Calor in english


pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

calor = heat ; warmth. 

Example: Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.Example: The spark of warmth had emboldened her.


» abrasarse de calorswelterbe boiling hot .

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

Example: She was boiling hot and her hands and feet were freezing.

» absorber calorabsorb + heat .

Example: Due to water's ability to absorb heat, water is valuable to industries and in your car's radiator as a coolant.

» achicharrarse de calorbakebe boiling hot .

Example: Soon Frank's shoulders baked, and he could feel the day's heat singeing his cheeks and forehead.

Example: She was boiling hot and her hands and feet were freezing.

» agobiarse de calorswelter .

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

» agotamiento por el calorheat exhaustion .

Example: She was halfway unconscious from heat exhaustion and sunstroke when it happened.

» aguantar el calorstand + the heattake + the heat .

Example: For those who can stand the heat in exchange for endless blue sky, the summer months are the way to go.

Example: Hisbiscus thrive in sunny locations and take the heat well.

» al calor de la lumbreround-the-fireside .

Example: Round-the-fireside tales are usually told nevertheless with careful attention to rhythm and phrasing, pace and subtlety of vocal tone.

» arder de calorswelterbe boiling hot .

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

Example: She was boiling hot and her hands and feet were freezing.

» asarse de calorbakeswelterbe boiling hot .

Example: Soon Frank's shoulders baked, and he could feel the day's heat singeing his cheeks and forehead.

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

Example: She was boiling hot and her hands and feet were freezing.

» asfixiarse de calorswelter .

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

» bocanada de calorgust of warm airgust of hot airgust of heat .

Example: Here, the earth still steams with the heat of the lava, and gusts of warm air seem to come from nowhere.

Example: The gusts of hot air are unrelenting, diligently carrying fine particles of sand into every crevice in your body.

Example: As the train left the station, the clusters of palm trees receded and the approaching desert emitted gusts of heat that seared one's face.

» bomba de calorheat pump .

Example: A number of annual volumes of this journal (1974-77) were examined for papers concerning the subject 'The application of heat pumps for the heating of houses'.

» calor abrasadorscorching heatblistering heattorrid heatsearing heat .

Example: With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.

Example: Normally snow-covered in winter, the mountain range is bare now but offers some welcome shade from the blistering sun.

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

Example: As the searing heat in the region continues, wildlife's struggle for survival becomes more difficult each day.

» calor achicharrantescorching heatblistering heatsearing heat .

Example: With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.

Example: Normally snow-covered in winter, the mountain range is bare now but offers some welcome shade from the blistering sun.

Example: As the searing heat in the region continues, wildlife's struggle for survival becomes more difficult each day.

» calor agobianteoppressive heatstifling heattorrid heat .

Example: One challenging thing was that the summer was too hot and I felt enervated by the oppressive heat.

Example: The stifling heat and the unsteadiness of the ship made him disinclined to do anything but sit in the lounge or under the awning on the shady side of the deck.

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

» calor aplastanteoppressive heat .

Example: One challenging thing was that the summer was too hot and I felt enervated by the oppressive heat.

» calor asfixiantestifling heatoppressive heattorrid heat .

Example: The stifling heat and the unsteadiness of the ship made him disinclined to do anything but sit in the lounge or under the awning on the shady side of the deck.

Example: One challenging thing was that the summer was too hot and I felt enervated by the oppressive heat.

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

» calor del verano, elsummer heat .

Example: When summer heat kicks in, rely on these drought-tolerant plants to hold their own -- and still look beautiful.

» calor extremoextreme heat .

Example: A heat wave is an extended period of extreme heat, and is often accompanied by high humidity = Una ola de calor es un periodo prolongado de calor extremo y que ocasionalmente va acompañada de una alta humedad.

» calor infernalscorching heatblistering heatsearing heat .

Example: With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.

Example: Normally snow-covered in winter, the mountain range is bare now but offers some welcome shade from the blistering sun.

Example: As the searing heat in the region continues, wildlife's struggle for survival becomes more difficult each day.

» calor intensointensive heat .

Example: The intensive heat rendered the tarmacadamised roads soft and pulpy.

» calor sofocantetorrid heatoppressive heatstifling heat .

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

Example: One challenging thing was that the summer was too hot and I felt enervated by the oppressive heat.

Example: The stifling heat and the unsteadiness of the ship made him disinclined to do anything but sit in the lounge or under the awning on the shady side of the deck.

» calor tórridoscorching heattorrid heatblistering heatsearing heat .

Example: With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.

Example: At times during the summer, residents across Ontario and southern Quebec either enjoyed or endured bouts of torrid heat and insufferable humidity.

Example: Normally snow-covered in winter, the mountain range is bare now but offers some welcome shade from the blistering sun.

Example: As the searing heat in the region continues, wildlife's struggle for survival becomes more difficult each day.

» combatir el calorcombat + the heat .

Example: As summer approaches quickly, cool and refreshing foods are often craved to combat the heat.

