Cama in english


pronunciation: bed part of speech: noun
In gestures

cama = bed. 

Example: He recommended me to carry a small piece of brimstone sewed up in a piece of very thin linen to bed with me, and if I felt any symptom of cramp to hold it in my hand.


» airear la camaair + the bed .

Example: The idea of airing the bed is to fold the duvet over at the bottom of the bed to air out the sheet underneath.

» alfombra de pie de camabedside rug .

Example: In the bedroom there is a wardrobe, a bed, two bedside rugs, a chest of drawers, two bedside tables, and a coat-stand.

» armadura de camabedsteadbed frame .

Example: These bedsteads and four-poster beds were originally made for export and now exude a chic elegance.

Example: Squeaky bed springs and or bed frames are a time-honoured tradition in comedy.

» armazón de camabedsteadbed frame .

Example: These bedsteads and four-poster beds were originally made for export and now exude a chic elegance.

Example: Squeaky bed springs and or bed frames are a time-honoured tradition in comedy.

» bastidor de camabedsteadbed frame .

Example: These bedsteads and four-poster beds were originally made for export and now exude a chic elegance.

Example: Squeaky bed springs and or bed frames are a time-honoured tradition in comedy.

» caerse de la camaroll out of + bed .

Example: She had very hard floors in her room at the time and I was worried about her rolling out of bed and hitting her head.

» cama con baldaquíncanopy bed .

Example: The canopy bed harkens back to a simpler time when bedrooms were a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

» cama con cuatro columnasfour-poster bed .

Example: These bedsteads and four-poster beds were originally made for export and now exude a chic elegance.

» cama con doselcanopy bed .

Example: The canopy bed harkens back to a simpler time when bedrooms were a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

» cama de aguawaterbed [water bed] .

Example: This book focuses on the 14-month strike of undocumented workers in a Los Angeles area waterbed factory in 1985-86.

» cama de clavosbed of nails .

Example: Lying on a bed of nails, walking barefoot on broken glass -- these practices are very old.

» cama de hospitalhospital bed .

Example: He spent the next year convalescing in hospital and saw the end of the war from his hospital bed.

» cama de matrimoniodouble bed .

Example: Each of the two master bedrooms have a double bed, tow bedside tables, two bedside lamps, dresser, mirror, and radio alarm.

» cama de matrimonio extra grandequeen size bed .

Example: The popularity of a queen size bed makes it easy to spruce it up with a wide range of beddings.

» cama de matrimonio super grandeking-size(d) bed .

Example: Our ocean view rooms have a king size bed that can be split into twins if you require.

» cama de matrimonio tamaño 'king size'king-size(d) bed .

Example: Our ocean view rooms have a king size bed that can be split into twins if you require.

» cama elásticatrampoline .

Example: The information qualifications of specialists are portrayed as training on the information trampoline for a leap into new ideas.

» cama empotradaMurphy bedwall bed .

Example: The Murphy bed was invented around 1900, and it has continued to fascinate since.

Example: Wall beds are a resourceful way to add a sleeping area to nearly any room in your home.

» cama hospitalariahospital bed .

Example: He spent the next year convalescing in hospital and saw the end of the war from his hospital bed.

» cama individualsingle bedtwin bed [Referido generalmente a una habitación con dos camas individuales]twin size bed .

Example: When all single beds are taken, we will ask for volunteers to use sofa sleepers.

Example: Each cabin has one bedroom with two twin beds, one sofa bed in the living room, closet, and one bathroom.

Example: Selling Twin Size Bed - Mattress and Headboard - 3 years old - Good condition - Pickup only.

» cama nidotruckle bedtrumple bedtrundle bed .

Example: On the ground floor there is an additional double bedroom with one single bed and a truckle bed and ensuite shower room.

Example: By removing the mattress from a trumple bed it can be used as a general storage drawer.

Example: Constructing a trundle bed is a wonderful way to add a guest bed for your child's bedroom.

» cama para invitadosguest bed .

Example: Constructing a trundle bed is a wonderful way to add a guest bed for your child's bedroom.

» cama plegablecamp bedcotrollaway bedrollaway .

Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.

Example: When you go there and see people sleeping in cots in the hallway, it is clear that these are inhumane conditions.

Example: Even the standard double rooms are large enough for a family; request one with two double beds, or take advantage of a pull-out sofa or rollaway bed.

Example: The guest rooms are spacious and luxuriously furnished, with plenty of room for a rollaway or a crib.

