Calidad in english


pronunciation: kwɑləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

calidad = excellence ; quality ; calibre [caliber, -USA] ; standard. 

Example: The limits are set by the graininess of the film, the excellence of the optical system, and the efficiency of the light sources employed.Example: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.Example: The calibre of the librarian is a medical library's most important resource.Example: The overall standard of the book stock in particular is causing considerable concern to customers.


» bajar la calidadlower + standards .

Example: I hope that cooperative cataloging will not lower the standards that we have come to associate with the Library of Congress.

» basado en la calidadquality-oriented .

Example: Materials selection based on reviews has been quality-oriented, but attention should also be paid to the needs of users.

» buena calidadgoodness  .

Example: Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness' = La medición en sí misma es neutral y no puede indicar lo bueno o malo que algo es.

» buena relación calidad-preciovalue for money .

Example: Libraries are being expected to justify their services in terms of value for money.

» calidad de la encuadernaciónbinding quality .

Example: Librarians and publishers must work together to establish standards for library books in the areas of binding quality and paper quality.

» calidad de la imagenpicture quality .

Example: The video playback units are all Betamax format because it is felt that the picture quality is far superior to VHS (Video Home System) and other formats.

» calidad del aireair quality .

Example: The dust clouds travel eastward, affecting air quality in China, Korea and Japan, and occasionally the continental United States.

» calidad de los serviciosservice quality .

Example: The objective of the project is to analyze the importance of the information culture for service quality and business development.

» calidad del papelpaper quality .

Example: Librarians and publishers must work together to establish standards for library books in the areas of binding quality and paper quality.

» calidad del servicioservice quality .

Example: The objective of the project is to analyze the importance of the information culture for service quality and business development.

» calidad del sonidosound quality .

Example: Sound quality and download times are also compared.

» calidad de vidaquality of life .

Example: The aim of the public library is to contribute to sustaining the quality of life in all aspects.

» calidad en el servicioquality performanceperformance quality .

Example: The other philosophy is based on the concept that salary increases should be awarded only for quality performance.

Example: As in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the several levels of performance quality build upon one another.

» calidad y alcance de, laquality and extent of, the .

Example: The quality and extent of service a librarian can provide and the immediate value to the company will win substantial recognition and support for the library in general.

» condiciones laborales de calidadquality of work life (QWL) .

Example: Quality of work life (QWL) can be defined as 'the degree to which members of a work organisation are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation'.

» con garantías de calidadquality assured .

Example: Do contact us to know how we may be able to help your business become more efficient by our quality assured products and solutions.

» controlador de calidadtester  .

Example: Nine CD-ROM publishers were interviewed by phone to find out what criteria they used to select beta test sites, what they saw as the responsibilities of testers, the benefits to the companies and the companies' plans for the future.

» control de calidadquality assurance (QA)quality control .

Example: This article relates users' experiences in searching for books to the library's overall interest in quality assurance.

Example: Quality control in non-print media acquisition is very difficult.

» dar calidaddeliver + value .

Example: Customers see no clear relationship between the price of an on-line information service and the value it delivers.

» dar prioridad a la calidad de vida sobre el trabajodownshift .

Example: We can downshift by working fewer hours in our present job, or by accepting a job with less responsibility in the company, or we can quit our job and find another one that we find more rewarding.

» de alta calidadhigh-quality .

Example: Probably one of the most essential resources is sufficient time for initial thesaurus construction to permit the compilation of a high-quality thesaurus or list.

» de baja calidadpoor in detaillow-grade [lowgrade]low-qualitythird rate [third-rate]low-endtrashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.]  .

Example: This process is slow and the resulting picture is poor in detail.

Example: The amount of stuffing in the balls was varied to suit the nature of the work; large, soft balls with weak ink were used for low-grade work; small, hard balls and strong ink for work of better quality.

Example: Low-quality information can be downright misleading or distorted.

