Caliente in english


pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

calentar = heat ; warm ; heat up ; warm up. 

Example: A spider web of metal, sealed in a thin glass container, a wire heated to brilliant glow, in short, the thermionic tube of radio sets is made by the hundred million, tossed about in packages, plugged into sockets -- and it works!.Example: The copperplate was warmed and then inked with a dabber and wiped to clean the unengraved areas.Example: Greeks and Egyptians first used bellows before 1500 B.C to heat up furnaces in forges.Example: To use DOBIS/LIBIS, turn the terminal on and wait for it to warm up.


» arrimarse al sol que más calientajump on + the gravy trainjump on + the bandwagonclimb on + the gravy trainclimb on + the bandwagonget on + the bandwagonget on + the gravy trainside with + the winning sideride + the gravy train .

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

Example: While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture.

Example: Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train.

Example: Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind.

Example: Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs.

Example: It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything.

Example: Mubarak is a dead man walking, and the sooner America sides with the winning side, the better it serves its own interests and realizes its ideals.

Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.

» arrirmarse al sol que más calientaside with + the winner .

Example: In presidential elections, Delaware has often been a barometer for the nation at large and sided with the winner for over 50 years.

» calentar de nuevoreheat  .

Example: Leftover spaghetti keeps well and can be reheated easily.

» calentar en el microondamicrowave .

Example: Don't microwave your veggies: new research shows that microwaving destroys up to 97% of important nutrients like antioxidants.

» calentar en el microondasnukezap + Nombe + in the microwave .

Example: I like to nuke them, boiling removes too much flavor from the potato, baking them takes too long.

Example: When you're hungry and want something fast, it's tempting to grab a convenience food item and zap it in the microwave without taking time to read the cooking instructions.

» calentar hasta que rompa a hervirbring to + a/the boil .

Example: Place orange juice, sugar and grated orange rind in a saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

» calentar motoresprime + the pump .

Example: Some users start with an article which has aroused their interest and use it as the starting point for a search in a citation index to 'prime the pump'.

» calentarsewarm upfeel + sexyget + turned onget + hotget + hotterbe turned onget + hornybe hornybe randy .

Example: To use DOBIS/LIBIS, turn the terminal on and wait for it to warm up.

Example: And feeling sexy comes from treating your body like a shrine -- get enough exercise and rest and eat a healthy diet.

Example: I don't know why, but I never get turned on when making out with my boyfriend.

Example: Why do my legs always get hot and start itching when I run or walk fast?.

Example: The world is getting hotter, and the changing climate poses a threat to most living creatures, not the least of which are snow leopards.

Example: When you get wet, your vagina is basically preparing for sex and that's why you only get wet when you're turned on.

Example: My sister in-law gets horny after a few glasses of wine, especially when she's at her fertile peak.

Example: If you're a sexually healthy man or a woman, being horny is a normal part of your daily life.

Example: She was a little bit older than me and she was randy.

» calentarse demasiadooverheat  .

Example: The government has launched an investigation into cell phone batteries that can overheat or even explode, potentially injuring phone users.

» calentarse excesivamenteoverheat  .

Example: The government has launched an investigation into cell phone batteries that can overheat or even explode, potentially injuring phone users.

» calienta piernasleg warmers .

Example: Thes new knitting machine comes with 2 balls of wool to make a hat and instructions to make a scarf, bag and leg warmers.

» cuando el sol más calientain the heat of the day .

Example: What I neglected to realize, however, was the idea that track meets were held during Saturdays, often times all day, in the heat of the day.

» cuando el sol más calienta en el veranoin the heat of (the) summer .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» para calentar en el microondasmicrowavable [microwaveable]  .

Example: Try these filling microwavable vegan meals that are quick to prepare -- giving you more time to devote to helping animals.

» volver a calentarreheat  .

Example: Leftover spaghetti keeps well and can be reheated easily.

caliente1 = hot ; warm. 

Example: Preferred word forms will also be noted: 'heat' may be preferred to 'hot'.Example: It was an incredible day, a warm and benign day of earliest autumn.


