Calada in english


pronunciation: dræg part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures



» dar caladaspuff .

Example: He was described as 'a self-important, self-righteous blowhard, puffing his filthy pipe, patches on the elbows of his well-worn tweed jacket, decked out in the cliche costume of the shabby liberal icon'.

» darle una calada a un cigarrillohave + a drag of a fagtake + a drag of a fag .

Example: I've never smoked not even had a drag of a fag and never will -- people are quite surprised wen I tell them.

Example: The place was full of chav single mothers pushing a buggy into my shins with one hand & taking a drag of a fag with the other.

» una caladaa drag of a faga puff of a cigarette .

Example: Tomorrow will be 1 year smoke free, not even 1 drag of a fag.

Example: Just one puff of a cigarette can reactivate nicotine receptors increasing a desire to continue smoking.

» una calada de un cigarrilloa drag of a faga puff of a cigarette .

Example: Tomorrow will be 1 year smoke free, not even 1 drag of a fag.

Example: Just one puff of a cigarette can reactivate nicotine receptors increasing a desire to continue smoking.

calado = drenched. 

Example: To allow a 12 year old boy to wet himself every night and end up with a drenched bed is not good parenting -- it's cruel.


» betún para calzadoboot polish .

Example: His trim black brows looked as if they were brushed regularly with boot polish.

» calado hasta los huesossoaked to the skinwringing wetsoaking wetwet through to the skindripping wetsopping wet .

Example: Soaked to the skin in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the tomb was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.

Example: The water washes in over the sides of the raft and from the waist down you will be wringing wet.

Example: NASA scientists say the Mars rovers have found what they were looking for -- hard evidence that the red planet was once soaking wet.

Example: It rained all the way and we arrived about 12.45, wet through to the skin.

Example: Sweating is a natural thing but just because it's natural doesn't mean you need to always be dripping wet.

Example: The 29-year-old actress ended up sopping wet in a New York river alongside her co-star during a scene in New York today.

» estar calado hasta los huesosbe wet through (and through) .

Example: Hair that is wet through and through cuts like butter, a good razor blade will cut through it smoothly and effortlessly.

calar1 = drench ; soak. 

Example: This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust.Example: In the vacuum soaking process paper is soaked in a watery neutralising liquid in a vacuum chamber.


» estar calado hasta los huesosbe drenched to the skin .

Example: A large party braved the elements on foot, and when they reached the summit they were drenched to the skin.

calar2 = take + hold ; permeate ; hit + home. 

Example: New computer-supported systems such as PRECIS will probably take hold only in languages and countries where a subject analysis system does not already exist.Example: This concept permeates all bibliothecal activities from start to finish, especially indexing and abstracting.Example: With our students, with our employees, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.


» calar a Alguiensuss (out) .

Example: He was incredulous when he sussed that the noises came from bona-fide gibbons.

» calar engrow on/upon + Pronombre .

Example: The magnitude of her Herculanian efforts grow upon us as we contemplate the adverse circumstances under which she undertook the enterprise.

» calar hondohit + home .

Example: With our students, with our employees, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.

» empezar a calar engrow on/upon + Pronombre .

Example: The magnitude of her Herculanian efforts grow upon us as we contemplate the adverse circumstances under which she undertook the enterprise.

Calada synonyms

draw in spanish: dibujar, pronunciation: drɔ part of speech: verb sweep in spanish: barrer, pronunciation: swip part of speech: noun, verb trail in spanish: sendero, pronunciation: treɪl part of speech: noun pull in spanish: Halar, pronunciation: pʊl part of speech: verb, noun haul in spanish: recorrido, pronunciation: hɔl part of speech: verb, noun puff in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: pʌf part of speech: noun cart in spanish: carro, pronunciation: kɑrt part of speech: noun tangle in spanish: enredo, pronunciation: tæŋgəl part of speech: noun dredge in spanish: dragar, pronunciation: dredʒ part of speech: noun, verb scuff in spanish: arrastrar, pronunciation: skʌf part of speech: noun, verb embroil in spanish: enredar, pronunciation: embrɔɪl part of speech: verb drag on in spanish: continuar, pronunciation: drægɑn part of speech: verb sweep up in spanish: barrer, pronunciation: swipʌp part of speech: verb drag out in spanish: ir alargando, pronunciation: drægaʊt part of speech: verb get behind in spanish: quedarse atrás, pronunciation: getbɪhaɪnd part of speech: verb hang back in spanish: quedarse atrás, pronunciation: hæŋbæk part of speech: verb drop behind in spanish: quedarse atrás, pronunciation: drɑpbɪhaɪnd part of speech: verb drag in in spanish: arrastre en, pronunciation: drægɪn part of speech: verb retarding force in spanish: fuerza retardadora, pronunciation: rɪtɑrdɪŋfɔrs part of speech: noun
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