.Example: But the incompleteness of information can be turned into an asset by challenging students to specify what additional information they would like and how they would attempt to get it.Example: This is because names of women authors frequently undergo transformations as a result of marriage and divorce; political jurisdictions also are annexed or gain independence and sometimes a new name; etc.Example: This article shows how to amend and cancel orders and how to arrange delivery by telefacsimile.Example: the Internet has fundamentally redrawn the way in which people can organize themselves.Example: The article has the title 'The pendulum swings to the right: censorship in the eighties'.Example: The librarians have the capabilities to morph sucessfully to keep in sync, so to speak, with the new technologies.Example: Libraries in general, and the corporate library in particular, must reengineer to take their rightful place in the new age.Example: Each of these three standards metamorphosed and had an impact far beyond the anticipation of all but the most far-sighted.Example: The basic thesis of the book under review is that throughout his career Rembrandt restlessly fashioned and refashioned his self.Example: As university libraries move along this continuum they will become evolutionary, non-hierarchical, entrepreneurial and horizontal.Example: The 2005 second edition originally slated for 4th of May 2005 has been rescheduled for 2-4 August 2005.Example: All listings for the final thesaurus must be converted to the format appropriate for typing, printing or input to a computer data base.Example: All went well, and with the addition of two new people, computer science took a turn.Example: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.Example: Till then, he will continue living out of a suitcase and shunt between the two continents.Example: Role reversal seeks to answer some of these questions by having ordinary men and women switch genders for a month.Example: If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.Example: The program automatically swaps CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and executes a warm boot in one step.Example: While poking about among books children naturally discuss those they have read, swopping responses, and so leading each other on.Example: Inmates sold or exchanged everything they had for extra food.Example: I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.Example: The person assigned as coach goes over the work of the new abstractor, makes editorial changes, and discusses these changes with the new man.Example: In this age of financial restriction we have to see ourselves, even at the smallest unit, as an international library resource network, and unless we can deal with this concept we can't rework the ISBD into a viable tool.Example: The only thing wrong with my keyboard is that these two symbols are switched around.Example: She entered and then looked at the phone and was really angry because she realised that their phones had been swapped around.


» actitud + cambiarattitude + go [Verbo irregular: pasado went, participio gone. Tercera persona singular goes] .

Example: This attitude had to go and by the 1830s it was shaking.

» aumentar la velocidad cambiando de marchaupshift .

Example: The noise is usually noticeable when upshifting from 1st to 2nd to 3rd.

» cambiandoa-changing [Forma arcaica y ahora poética de formar el gerundio] .

Example: The article 'Libraries: they are a-changing' outlines the background to the Nordic Book and Library Fair.

» cambiando de asuntoon another topicon another matteron another noteon other matters .

Example: On another topic, how much trust and confidence do you have at this time in your mayor and city council, when it comes to handling city problems?.

Example: On another matter, in many cases it is cheaper to pay workers for overtime than it is to hire more people.

Example: On another note, if a child is bilingual, it is very difficult to make him fluent in both languages.

Example: On other matters, it appears that our server was down again this morning.

» cambiando de temaon another topicon another matteron another noteon other matters .

Example: On another topic, how much trust and confidence do you have at this time in your mayor and city council, when it comes to handling city problems?.

Example: On another matter, in many cases it is cheaper to pay workers for overtime than it is to hire more people.

Example: On another note, if a child is bilingual, it is very difficult to make him fluent in both languages.

Example: On other matters, it appears that our server was down again this morning.

» cambiar aswitch overswitch totransmute intomove tochange over to .

Example: Not finding a particular item in the region, the search would be switched over to the national data base, and the record could be supplied.

Example: The cataloger can switch to entering records in the local catalog with the code 'p'.

Example: All of these can be painlessly transmuted into natural, androgynous forms, e.g., city councilmen becoming city council members; firemen: fire fighters; longshoremen: longshore workers.

Example: The report's overall objective is to present both the technical aspects of OSI and the critical organizational issues that must be considered in moving to an OSI environment.