» adhesivo calientehot-melt adhesive .

Example: Other concerns when applying hot-melt adhesives are high viscosity and high operating temperature.

» adhesivo de fusión en calientehot-melt adhesive .

Example: Other concerns when applying hot-melt adhesives are high viscosity and high operating temperature.

» agua calientehot water .

Example: For most households, hot water is second only to transport as the largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions.

» aire calientehot air .

Example: These methods include the use of hot air, steam, and heaters.

» ande yo caliente, ríase la gentecry all the way to the banklaugh all the way to the bank .

Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.

Example: The article is entitled 'Laughing All the Way to the Bank: Female Sentimentalists in the Marketplace, 1825-50'.

» bebida calientehot drinkwarm drink .

Example: A hot drink is a wonderful way to warm up on a cold day.

Example: The cold days of winter call for warm drinks.

» bocanada de aire calientegust of warm airgust of hot airgust of heat .

Example: Here, the earth still steams with the heat of the lava, and gusts of warm air seem to come from nowhere.

Example: The gusts of hot air are unrelenting, diligently carrying fine particles of sand into every crevice in your body.

Example: As the train left the station, the clusters of palm trees receded and the approaching desert emitted gusts of heat that seared one's face.

» bolsa de agua calientehot water bottle .

Example: I am told that hot water bottles are good for menstrual cramps.

» bolsa de aire calientepocket of warm air .

Example: Hang gliders weighing hundreds of pounds with their gear can keep aloft for hours at a time by 'thermals' -- pockets of warm air rising into the atmosphere.

» bomba de agua calienteheat-pump .

Example: This new system supplies its own heating via a solar roof plus heat-pumps, with an immersion heater as standby.

» castaña calienteroast chestnut .

Example: There will be mince pies, roast chestnuts, mulled wine and Christmas music as well as a Christmas hamper raffle and tombola.

» comida calientecooked mealhot foodwarm food .

Example: People are being assisted with with goods or dry rations or even with cooked meals but the assistance is inadequate given the sheer scale of the numbers suffering.

Example: Though coolers are often used to transport cold foods, they can also be used to transport hot foods.

Example: Winter is a time to take comfort in warm food.

» de fusión en calientehot-melt .

Example: The product is hot melt and can be dispensed from a standard press or pump.

» en calientein the heat of the momenton the spur of the moment .

Example: It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

» globo de aire calientehot-air balloon .

Example: Topics covered include the Bosnia peace talks, hot-air balloons, salt production, and the North American prairie ecosystem.

» grifo del agua calientehot water tap .

Example: The hot water tap works fine, but the cold water tap had a day or two of less water coming out and now it is just a dribble.

» hierro calientehot iron .

Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.

» llave del agua calientehot water tap .

Example: The hot water tap works fine, but the cold water tap had a day or two of less water coming out and now it is just a dribble.

» mantener calientekeep + warm .

Example: Libraries are changing into activity centres, where one can keep warm, or leave one's child to be entertained, but where the shelves are half-empty.

» mantenerse calientekeep + warmstay + warm .

Example: Libraries are changing into activity centres, where one can keep warm, or leave one's child to be entertained, but where the shelves are half-empty.

Example: Keep the fuel tank at least 1/4 full in case you are diverted or stranded and need to keep the engine running to stay warm.

» máquina de componer en calientehot-metal composing machinehot-metal machine .

Example: But damp paper was still preferred for much ordinary printing until late in the nineteenth century, partly because it evened out the minor inequalities of used type in the days before the introduction of hot-metal composing machines which cast type afresh for each job.

Example: They were cold-metal machines, which set pre-cast type, as distinct from the later hot-metal machines which cast fresh type as they went along.

» muy calientepiping hotbaking hot .

Example: The monks then add milk and salt to taste and piping hot Tibetan tea is ready to serve.

Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.

» patata calientehot potato .

Example: When you're handed a hot potato such as the sickly economy, as is the case with President Obama, the responsible solution is to let it cool down.

