Calificado in english


pronunciation: kwɑləfaɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

calificar = qualify ; brand (as) ; grade. 

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.Example: Music by Jewish composers and works were branded in Nazi Germany as degenerate art.Example: Weekly quizzes are graded on a pass/fail basis, and they are worth 20% of your grade.


» calificar exámenesgrade + exam(ination)smark + exam(ination)s .

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

» calificarsemake + the cut .

Example: Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.

Calificado synonyms

competent in spanish: competente, pronunciation: kɑmpətɪnt part of speech: adjective dependent in spanish: dependiente, pronunciation: dɪpendənt part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: limitado, pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective dependant in spanish: dependiente, pronunciation: dɪpendənt part of speech: noun, adjective tempered in spanish: templado, pronunciation: tempɜrd part of speech: adjective certified in spanish: certificado, pronunciation: sɜrtəfaɪd part of speech: adjective restricted in spanish: restringido, pronunciation: ristrɪktəd part of speech: adjective modified in spanish: modificado, pronunciation: mɑdəfaɪd part of speech: adjective conditional in spanish: condicional, pronunciation: kəndɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective registered in spanish: registrado, pronunciation: redʒɪstɜrd part of speech: adjective hedged in spanish: cubierto, pronunciation: hedʒd part of speech: adjective moderated in spanish: moderado, pronunciation: mɑdɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective well-qualified in spanish: bien calificado, pronunciation: welkwɑləfaɪd part of speech: adjective weasel-worded in spanish: palabras de comadreja, pronunciation: wisəlwɜrdɪd part of speech: adjective
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