Example: The 12 countries in the euro zone changed over to the single currency on 1 January 1999.

» cambiar a la situación anteriorreverse .

Example: Entry of the number '11' reverses the present blacklisting status.

» cambiar Algo en Otra Cosaturn + Nombre + into .

Example: The article is entitled 'Research: turning research priorities into answerable questions'.

» cambiar Algo para bienturn + Nombre + into a good thing .

Example: Because our Hungarian comrades took proper action in the course of these events, what was a bad thing turned ultimately into a good thing.

» cambiar a mejortake + a turn for the besttake + a turn for the betterchange for + the betterturn for + the betterturn for + the best .

Example: Despite their rough breakup a year later, things have taken a turn for the best in her life.

Example: His private life, however, took a turn for the better.

Example: The situation has certainly changed for the better now, but it is still dramatic.

Example: The fortunes of the real estate industry seem to be turning for the better.

Example: Everything ended up turning for the best as we had a marvelous time at home.

» cambiar a peorturn for + the worsetake + a turn for the worsetake + a turn for the worstchange for + the worseturn for + the worst .

Example: Across the pond, things turned for the worse as a confluence of issues impacted markets.

Example: This new virus has taken a turn for the worse with some variations now able to infect PCs without any user intervention.

Example: By this time the weather had taken a turn for the worst but we didn't let that stop us having fun and after a few slips we made our way back to Ambleside.

Example: He has changed for the worse since 2000, because defending a lie leads to bigger lies.

Example: When we reached the top of the mountain we thought all our woes were over though the weather had now turned for the worst.

» cambiar a una marcha más cortadownshift .

Example: If you've ever watched an Indy race on TV and see a driver lose control going into corners it's because they downshift too early.

» cambiar a una marcha más largaupshift .

Example: The noise is usually noticeable when upshifting from 1st to 2nd to 3rd.

» cambiar con el paso del tiempochange over + timechange with + time .

Example: When you start getting into these cases, you realize how much things change over time and how they're not cut and dried.

Example: The indexing changes gradually with time, as the natural language of the documents covered by the index evolves.

» cambiar con el tiempochange over + timechange with + time .

Example: When you start getting into these cases, you realize how much things change over time and how they're not cut and dried.

Example: The indexing changes gradually with time, as the natural language of the documents covered by the index evolves.

» cambiar con el transcurso del tiempochange over + timechange with + time .

Example: When you start getting into these cases, you realize how much things change over time and how they're not cut and dried.

Example: The indexing changes gradually with time, as the natural language of the documents covered by the index evolves.

» cambiar de ... a ...switch from ... to ...shift away from ... to(wards) ... .

Example: The XCHANGE command enables you to switch from one compact disc to another.

Example: Shifting away from imported oil to domestic natural gas as a transportation fuel should be as easy as flicking a light switch off and on.

» cambiar de actitudchange + attitudehave + a change of heart .

Example: Ironically, Weber later changed his attitude and stated that 'a passion for bureaucracy is enough to drive one to despair'.

Example: We can only hope that it will, after all, be possible to persuade the Council to have a change of heart = Sólo nos queda esperar que, después de todo, sea posible persuadir al Consejo para que cambie de opinión.

» cambiar de airemove on to + pastures new .

Example: After spending 7 years of our lives at this establishment, we will move on to pastures new and begin our journeys into the vast abyss of real life.

» cambiar de aireschange + scenerymake + a move .

Example: Occasionally staff may feel a need to change scenery to revitalize and move forward.

Example: Being 26 and with no major ties in the UK, I thought it was a good time to make a move abroad.

» cambiar de ambientechange + scenerymake + a move .

Example: Occasionally staff may feel a need to change scenery to revitalize and move forward.

Example: Being 26 and with no major ties in the UK, I thought it was a good time to make a move abroad.

» cambiar de apartamentomove + apartments .

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» cambiar de bandoswitch + sides .