» pegamento calientehot-melt glue .

Example: Hot-melt glue is useful for binding a variety of craft materials including wood, metal, plastic.

» pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt glue .

Example: Hot-melt glue is useful for binding a variety of craft materials including wood, metal, plastic.

» perrito calientehot-dog sausagesodium nitratehot dog .

Example: Of 33 retail products examined, including skinless sausages, hot-dog sausages and frankfurters, 25 (75%) contained levels of mineral hydrocarbons from 10 to 105 mg/kg.

Example: By adding sodium nitrite to packaged meats they can seem visually fresh even if they've been on the shelves for months.

Example: The article is entitled 'Exhibits in the American Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair: women's clothing, men's gadgets, hot dogs and haute couture'.

» pistola de pegamento calientehot-melt gun .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» pistola de pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt gun .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» realizar una carga en calienteexecute + a warm boot [En informática, utilización de información de cierre de sistema en el siguiente arranque] .

Example: The program automatically swaps CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and executes a warm boot in one step.

» sándwich calientetoasted sandwich .

Example: The toasted sandwich made with a toasted sandwich maker has been long revered as the staple diet of many students.

» sandwich caliente de jamón (york) y quesohot ham and cheese sandwichtoastie .

Example: I had a hot ham and cheese sandwich and potato wedges there yesterday -- I love that place.

Example: The humble toastie has been a staple of the Irish diet for generations so it's about time it got the credit it deserves.

» sandwich mixto calientehot ham and cheese sandwichtoastie .

Example: I had a hot ham and cheese sandwich and potato wedges there yesterday -- I love that place.

Example: The humble toastie has been a staple of the Irish diet for generations so it's about time it got the credit it deserves.

» sandwich mixto caliente con salsa bechamelcroque monsieur .

Example: In Paris croque monsieur is sold from pushcarts on streets all over the city.

» sentirse calientefeel + warmfeel + hot .

Example: Today, I think I am actually ovulating -- I feel warm, busty, and slutty.

Example: Feeling hot and excessive sweating can be signs of a thyroid problem, especially of an overactive thyroid.

» torta calientehotcake .

Example: It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from Flapjacks and hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from 'Coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.

» tubo de aire calientehot air duct .

Example: The capacity of the drier was 650 kg of ear corn which was 40 cm deep over the hot air ducts.

» venderse como pan calientesell like + hot cakesgo like + hot cakes .

Example: Organic farmer stumbles onto a product that is selling like hot cakes -- chives.

Example: Don't wait another minute, reservations for this year's tours are going like hot cakes.

caliente2 = randy ; horny ; hot. 

Example: This book will help people who complain that cannot get randy/horny like they used to.Example: This book will help people who complain that cannot get randy/horny like they used to.Example: She's is a well known pornstar for well known reasons, her hot curvy figure, big tits and top performance made her an international pornstar.


» meterla en calientedip + Posesivo + wick [Referido a la penetración del órgano sexual del hombre ] .

Example: He's just another married man that likes to dip his wick elsewhere.

» ponerse calienteget + hotget + randyget + turned onget + hornybe hornybe randy .

Example: Some couples get hot looking at naked people with each other, and strip clubs are the place to do that.

Example: You can't blame him for getting randy after seeing her in nothing but little panties!.

Example: I don't know why, but I never get turned on when making out with my boyfriend.

Example: My sister in-law gets horny after a few glasses of wine, especially when she's at her fertile peak.

Example: If you're a sexually healthy man or a woman, being horny is a normal part of your daily life.

Example: She was a little bit older than me and she was randy.

» sentirse calientefeel + warmfeel + hot .

Example: Today, I think I am actually ovulating -- I feel warm, busty, and slutty.

Example: Feeling hot and excessive sweating can be signs of a thyroid problem, especially of an overactive thyroid.