Example: The quality of the material published has often been regarded as second or third rate, a criticism less justified today.

Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.

Example: Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.

» de bajísima calidadshoddy [shoddier -comp., shoddiest -sup.]  .

Example: The records are not what they should be and very often they're just plain shoddy.

» de buena calidadgood-quality .

Example: The weight of a paper was more or less independent of quality, so that a good-quality writing paper and a poor-quality printing paper might both be light in weight.

» de calidadauthoritativequalitativequality [Adjetivo]well-madehigh-endquality assuredvalue-addedfirst-rate .

Example: Some authoritative texts on the subject are listed at the end of this chapter.

Example: Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.

Example: This non-profit organisation was formed to promote quality library and information services.

Example: And there was a steady output in the later nineteenth century of well-made prize bindings in gilt-tooled calf, which were slickly produced by specialist firms.

Example: The system provides extensive map facilities which until now have been available only on high-end hypermedia systems like Intermedia.

Example: Do contact us to know how we may be able to help your business become more efficient by our quality assured products and solutions.

Example: Since then, SCI CD Edition has won accolades for its value-added features, sophistication, and flexibility.

Example: She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.

» de calidad industrialindustrial grade .

Example: Almost one-in-eight Irish women who received faulty breast implants containing industrial grade silicone have suffered ruptures.

» de calidad inferiorlow-grade [lowgrade]substandard [sub-standard]low-end .

Example: The amount of stuffing in the balls was varied to suit the nature of the work; large, soft balls with weak ink were used for low-grade work; small, hard balls and strong ink for work of better quality.

Example: I was in for yet another of those numerously produced fantasies in which a pubescent child gets involved with underworld beings that are substandard versions of Le Guin's 'The Wizard of Earthsea' or peritonitic spinoffs from the detritus of ill-digested Tolkien.

Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.

» de calidad mediamiddle-rankingmiddle-of-the-range .

Example: To Pakistan and India, Britain is just another middle-ranking European country that has little to offer compared with the US.

Example: In effect, the book started its life rather more as a light entertainment middle-of-the-range hardback autobiography but popular acclaim turned it into a huge mass-market paperback success.

» de calidad superiorbest-qualitytop quality .

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

Example: The quality of a university's research library may not be sufficient to attract top quality students.

» de deficiente calidadpoor-qualityof poor quality .

Example: Not all paper was watermarked, especially during the later hand-press period when much poor-quality printing paper was made without any marks.

Example: What's worse, the office supplies peddled by these bogus firms often are overpriced and of poor quality.

» de gran calidadhigh-grade [high grade]high-calibre .

Example: Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.

Example: They are looking for a highly-motivated, high-calibre student with aspirations to develop a career as a professional geoscientist.

» de inferior calidadlow-endsub-pardownmarketdownscale .

Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.

Example: With their rudimentary visuals and sub-par writing, the comics of the day were nothing more than gags and cheap laughs.

Example: Those downmarket films brought my family financial security.

Example: It is a relatively small and shabby building in the middle of a downscale neighborhood.

» de la más alta calidadhighest-qualityof the highest quality .

Example: Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.

Example: Some embryos that appear to be of the highest quality may carry a genetic code that makes them poor choices for attempting to establish a healthy pregnancy.

» de la máxima calidadhighest-qualityof the highest quality .

Example: Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.

Example: Some embryos that appear to be of the highest quality may carry a genetic code that makes them poor choices for attempting to establish a healthy pregnancy.

» de la mejor calidadhighest-qualityof the highest quality .

Example: Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.

Example: Some embryos that appear to be of the highest quality may carry a genetic code that makes them poor choices for attempting to establish a healthy pregnancy.

» de mala calidadshabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.]  ; trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.]  ; poor-quality .

Example: Seventeenth-century English printing was abysmally poor, and there are few books that were not set in ill-cast, battered type, clumsily arranged and carelessly printed in brown ink on shabby paper.