Example: Nearly one in five Democrats -- almost 20 percent -- said they would switch sides and vote for Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

» cambiar de canal de radiotune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de canal de televisióntune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de cantinelachange + Posesivo + tunesing + a different tune .

Example: Then a few weeks ago, we noted that he had shockingly changed his tune, right about the time that the market was hitting new highs.

Example: Politicians who scoffed at the possibility of a Trump presidency and withheld their support are now singing a different tune.

» cambiar de caraarrange + Posesivo + countenance .

Example: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

» cambiar de domiciliochange + Posesivo + residence .

Example: It becomes impossible to find the owner of unclaimed money due to the fact that the owner has changed his residence.

» cambiar de dueñochange + hands .

Example: This handbook is a collector's guide to popular children's beanbag animal toys, rare examples of which change hands for thousand of dollars = Este manual es una guía para el coleccionista de animales de juguete rellenos de bolitas para niños, algunos de los cuales (los más raros) se llegan a vender por miles de dólares.

» cambiar de entornochange + scenerymake + a move .

Example: Occasionally staff may feel a need to change scenery to revitalize and move forward.

Example: Being 26 and with no major ties in the UK, I thought it was a good time to make a move abroad.

» cambiar de estación de radiotune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de estación de televisióntune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de estrategiachange + tack .

Example: The article 'Microsoft changes tack' comments on Microsoft's strategy of using the Internet as one of its defences against possible legal action.

» cambiar de fondosturn over .

Example: Also, public library collections are literally dynamic, they turn over rapidly, and they are now-oriented.

» cambiar de formashape-shiftchange + (its) form .

Example: In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.

Example: Through its long history the rapier has changed its form, but it was a choice of weapon for gentlemen, rather than the military.

» cambiar de forma de vivirturn + Posesivo + life (a)round .

Example: A violent panhandler who attacked an elderly man in a church has turned his life around and may even be baptized in the same church where the attack took place.

» cambiar de formatoreformat [re-format]  .

Example: For example, if you type '85432', the number will be reformatted to '85000432' preceded by 3 spaces.

» cambiar de ideahave + a change of heart .

Example: We can only hope that it will, after all, be possible to persuade the Council to have a change of heart = Sólo nos queda esperar que, después de todo, sea posible persuadir al Consejo para que cambie de opinión.

» cambiar de identidadchange + Posesivo + identity .

Example: When she double-crossed him and returned to the mobster, the detective changed his identity and dropped out of sight.

» cambiar de ladoswitch + sides .

Example: In tennis, players only switch sides at the end of odd numbered games in a set.

» cambiar de lugarrelocateresite [re-site]  .

Example: Also many subjects were relocated and the index was drastically pruned.

Example: Many public libraries are facing budgetary constraints and in reaction they are merging, resiting, or closing outlets = Muchas bibliotecs están padeciendo recortes en sus presupuestos y como reacción están fusionándose con otras, reubicándose o cerrando sucursales.

» cambiar de manoschange + hands .

Example: This handbook is a collector's guide to popular children's beanbag animal toys, rare examples of which change hands for thousand of dollars = Este manual es una guía para el coleccionista de animales de juguete rellenos de bolitas para niños, algunos de los cuales (los más raros) se llegan a vender por miles de dólares.

» cambiar de marchagear .

Example: The main reason he wimped out was that he had a cheap bike that didn't gear properly, and made it extremely hard to bike efficiently.

» cambiar de nombrerename  .

Example: Without such an understanding, attempts at overcoming the stereotype by willing it away, renaming, or ignoring it will remain futile.

» cambiar de nuevo al estado anteriorchange back to .

Example: And now change the indicator back to the default value.

» cambiar de opiniónchange + Posesivo + mindchange + feetchange + Posesivo + tunebudgechange + Posesivo + perceptionchange + Posesivo + opinionsing + a different tunehave + a change of heart .

Example: The latter reasons may be further subdivided into those operations in which we expect that we shall have reasonable provocation to change our minds.

Example: These people usually do not realize that it often takes greater strength of character and heroic self-discipline to refrain from changing feet every time one opens one's mouth.