Caliente synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective white in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun live in spanish: vivir, pronunciation: laɪv part of speech: verb close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective fast in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective eager in spanish: ansioso, pronunciation: igɜr part of speech: adjective near in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: nɪr part of speech: verb, adjective, adverb pungent in spanish: acre, pronunciation: pʌndʒənt part of speech: adjective warm in spanish: calentar, pronunciation: wɔrm part of speech: adjective fervent in spanish: ferviente, pronunciation: fɜrvənt part of speech: adjective fiery in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: faɪɜri part of speech: adjective popular in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective sultry in spanish: bochornoso, pronunciation: sʌltri part of speech: adjective torrid in spanish: tórrido, pronunciation: tɔrəd part of speech: adjective sensual in spanish: sensual, pronunciation: senʃəwəl part of speech: adjective illegal in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ɪligəl part of speech: adjective sexy in spanish: sexy, pronunciation: seksi part of speech: adjective lucky in spanish: suerte, pronunciation: lʌki part of speech: adjective igneous in spanish: ígneo, pronunciation: ɪgniəs part of speech: adjective thermal in spanish: térmico, pronunciation: θɜrməl part of speech: adjective, noun violent in spanish: violento, pronunciation: vaɪələnt part of speech: adjective spicy in spanish: picante, pronunciation: spaɪsi part of speech: adjective fervid in spanish: fervoroso, pronunciation: fɜrvəd part of speech: adjective tropical in spanish: tropical, pronunciation: trɑpɪkəl part of speech: adjective unpleasant in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənplezənt part of speech: adjective blistering in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: blɪstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun charged in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective radioactive in spanish: radioactivo, pronunciation: reɪdioʊæktɪv part of speech: adjective wanted in spanish: querido, pronunciation: wɑntəd part of speech: adjective stifling in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: staɪflɪŋ part of speech: noun scorching in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: skɔrtʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective tropic in spanish: trópico, pronunciation: trɑpɪk part of speech: noun, adjective sweltering in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: sweltɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective baking in spanish: horneando, pronunciation: beɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective warming in spanish: calentamiento, pronunciation: wɔrmɪŋ part of speech: noun raging in spanish: furioso, pronunciation: reɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective boiling in spanish: hirviendo, pronunciation: bɔɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun heating in spanish: calefacción, pronunciation: hitɪŋ part of speech: noun sizzling in spanish: candente, pronunciation: sɪzəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective het in spanish: het, pronunciation: het part of speech: adjective heated in spanish: calentado, pronunciation: hitəd part of speech: adjective blistery in spanish: ampollas, pronunciation: blɪstɜri part of speech: adjective red-hot in spanish: al rojo vivo, pronunciation: redhɑt part of speech: adjective scalding in spanish: escaldado, pronunciation: skɔldɪŋ part of speech: adjective calorific in spanish: calorífico, pronunciation: kælɜrɪfɪk part of speech: adjective white-hot in spanish: blanco caliente, pronunciation: waɪthɑt part of speech: adjective gingery in spanish: rojizo, pronunciation: dʒɪndʒɜri part of speech: adjective peppery in spanish: picante, pronunciation: pepɜri part of speech: adjective sulfurous in spanish: sulfuroso, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective sulphurous in spanish: sulfúrico, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective calefactory in spanish: calefactory, pronunciation: kælfæktɜri part of speech: adjective calefacient in spanish: calefaciente, pronunciation: kæləfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective overheated in spanish: sobrecalentado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrhitɪd part of speech: adjective het up in spanish: golpeo arriba, pronunciation: hetəp part of speech: adjective sweltry in spanish: sofocante, pronunciation: sweltri part of speech: adjective calorifacient in spanish: calorifaciente, pronunciation: kælɜrəfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective heatable in spanish: calentable, pronunciation: hitəbəl part of speech: adjective calefactive in spanish: calefactivo, pronunciation: kælfæktɪv part of speech: adjective baking hot in spanish: hornear caliente, pronunciation: beɪkɪŋhɑt part of speech: adjective heated up in spanish: calentado, pronunciation: hitədʌp part of speech: adjective
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