Example: Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.

Example: Not all paper was watermarked, especially during the later hand-press period when much poor-quality printing paper was made without any marks.

» de mediana calidadin the middle rangemedium-qualitymiddling .

Example: As we have seen, authorship and publishing are extremely chancy occupations and, whilst it is very common for books to fall below expectations in both sales and critical acclaim, it is also not uncommon for books to exceed their expectations and this can happen with general books in the middle range.

Example: Not all paper was watermarked but most medium-quality paper, and nearly all the fine, had watermarks of some sort.

Example: His performance over the last five years has been middling -- though this also reflects his cautious economic outlook and a typically conservative approach.

» de primera calidadpremiumpremier [A veces escrito premiere por error]first-ratepremium quality .

Example: Future imperatives include further development of premium information services to the science, technology and business communities and renewed efforts to underline the contribution of information to the national economy.

Example: It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.

Example: She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.

Example: It is considered premium quality and is often found in gourmet food shops.

» de primerísima calidadtop of the linetop-of-the-range .

Example: The aricle has the title 'Budget CD-Rewritable drives: to get the best deal, buy a CD-RW drive that's not top of the line'.

Example: The views of selected London investment bankers, regarding their use of top-of-the-range Internet and CD-ROM credit information services, are summarized.

» desde el punto de vista de la calidadon quality grounds .

Example: Some pop culture may be creative enough to warrant serious consideration on quality grounds.

» de segunda calidadsecond-qualitysecond-best [2nd-best]downmarketdownscale .

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

Example: Librarians should view teenage romances not as a 2nd-best literature but as valuable books in themselves.

Example: Those downmarket films brought my family financial security.

Example: It is a relatively small and shabby building in the middle of a downscale neighborhood.

» disminución de la calidadlowering of standards .

Example: The book industry in this country is becoming increasingly commercialized, with an attendant lowering of critical standards.

» elevar la calidad de vidaimprove + living standardsraise + Posesivo + living standardsraise + the standard of living .

Example: One of the main objectives was to improve occupational conditions and living standards of those working in these industries.

Example: The book sales have certainly raised his living standards.

Example: African governments are at the coalface of trying to raise the standards of living of their people = Los gobiernos africanos están trabajando a pie de obra intentando elevar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.

» escribir en calidad de negroghost [Escribir un documento en nombre de otra persona quedando el escritor en el anonimato] .

Example: A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.

» escribir en calidad de negro literarioghostwrite [Escribir un documento en nombre de otra persona quedando el escritor en el anonimato] .

Example: In the last years of her life, Gardner asked Peter Evans to ghostwrite her autobiography.

» evaluación de la calidadquality assessment .

Example: Quality assessment of scientific databases by well defined standards is becoming increasingly important for users of scientific information.

» garantía de calidadquality assurance (QA) .

Example: This article relates users' experiences in searching for books to the library's overall interest in quality assurance.

» gestión de calidad totaltotal quality management (TQM) .

Example: The author describes the initial steps in introducing Total Quality Management within information services pointing out that there is more to quality management than the use of statistical tools.

» gran calidadhigh standard .

Example: Cataloging is of a very high standard throughout the country.

» índice de calidad del aireair quality index .

Example: With the help of the air quality index, the concentrations of different pollutants are divided into five categories, from good to very poor.

» la calidad es nuestro lemaquality is our middle name .

Example: Customers choose an establishment and spend hard-earned money and they want employees to exude appreciation through the attitude that 'we aim to please, the customer is always right, service is our business, and quality is our middle name'.

» mala calidadbadness  .

Example: Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness= La medición en sí misma es neutral y no puede indicar lo bueno o malo que algo es.

» mejorar la calidadraise + standardsraise + the quality .

Example: To raise standards of production, 3 methods of appraisal involving collected unique and complex indicators are being used.

Example: The public library can play an important role in enabling the disadvantaged to raise the quality of their lives.