Example: Then a few weeks ago, we noted that he had shockingly changed his tune, right about the time that the market was hitting new highs.

Example: Pete was stunned -- he tried reasoning with the woman, but she would not budge.

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

Example: As long as she lives, she will still be able to change her opinion and return to her husband.

Example: Politicians who scoffed at the possibility of a Trump presidency and withheld their support are now singing a different tune.

Example: We can only hope that it will, after all, be possible to persuade the Council to have a change of heart = Sólo nos queda esperar que, después de todo, sea posible persuadir al Consejo para que cambie de opinión.

» cambiar de opinión a mitad de caminochange + horses in midstream .

Example: 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream= Dijo encogiéndose de hombros: "No soy mucho de confiar en ningún político, pero simplemente no creo en los cambios de opinión a mitad de camino".

» cambiar de orientaciónreposition [re-position] .

Example: All sectors of the information industry need to reposition themselves as a means of survival.

» cambiar de parecerchange + Posesivo + mindchange + Posesivo + tunesing + a different tunehave + a change of heart .

Example: The latter reasons may be further subdivided into those operations in which we expect that we shall have reasonable provocation to change our minds.

Example: Then a few weeks ago, we noted that he had shockingly changed his tune, right about the time that the market was hitting new highs.

Example: Politicians who scoffed at the possibility of a Trump presidency and withheld their support are now singing a different tune.

Example: We can only hope that it will, after all, be possible to persuade the Council to have a change of heart = Sólo nos queda esperar que, después de todo, sea posible persuadir al Consejo para que cambie de opinión.

» cambiar de parecer a mitad de caminochange + horses in midstream .

Example: 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream= Dijo encogiéndose de hombros: "No soy mucho de confiar en ningún político, pero simplemente no creo en los cambios de opinión a mitad de camino".

» cambiar de percepciónchange + Posesivo + perception .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

» cambiar de pisomove + flatsmove + apartments .

Example: She's moving flats quite soon but staying in the same area.

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» cambiar de política a mitad de caminochange + horses in midstream .

Example: 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream= Dijo encogiéndose de hombros: "No soy mucho de confiar en ningún político, pero simplemente no creo en los cambios de opinión a mitad de camino".

» cambiar de posicióntransposereposition [re-position] .

Example: Give the elements of data in the order of the sequence of the following rules, even if this means transposing data.

Example: All sectors of the information industry need to reposition themselves as a means of survival.

» cambiar de posturareconsider + position .

Example: The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.

» cambiar de propietariochange + hands .

Example: This handbook is a collector's guide to popular children's beanbag animal toys, rare examples of which change hands for thousand of dollars = Este manual es una guía para el coleccionista de animales de juguete rellenos de bolitas para niños, algunos de los cuales (los más raros) se llegan a vender por miles de dólares.

» cambiar de proveedorchurn .

Example: These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.

» cambiar de residenciarelocatechange + Posesivo + residence .

Example: Also many subjects were relocated and the index was drastically pruned.

Example: It becomes impossible to find the owner of unclaimed money due to the fact that the owner has changed his residence.

» cambiar de rumbobranch off + on a side trailchange + tack .

Example: When it becomes evident that the elastic properties of available materials had a great deal to do with the bow, he branches off on a side trail which takes him through textbooks on elasticity.

Example: The article 'Microsoft changes tack' comments on Microsoft's strategy of using the Internet as one of its defences against possible legal action.

» cambiar de serviciochurn .

Example: These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.

» cambiar de sintoníatune out .

Example: Most local television stations will post the pollen indexes for the day, but most people simply tune out or ignore the scientific numbers.

» cambiar de sitioshuffle .

Example: Although it seldom happened in practice, it was possible to shuffle copies of the main sections and offcuts of 12 sheets or half-sheets and thus produce aberrant watermark patterns.

» cambiar de tácticachange + tack .

Example: The article 'Microsoft changes tack' comments on Microsoft's strategy of using the Internet as one of its defences against possible legal action.

» cambiar de una vez a otrachange from + time to timevary from + time to time .