» cuando hace más calorin the heat of the day .

Example: What I neglected to realize, however, was the idea that track meets were held during Saturdays, often times all day, in the heat of the day.

» cuando hace más calor en el veranoin the heat of (the) summer .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» dar calorgive off + heat .

Example: This demonstration illustrates how chemical reactions can either give off heat (exothermic) or absorb heat (endothermic).

» despedir calorgive off + heat .

Example: This demonstration illustrates how chemical reactions can either give off heat (exothermic) or absorb heat (endothermic).

» día de mucho calorscorcher  ; a scorcher of a day .

Example: The room felt unnaturally warm for so early in the morning that it was apparent that today would be a scorcher.

Example: As Saturday morning dawned, it had the promise of being a scorcher of a day.

» durante las horas de más calorduring the heat of the day .

Example: This is the epitome of a casual beachside bar, offering long cool drinks during the heat of the day, and cocktails to salute the setting sun.

» emanar calorgive off + heat .

Example: This demonstration illustrates how chemical reactions can either give off heat (exothermic) or absorb heat (endothermic).

» emitir calorgive off + heat .

Example: This demonstration illustrates how chemical reactions can either give off heat (exothermic) or absorb heat (endothermic).

» en las horas de más calorin the heat of the day .

Example: What I neglected to realize, however, was the idea that track meets were held during Saturdays, often times all day, in the heat of the day.

» en las horas de más calor del veranoin the heat of (the) summer .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» en mitad del calor del veranoin the heat of (the) summer .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» estrés causado por el calorheat stress .

Example: Similarly, heat stress is still most neglected occupational hazard in the tropical and subtropical countries like India.

» estrés debido al calorheat stress .

Example: Similarly, heat stress is still most neglected occupational hazard in the tropical and subtropical countries like India.

» exponer al calorexpose + Nombre + to the heat .

Example: After a workout, give your body adequate time to cool down, before you expose it to the heat of a sauna to avoid heat stroke.

» freírse de calorfry .

Example: Had the alarmists been right, as Lovelock points out, we should be frying right now.

» hacer cada vez más calorget + hotter .

Example: The world is getting hotter, and the changing climate poses a threat to most living creatures, not the least of which are snow leopards.

» hacer calorget + hot .

Example: Why do my legs always get hot and start itching when I run or walk fast?.

» hacer una calor asfixiantebe stifling hot .

Example: Despite the air-conditioning, the room was stifling hot and my thoughts felt sluggish - of course that might have been the fear.

» hacer una calor sofocantebe stifling hot .

Example: Despite the air-conditioning, the room was stifling hot and my thoughts felt sluggish - of course that might have been the fear.

» hacer un calor abrasadorbe boiling hot .

Example: Would you rather it was boiling hot all year round or freezing cold all year round?.

» hacer un calor agobiantebe stifling hot .

Example: Despite the air-conditioning, the room was stifling hot and my thoughts felt sluggish - of course that might have been the fear.

» hacer un calor de cojonesbe hot as hell .

Example: It was summer, of course, so it was hot as hell, but eventually the bus turned up.

» hacer un calor infernalbe boiling hot .

Example: Would you rather it was boiling hot all year round or freezing cold all year round?.

» hacer un calor sofocantebe boiling hot .

Example: Would you rather it was boiling hot all year round or freezing cold all year round?.

» intercambio de calorheat exchange .

Example: This is the only facemask and balaclava that warms the air you breath using heat exchange technology.

» ola de calorheat wavehot spell .

Example: This guide discusses preparedness and procedures for wildland fires, power outages, lightning, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and cold and heat waves.

Example: By Friday night the weather turned for the worst as the hot spell gave way to strong winds and a heavy grey sky.

» oleada de calorheat wave .

Example: This guide discusses preparedness and procedures for wildland fires, power outages, lightning, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and cold and heat waves.

» pantalla susceptible al calorsensitive screen .

Example: Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.

» pérdida de calorheat loss .

Example: The building envelope, if carefully designed, may be highly energy efficient, to the extent that it helps to control seasonal heat gains and losses.

» período de calorhot spell .

Example: By Friday night the weather turned for the worst as the hot spell gave way to strong winds and a heavy grey sky.

» que hace entrar en calorwarming .

Example: A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.

» que retiene el calorheat absorbing .

Example: Energy conservation was an important concern for all 7 libraries, with south facing high windows and heat absorbing walls in all buildings.

» racha de calorhot spell .

Example: By Friday night the weather turned for the worst as the hot spell gave way to strong winds and a heavy grey sky.

» resistencia al calorheat tolerance .

Example: They also found that when the coral from the north and south were crossbred, genes for heat tolerance could be passed on.

» resistente al calorheat-resistant .

Example: Refractory clay is slightly better but you do not need heat-resistant material for claying a forge.

» sentir calorget + hot .

Example: Why do my legs always get hot and start itching when I run or walk fast?.