» mejorar la calidad de vidaimprove + living standardsraise + Posesivo + living standardsraise + the standard of living .

Example: One of the main objectives was to improve occupational conditions and living standards of those working in these industries.

Example: The book sales have certainly raised his living standards.

Example: African governments are at the coalface of trying to raise the standards of living of their people = Los gobiernos africanos están trabajando a pie de obra intentando elevar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes.

» mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vidaraise + Posesivo + quality of living .

Example: The public library can indeed play an important role in enabling the disadvantaged to raise their quality of daily living.

» mejor relación calidad-precio, labest value for money, the .

Example: This article discusses ways of getting the best value for money in acquisitions = Este artículo trata de cómo obtener la mejor relación calidad-precio en las adquisiciones de libros.

» no ofrecer calidadcompromise on + quality .

Example: And just because they come at a low price doesn't mean that we compromise on quality.

» que mejora la calidad de vidalife-enhancing .

Example: 'Huckleberry Finn' is another of those books that stands high on my own list of life-enhancing and life-changing works of literature.

» relación calidad-precioprice-performance ratio .

Example: This service has an unparalled price-performance ratio = La relación calidad-precio de este servicio es incomparable.

» sello de calidadstamp of quality .

Example: Accreditation by professional bodies provides a stamp of quality that shows potential employers that the students have had the best possible preparation for work = La acreditación de los organismos profesionales proporciona un sello de calidad que muestra a los posible empleadores que los estudiantes han tenido la mejor preparación posible para el trabajo.

» ser de calidadbe up to snuffbe up to scratchcut + the mustardbe a class actbe up to the markbe up to parbe (right) on point .

Example: In addition to how poorly it would reflect on us to point someone to a grammatically challenged web site, it's a big hint that the content on the site is generally not up to snuff.

Example: The time-honoured training institution 'sitting with Nellie' is not much good if Nellie's competence is not up to scratch.

Example: His performance certainly wouldn't cut the mustard should he decide to become a professional.

Example: Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.

Example: This emphasises the need to start exclusively Indian Agricultural Abstracts to keep alive coverages of agricultural literature in Indian Science Abstracts which is not up to the mark.

Example: If a potential client decides to interview you over a meal at a restaurant, your table manners must be up to par.

Example: She said that Jonah Lomu's humour was on point during one of his final public appearances.

» tener calidadbe a class act .

Example: Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.

» tiempo de calidadquality time .

Example: Instead of romantic moonlit walks on the beach, young couples' 'quality time' is limited to an hour or two at the local pizzeria.

» trabajo de calidadbest practiceslessons learned [lessons learnt] .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

Example: Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication.

» trabajo de mala calidadshoddy work .

Example: She has hit out at the shoddy work that was carried out recently to try and improve the sea defences in Blackrock.

» vino barato y de mala calidadplonk .

Example: Wine lovers around the world have joyously adopted the British slang word 'plonk' to describe poor, cheap wine.

Calidad synonyms

character in spanish: personaje, pronunciation: kerɪktɜr part of speech: noun fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective prime in spanish: principal, pronunciation: praɪm part of speech: adjective, noun tone in spanish: tono, pronunciation: toʊn part of speech: noun superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective choice in spanish: elección, pronunciation: tʃɔɪs part of speech: noun prize in spanish: premio, pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun select in spanish: seleccionar, pronunciation: səlekt part of speech: verb, adjective timber in spanish: madera, pronunciation: tɪmbɜr part of speech: noun caliber in spanish: calibre, pronunciation: kæləbɜr part of speech: noun timbre in spanish: timbre, pronunciation: tɪmbɜr part of speech: noun calibre in spanish: calibre, pronunciation: kælɪbrə part of speech: noun lineament in spanish: lineamiento, pronunciation: lɪnimənt part of speech: noun upper-class in spanish: clase alta, pronunciation: ʌpɜrklæs part of speech: adjective
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