Example: Duties of the post may be varied, and or changed, from time to time as required.

Example: The precise form of the signatures varied from time to time and from place to place.

» cambiar de velocidadgear .

Example: The main reason he wimped out was that he had a cheap bike that didn't gear properly, and made it extremely hard to bike efficiently.

» cambiar de vidachange + Posesivo + ways .

Example: I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.

» cambiar dinero (en efectivo/metálico)change + cash .

Example: Changing cash is out of the ark -- get a decent fee-free card and withdraw cash locally = Cambiar dinero en efectivo se ha quedado anticuado -- hazte de una tarjeta en condiciones y sin gastos de comisión y retira efectivo allí donde estés.

» cambiar direcciónchange + direction .

Example: It is clear to me, and I hope to you, that unless we drastically change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.

» cambiar el aceitechange + the oil .

Example: A warning light on the fascia panel tells you when it's time to change the oil.

» cambiar el curso deturn back + the tideturn + the tide on .

Example: Quite frankly, I believe it is too late in the day to turn back the tide; the murky, overwhelming waters are too deep to be rolled back.

Example: The article 'Turning the Tide on Toxics' lists some of the toxic chemicals found around the home.

» cambiar el curso de + Posesivo + vidaalter + the course of + Posesivo + lifechange + the course of + Posesivo + life .

Example: I left the casual comforts of Los Angeles and embarked on an adventure that would alter the course of my life in the most profound ways.

Example: There is no doubt that the events of that day changed the course of her life.

» cambiar el decoradochange + the scenery .

Example: Warmer summer temperatures will probably lead to a rise in the summer snowline, changing the scenery in southern mountain areas.

» cambiar el énfasisshift + Posesivo + focusshift + the emphasis .

Example: If libraries are to maintain their role in learning and research, they need to shift their focus from documents to content and from collection to individuals.

Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.

» cambiar el paisajechange + the scenery .

Example: Warmer summer temperatures will probably lead to a rise in the summer snowline, changing the scenery in southern mountain areas.

» cambiar el pelomoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cambiar el plumajemoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cambiar el precioreprice  .

Example: Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.

» cambiar el ritmochange + the pace .

Example: But there are outsiders whose presence in the classroom and refreshing unfamiliarity and enthusiasm for reading can help change the pace of everyday encounters between teacher and taught = Pero hay personas ajenas a la clase cuya presencia en el aula y su novedad y entusiasmo revitalizador por la lectura pueden contribuir a cambiar el ritmo del encuentro diario entre el profesor y los alumnos.

» cambiar el tamañoresize [re-size]  .

Example: There are many instances when you may need to resize images.

» cambiar el techo de un edificiore-roof  .

Example: The new 3,000 square feet library has been completely re-roofed and rewired.

» cambiar el títuloretitle  .

Example: The sixth edition was retitled Sears list of subject headings as a recognition of Sears' contribution.

» cambiar el tonomodulate .

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.

» cambiar la instalación eléctricarewire  .

Example: The new 3,000 square feet library has been completely re-roofed and rewired.

» cambiar la pielmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cambiar las cosasmake + a change .

Example: The person assigned as coach goes over the work of the new abstractor, makes editorial changes, and discusses these changes with the new man.

» cambiar las cosas desde dentrochange + things from the inside .

Example: Black librarians in the UK were urged to join the Association, get themselves organized, and 'infiltrate' to change things from the inside.

» cambiar las dimensionesresize [re-size]  .

Example: There are many instances when you may need to resize images.

» cambiar las espadas por aradosturn + swords into ploughshares .

Example: The title of the article is 'Turning electronic swords into ploughshares'.

» cambiar la situaciónchange + the course of events .

Example: Are there moments in which Jean could have acted differently and thereby changed the course of the events that followed?.

» cambiar las plumasmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cambiar las prioridades de ... a ...shift + the emphasis from ... to ... .

Example: The article 'In-service training as basic diet and shot in the arm' describes how the Library School has shifted the emphasis from basic to in-service training.