» cama solarsunbedtanning bed .

Example: A survey involving 6143 adults in the UK in 1996 determined views on suntanning and the use of sunbeds.

Example: There's no safe way to get a tan -- just like the sun, tanning beds and sun lamps release ultraviolet (UV) rays that trigger the tanning process in the skin.

» cama y comidafood and boardbed and boardroom and board .

Example: Slaves in most cases aren't paid for their labour beyond food and board.

Example: Does anyone know of any organisations which will offer bed and board in return for 2-3 weeks work?.

Example: The state of Illinois has been pursuing lawsuits against its own inmates to pay for their room and board.

» coche camasleeping carsleeper carsleeper train .

Example: Today's Orient Express has 12 sleeping cars, 2 staff cars, 3 dining cars, and a bar car.

Example: From Moscow to Paris, take a tour of the most luxurious sleeper cars around the world.

Example: Arrive in Scotland or Cornwall refreshed and ready to go after a overnight journey on one of our sleeper trains.

» dar vueltas en la cama (toda la noche)toss and turn (all night long) .

Example: I do not remember this during my first pregnancy, but maybe it is selective memory, I have been tossing and turning all night long.

» echarse en la camalie in + bed .

Example: In order to study the long-term effects of gravity on the human body, NASA is looking for a few good lazy people to lie in bed all day sleeping.

» en camaabed .

Example: In all three novels, a love-stricken swain believes that he is disporting himself with the handsome object of his affections, when actually he lies abed with the grotesquely ugly maidservant of his mistress.

» esconderse debajo de la camacrawl under + Posesivo + bed [Generalmente para indicar que a uno le da vergüenza de lo ha hecho] .

Example: Whether that excites you and causes you to jump up and down with joy or makes you want to crawl under your bed, sob for a little bit, and then buy the first ticket out of here to Canada.

» falda de camabed skirtvalance .

Example: Hand-crochet work also graces the hems of the sheets, bed skirts, pillowcases, valance and throw.

Example: Hand-crochet work also graces the hems of the sheets, bed skirts, pillowcases, valance and throw.

» gimnasta de la cama elásticatrampolinist  .

Example: The author discusses several different methods that divers and trampolinists use to initate somersaults and twists and presents concrete examples of each method.

» habitación con cama dobledouble room [Habitación para dos personas con un cama doble] .

Example: Apart from its single rooms, Villa Isis has one double room and three twin rooms with en-suite bathrooms.

» hacer la camamake + the bed .

Example: Income is the payment people receive for doing work, such as earning a weekly allowance for making beds and emptying the wastebaskets.

» irse a la camaretire at + nighthit + the sackgo to + bedhit + the hay .

Example: Modern man is beset by many types of noise each day from the time he wakes until he retires at night.

Example: These pants pants are perfect for lazy mornings around the house or having a late night sandwich before hitting the sack.

Example: Meanwhile the journeymen, who had just gone to bed, hearing the row quickly got up again, came downstairs and then shoved me out of the door.

Example: Anyone jog at night before hitting the hay -- is it good for sleep or you become too awake?.

» irse a la cama prontogo to + bed soon .

Example: You may find that she may have trouble understanding what you mean when you tell her that 'it's getting late' or you 'should go to bed soon'.

» irse a la cama tempranogo to + bed earlyhave + an early night .

Example: To wake up early, go to bed early.

Example: As it was Sunday, everyone was having an early night in preparation for work the next day.

» junto a la camaby the bedsideat the bedside .

Example: Included in the portrait is Saltonstall's second wife, sitting by the bedside with the newest child, symbolizing the inclusive unity of the family.

Example: In this paper we attempt to show how the goal of resolving moral problems in a patient's care can best be achieved by working at the bedside.

» la mujer atada a la pata de la camaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» levantarse de la camaget out of + bed .

Example: Through the study group I put some meaning back in my life - on Monday mornings it's easier to get out of bed.

» llevarse a la camabed .

Example: I'm worried the man of my dreams has vanished after bedding me.

» número de camasbed countbed numbers .

Example: When construction is complete, the hospital's total bed count will grow from 142 to 210 beds.

Example: While admissions have risen and fallen over the past three years in the city's hospitals, bed numbers have dropped by as much as 27% in the past three years.

» orinal de camabedpan .

Example: These bedpans are designed specifically for patients who have had a hip fracture or recovering from hip replacement.

» postrado en camabedridden [bed-ridden]bedfast [bed-fast] .

