Calzón in english


pronunciation: britʃɪz part of speech: noun
In gestures



» a calzón quitadoblatantlybrazenlyimpudentlyshamelesslyunashamedly .

Example: Startlingly, we find also that Rule 2.44 would permit either Horses -- Diseases or Horse -- Diseases -- Strangles for a document on strangles in horses (an infectious streptococcal fever); the first of these is blatantly class entry rather than specific, while the second is equally blatantly alphabetico classed.

Example: The author brazenly insists that Woodman's family has compromised the documentation of the photographer's life by effectively quashing most of her work.

Example: As to the matter of relics, it is almost incredible how impudently the world has been cheated.

Example: I'm pretty sure I should have been born a boy -- I swear like a trooper, I eat like an animal, I burp shamelessly and I constantly make rude remarks.

Example: I was fascinated by the monkey's bright blue scrotum and dark pink penis, and by its ability to unashamedly show his prize jewels off.

» calzón chinowedgie [Tipo de broma consistente en tirarle a alguien de la parte de atrás de sus calzoncillos o bragas para que se le metan en la raja del culo y/o en la vulva] .

Example: Wedgies happen to us all, the best we can do is accept them in good humor.

» calzonesbreeches [A veces escrito britches]britches [También escrito breeches] .

Example: The user asked for a book about General Wolfe but he said: `I do not want to know about his battles -- I can learn all about those from the histories, I want something that will tell me the colour of the breeches he wore' = El usuario pidió un libro sobre el General Wolfe aunque dijo: "No quiero conocer su batallas, eso lo puedo averiguar en los libros de historia, quiero algo que me diga el color de los calzones que llevaba".

Example: Her silver britches gleamed in the sweltering Saturday afternoon sun.

» hablar a calzón quitadolay + Posesivo + cards on the tableput + Posesivo + cards on the table .

Example: Thirdly, he is the only candidate to have laid his cards on the table with a sound, sensible and viable exit strategy from this awful quagmire in Iraq.

Example: Hillary has put her cards on the table and her supporters still do not cry foul.

» hacer un calzón chino a Alguiengive + Nombre + a wedgie [Tipo de broma consistente en tirarle a alguien de la parte de atrás de sus calzoncillos o bragas para que se le metan en la raja del culo y/o en la vulva] .

Example: Many of the kids at her old school bullied her and gave her wedgies daily, which is what forced her to change school.

Calzón synonyms

knickers in spanish: bragas, pronunciation: nɪkɜrz part of speech: noun knickerbockers in spanish: pantalones cortos, pronunciation: nɪkɜrbɑkɜrz part of speech: noun knee pants in spanish: pantalones de rodilla, pronunciation: nipænts part of speech: noun knee breeches in spanish: calzones de rodilla, pronunciation: nibritʃɪz part of speech: noun
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