» cambiar las reglas de(l) juegomove + the goalpostsshift + the goalposts .

Example: Viruses have to be seen as organisms that aren't static but are constantly evolving, moving the goalposts and evading our immune system.

Example: Anti-abortion extremists will continuously and disingenuously shift the goalposts until every pregnancy in this country is under complete state control.

» cambiar las tornasturn + the tables (on) .

Example: A feisty Harlem woman turned the tables on three subway muggers, chasing down two of the thugs while snatching back her purse.

» cambiar la vidachange + lifeturn over + Posesivo + life .

Example: The author argues that the capacity of books to change lives and to civilize readers cannot be overstated = El autor sostiene la opinión de que no se puede dejar de recalcar la capacidad de los libros para cambiar la vida de las personas y civilizar a los lectores.

Example: It's not a new phobia, aviophobia, but a fear of flying can take over lives meaning holidays and business trips abroad are out of the question.

» cambiarle el agua al canariopeetake + a leakhave + a leakgo for + a tinklego for + a peego for + a weeweewee weepee peetake + a peetake + a pee peehave + a slashgo (for a) wee weego (for a) pee peespend + a pennyhave + a peetinkletake + a weetake + a wee weesplash clogsgo for + a slashsee + a man about a dog/horse .

Example: Why do men break wind when they pee?.

Example: In his press conference today, the President also acknowledged -- perhaps in a related matter -- his difficulties taking leaks.

Example: On the way up to Prague, Bill went to have a leak and noticed a guy uncoupling the carriages of the train.

Example: The doors shut by themselves, if you go for a tinkle in the night, you've got to remember your key.

Example: And I also remember getting my bum stung on nettles as I was going for a pee.

Example: You have to sit down to go for a wee on the tour bus, because if you stand up and you go round a corner it all goes everywhere.

Example: Then when you think the child needs to wee, place on or over potty or toilet and turn the tap on.

Example: Men get an erection in the morning without wanting sex, because, well, they have to 'wee wee'.

Example: My child is pee peeing in toilet but still poops in pants -- what to do?.

Example: Would you be embarrassed if you took a pee against a car only to find out there's a camera crew inside filming you?.

Example: Bill's sister is one of Dracula's babes and attacks Janet while she's taking a pee-pee on the toilet.

Example: Anyone ever been done by the police for having a slash in public?.

Example: Jumpsuits are all good and fun until someone needs to go for a wee wee.

Example: They drink non-stop, alcohol tea, yet none of them ever seem to go for a pee pee.

Example: Then there's spend a penny, which comes from the earliest public toilets, which had locks on the doors which cost a penny to open.

Example: The bandage compressed my urethra somewhat so that when I had a pee there was considerable resistance to it coming out.

Example: I have a kitty who has decided to 'tinkle' in the same spot for a number of weeks.

Example: Before going in the pool I went and took a wee in the woodshed first.

Example: Until a couple of weeks ago he hadn't any problems using his potty when he needed to take a wee-wee; but now he is peeing everywhere!.

Example: They began to search frantically and were near despair when they found him in a nearby street 'splashing his clogs'.

Example: His madcap antics began 10 days ago when he went for a quick slash behind an advertising hoard.

Example: When I was growing up, my father would often excuse himself and say suddenly in the middle of a conversation, 'I have to see a man about a dog'.

» cambiar lo acontencidochange + the course of events .

Example: Are there moments in which Jean could have acted differently and thereby changed the course of the events that followed?.

» cambiar marchasshift + gears .

Example: Some readers cannot, as Richard Hoggart puts it, 'shift the gears' of their reading to suit dramatic needs of the text.

» cambiar muchocome + a long way .

Example: Computers have come a long way, but not far enough.

» cambiar mucho desde entoncescome + a long way since then .

Example: Smoking pipes have been in existence since approximately 5000BC, but they've come a long way since then.

» cambiar para bienchange for + the better .

Example: The situation has certainly changed for the better now, but it is still dramatic.