» si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocinaif you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchenif you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen .

Example: She then went on to say: 'I anticipate it's going to get even hotter -- and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen'.

Example: I was immediately reminded of the old saying, 'If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen'.

» sofocarse de calorswelter .

Example: Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.

» tener calorget + hot .

Example: Why do my legs always get hot and start itching when I run or walk fast?.

» tener un calor de cojonesbe hot as hell .

Example: It was summer, of course, so it was hot as hell, but eventually the bus turned up.

» tolerancia al calorheat tolerance .

Example: They also found that when the coral from the north and south were crossbred, genes for heat tolerance could be passed on.

» tolerar el calorstand + the heattake + the heat .

Example: For those who can stand the heat in exchange for endless blue sky, the summer months are the way to go.

Example: Hisbiscus thrive in sunny locations and take the heat well.

Calor synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective white in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun live in spanish: vivir, pronunciation: laɪv part of speech: verb close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective fast in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective eager in spanish: ansioso, pronunciation: igɜr part of speech: adjective near in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: nɪr part of speech: verb, adjective, adverb pungent in spanish: acre, pronunciation: pʌndʒənt part of speech: adjective warm in spanish: calentar, pronunciation: wɔrm part of speech: adjective fervent in spanish: ferviente, pronunciation: fɜrvənt part of speech: adjective fiery in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: faɪɜri part of speech: adjective popular in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective sultry in spanish: bochornoso, pronunciation: sʌltri part of speech: adjective torrid in spanish: tórrido, pronunciation: tɔrəd part of speech: adjective sensual in spanish: sensual, pronunciation: senʃəwəl part of speech: adjective illegal in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ɪligəl part of speech: adjective sexy in spanish: sexy, pronunciation: seksi part of speech: adjective lucky in spanish: suerte, pronunciation: lʌki part of speech: adjective igneous in spanish: ígneo, pronunciation: ɪgniəs part of speech: adjective thermal in spanish: térmico, pronunciation: θɜrməl part of speech: adjective, noun violent in spanish: violento, pronunciation: vaɪələnt part of speech: adjective spicy in spanish: picante, pronunciation: spaɪsi part of speech: adjective fervid in spanish: fervoroso, pronunciation: fɜrvəd part of speech: adjective tropical in spanish: tropical, pronunciation: trɑpɪkəl part of speech: adjective unpleasant in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənplezənt part of speech: adjective blistering in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: blɪstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun charged in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective radioactive in spanish: radioactivo, pronunciation: reɪdioʊæktɪv part of speech: adjective wanted in spanish: querido, pronunciation: wɑntəd part of speech: adjective stifling in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: staɪflɪŋ part of speech: noun scorching in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: skɔrtʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective tropic in spanish: trópico, pronunciation: trɑpɪk part of speech: noun, adjective sweltering in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: sweltɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective baking in spanish: horneando, pronunciation: beɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective warming in spanish: calentamiento, pronunciation: wɔrmɪŋ part of speech: noun raging in spanish: furioso, pronunciation: reɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective boiling in spanish: hirviendo, pronunciation: bɔɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun heating in spanish: calefacción, pronunciation: hitɪŋ part of speech: noun sizzling in spanish: candente, pronunciation: sɪzəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective het in spanish: het, pronunciation: het part of speech: adjective heated in spanish: calentado, pronunciation: hitəd part of speech: adjective blistery in spanish: ampollas, pronunciation: blɪstɜri part of speech: adjective red-hot in spanish: al rojo vivo, pronunciation: redhɑt part of speech: adjective scalding in spanish: escaldado, pronunciation: skɔldɪŋ part of speech: adjective calorific in spanish: calorífico, pronunciation: kælɜrɪfɪk part of speech: adjective white-hot in spanish: blanco caliente, pronunciation: waɪthɑt part of speech: adjective gingery in spanish: rojizo, pronunciation: dʒɪndʒɜri part of speech: adjective peppery in spanish: picante, pronunciation: pepɜri part of speech: adjective sulfurous in spanish: sulfuroso, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective sulphurous in spanish: sulfúrico, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective calefactory in spanish: calefactory, pronunciation: kælfæktɜri part of speech: adjective calefacient in spanish: calefaciente, pronunciation: kæləfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective overheated in spanish: sobrecalentado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrhitɪd part of speech: adjective het up in spanish: golpeo arriba, pronunciation: hetəp part of speech: adjective sweltry in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: sweltri part of speech: adjective calorifacient in spanish: calorifaciente, pronunciation: kælɜrəfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective heatable in spanish: calentable, pronunciation: hitəbəl part of speech: adjective calefactive in spanish: calefactivo, pronunciation: kælfæktɪv part of speech: adjective baking hot in spanish: hornear caliente, pronunciation: beɪkɪŋhɑt part of speech: adjective heated up in spanish: calentado, pronunciation: hitədʌp part of speech: adjective
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