Calentamiento in english


pronunciation: hitɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

calentamiento = warm-up. 

Example: Proper warm-up is recommended so that energy will easily flow through your entire body.


» calentamiento de la atmósferaglobal warming .

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» calentamiento de la Tierraglobal warming .

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» calentamiento del planetaglobal warming .

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» calentamiento globalglobal warming .

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» ejercicio de calentamientowarm-upwarm-up exercise .

Example: Proper warm-up is recommended so that energy will easily flow through your entire body.

Example: Many of the warm-up exercises we practised years ago have now found to be dangerous.

» hacer ejercicios de calentamientolimber upwarm up .

Example: In reading crazes a child is exercising at the very least his ability to read; his reading muscles are limbered = En las períodos en los que a un niño se ensimisma por la lectura éste al menos pone en práctica su habilidad lectora, ejercitando los músculos físicos y mentales implicados en la lectura.

Example: To warm up before lifting weights, do five to 10 minutes of light jogging or walking.

» hacer el calentamientowarm up .

Example: To warm up before lifting weights, do five to 10 minutes of light jogging or walking.

Calentamiento synonyms

heat in spanish: calor, pronunciation: hit part of speech: noun hot in spanish: caliente, pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective warming in spanish: calentamiento, pronunciation: wɔrmɪŋ part of speech: noun calefactory in spanish: calefactory, pronunciation: kælfæktɜri part of speech: adjective calefactive in spanish: calefactivo, pronunciation: kælfæktɪv part of speech: adjective heating plant in spanish: planta de calentamiento, pronunciation: hitɪŋplænt part of speech: noun heating system in spanish: sistema de calefacción, pronunciation: hitɪŋsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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