» cambiar para mejorchange for + the bettertake + a turn for the besttake + a turn for the betterturn for + the betterturn for + the best .

Example: The situation has certainly changed for the better now, but it is still dramatic.

Example: Despite their rough breakup a year later, things have taken a turn for the best in her life.

Example: His private life, however, took a turn for the better.

Example: The fortunes of the real estate industry seem to be turning for the better.

Example: Everything ended up turning for the best as we had a marvelous time at home.

» cambiar para peorchange for + the worseturn for + the worsetake + a turn for the worsetake + a turn for the worstturn for + the worst .

Example: He has changed for the worse since 2000, because defending a lie leads to bigger lies.

Example: Across the pond, things turned for the worse as a confluence of issues impacted markets.

Example: This new virus has taken a turn for the worse with some variations now able to infect PCs without any user intervention.

Example: By this time the weather had taken a turn for the worst but we didn't let that stop us having fun and after a few slips we made our way back to Ambleside.

Example: When we reached the top of the mountain we thought all our woes were over though the weather had now turned for the worst.

» cambiar portrade + Nombre + in for .

Example: She plays a devoted housewife who finds herself tossed out on her ear when her philandering husband trades her in for a younger model.

» cambiar + Posesivo + opiniónchange + Posesivo + perceptionchange + Posesivo + opinion .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

Example: As long as she lives, she will still be able to change her opinion and return to her husband.

» cambiar + Posesivo + percepciónchange + Posesivo + perception .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

» cambiar + Posesivo + prioridadesshift priorities .

Example: Some years ago, the donor shifted her priorities, and we no longer had the benefit of her contribution.

» cambiar + Posesivo + vidaturn + Posesivo + life (a)round .

Example: A violent panhandler who attacked an elderly man in a church has turned his life around and may even be baptized in the same church where the attack took place.

» cambiar radicalmente de actituddo + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar radicalmente de opinióndo + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar radicalmente de posturado + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar rápidamentejump .

Example: Field lengths are indicated as explained above and the cursor can be made to 'jump' from field to field for entry or amendment.

» cambiarseget changed .

Example: The two played around on the beach before getting changed into bathing costumes and going into the water.

» cambiarse de casamove + housemove outmove + home .

Example: Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.

Example: This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.

Example: We know moving home can be stressful, which is why we have a dedicated team who are here to make things run as smooth as possible.

» cambiarse de ropachangechange + Posesivo + clothesget changed .

Example: He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.

Example: Why do girls like to change their minds as often as they change their clothes?.

Example: The two played around on the beach before getting changed into bathing costumes and going into the water.

» cambiarse rápidamenteslip into + Posesivo + clothes .

Example: After they'd gone to bed and she'd dropped off to sleep, he slipped into his clothes and down the waterspout to the ground.

» cambiar súbitamente de actituddo + an about-facemake + an about-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar súbitamente de opinióndo + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar súbitamente de posturado + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar tanto que resulta irreconociblechange + beyond (all) recognition .

Example: The Internet is likely to result in education and libraries changing beyond recognition.

» cambiar una situaciónchange + a situation .

Example: She resented his disengagement but felt powerless to change the situation.

» cambiar velocidadesgear .


Cambio synonyms

shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb exchange in spanish: intercambiar, pronunciation: ɪkstʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun switch in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: swɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb transfer in spanish: transferir, pronunciation: trænsfɜr part of speech: noun alter in spanish: alterar, pronunciation: ɔltɜr part of speech: verb commute in spanish: conmutar, pronunciation: kəmjut part of speech: verb variety in spanish: variedad, pronunciation: vɜraɪəti part of speech: noun convert in spanish: convertir, pronunciation: kɑnvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun vary in spanish: variar, pronunciation: veri part of speech: verb interchange in spanish: intercambio, pronunciation: ɪntɜrtʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun modification in spanish: modificación, pronunciation: mɑdəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun alteration in spanish: modificación, pronunciation: ɔltɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun deepen in spanish: profundizar, pronunciation: dipən part of speech: verb
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