Example: There is a mobile service only to bedridden patients; others must visit the library.

Example: This module discusses the importance of periodically changing the position of bedfast or wheelchair patients.

» quedarse en la camasleep insleep + late .

Example: If you feel the need to sleep in at weekends try to make it not more than an hour later than usual.

Example: On the days I sleep late I feel lazy and lethargic the whole day.

» quedarse en la cama hasta tardehave + a lie-inlie in .

Example: She said she deserved to have a lie-in after more than a decade of getting up at the crack of dawn.

Example: You spend forty odd years wishing you didn't have to be up and out before 8am every morning -- so why do pensioners never lie in?.

» reposo en camabed rest .

Example: To make matters worse, too many patients are content to prescribe bed rest for themselves, even if their doctors would rather have them up and about.

» retirarse a la camaretire to + Posesivo + bed .

Example: After stoking the fire so it would burn through the night, he took a long hot shower before retiring to his bed.

» ropa blanca de camabed linen .

Example: They are manufacturers and exporters of table linen, bed linen, cushion covers, mattress protectors, counterpanes, and pillow cases.

» ropa de camabedding .

Example: Both bedrooms have fitted wardrobe space, all beds have non allergenic duvets and pillows, including the bedding for the extra beds.

» ropa de cama de inviernowinter bedding .

Example: It's time to get the warm winter bedding and winter bed sheets out.

» salto de camanegligeepeignoir .

Example: There's no doubt about it, there are a ton of bridal negligees out there to choose from.

Example: Once every week Barbe attended Rebecca in her boudoir where she bathed her in scented water and dressed her in a frilly nightgown and peignoir.

» ser (muy) bueno en la camabe a good laybe a good shagbe good in bedbe good in the sackbe a good fuck .

Example: She was a good lay but like all lays after the third or fourth night I began to lose interest and didn't go back.

Example: She's certainly a looker, but it doesn't mean she's a good shag.

Example: A lot of people think they're good in bed -- but how many of us are really sex gods or goddesses?.

Example: Just because a girl dresses provocatively does not mean she's good in the sack.

Example: But all I said was he's a good fuck, I didn't say I loved him.

» sobresaltar de la camajolt + Nombre + out of bed .

Example: If your child has ever had croup, then you likely know that barking cough well -- it has probably jolted you out of bed in the middle of the night.

» sofá camasofa sleepersofa bedpull-out sofapull-out sofa bedpull-out sofa couch .

Example: When all single beds are taken, we will ask for volunteers to use sofa sleepers.

Example: Each cabin has one bedroom with two twin beds, one sofa bed in the living room, closet, and one bathroom.

Example: Even the standard double rooms are large enough for a family; request one with two double beds, or take advantage of a pull-out sofa or rollaway bed.

Example: Each bedroom contains 2 double beds plus a pull-out sofa bed in the living room.

Example: The studio also has a pull-out sofa couch that can sleep 2 small children or one adult.

» tren camasleeper train .

Example: Arrive in Scotland or Cornwall refreshed and ready to go after a overnight journey on one of our sleeper trains.

Cama synonyms

love in spanish: amor, pronunciation: lʌv part of speech: noun, verb know in spanish: saber, pronunciation: noʊ part of speech: verb screw in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: skru part of speech: noun bottom in spanish: fondo, pronunciation: bɑtəm part of speech: noun, adjective bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun hump in spanish: joroba, pronunciation: hʌmp part of speech: noun seam in spanish: costura, pronunciation: sim part of speech: noun jazz in spanish: jazz, pronunciation: dʒæz part of speech: noun make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb bonk in spanish: bonk, pronunciation: bɑŋk part of speech: verb get it on in spanish: ponlo en, pronunciation: getɪtɑn part of speech: verb do it in spanish: hazlo, pronunciation: duɪt part of speech: verb lie with in spanish: mentir con, pronunciation: laɪwɪð part of speech: verb have a go at it in spanish: probarlo, pronunciation: hævəgoʊætɪt part of speech: verb be intimate in spanish: ser íntimo, pronunciation: biɪntəmət part of speech: verb have intercourse in spanish: tener relaciones sexuales, pronunciation: hævɪntɜrkɔrs part of speech: verb have it off in spanish: tenerlo apagado, pronunciation: hævɪtɔf part of speech: verb have it away in spanish: tenerlo lejos, pronunciation: hævɪtəweɪ part of speech: verb sleep with in spanish: dormir con, pronunciation: slipwɪð part of speech: verb
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