Cal in english


pronunciation: laɪm part of speech: noun
In gestures

cal1 = whitewash ; lime. 

Example: By adding about a tablespoon of powdered alum per gallon of whitewash its quality can be improved.Example: The water is turquoise due to high concentrations of dissolved lime picked up as it runs through sedimentary rock.


» apagar la calslake + lime .

Example: The loaded wagons were then covered with tarpaulins to keep out rain and atmospheric moisture which would have slaked the lime.

» apagar la cal vivaslake + quicklime .

Example: Limestones were heated in lime kilns to produce quicklime which once slaked was used to cover walls.

» cal apagadaslaked lime .

Example: The source of most quicklime (calcium oxide) and slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) is limestone.

» cal vivaquicklime .

Example: Limestones were heated in lime kilns to produce quicklime which once slaked was used to cover walls.

» cerrar a cal y cantobolt + Nombre + closed [Usado generalmente para puertas y ventanas]bolt + Nombre + shut .

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

Example: When they were in the kitchen, Baylor shut the door leading into the garage and bolted it shut.

» horno de callime kiln .

Example: Limestones were heated in lime kilns to produce quicklime which once slaked was used to cover walls.

CAL (aprendizaje asistido por ordenador)2 = computer-assisted learning (CAL). 

Example: Thirdly, there may well be a growth in computer-assisted learning using expert systems and other interactive learning software in a variety of disciplines.

Cal synonyms

linden in spanish: tilo, pronunciation: lɪndən part of speech: noun calx in spanish: ceniza, pronunciation: kælks part of speech: noun quicklime in spanish: cal viva, pronunciation: kwɪklaɪm part of speech: noun basswood in spanish: tilo, pronunciation: bæswʊd part of speech: noun birdlime in spanish: liga, pronunciation: bɜrdlaɪm part of speech: noun lime tree in spanish: limero, pronunciation: laɪmtri part of speech: noun citrus aurantifolia in spanish: citrus aurantifolia, pronunciation: sɪtrəsɔræntəfoʊliə part of speech: noun unslaked lime in spanish: cal apagada, pronunciation: ənsleɪktlaɪm part of speech: noun burnt lime in spanish: cal quemada, pronunciation: bɜrntlaɪm part of speech: noun linden tree in spanish: árbol de tilo, pronunciation: lɪndəntri part of speech: noun calcium hydroxide in spanish: hidróxido de calcio, pronunciation: kælsiəmhaɪdrɑksaɪd part of speech: noun calcium oxide in spanish: óxido de calcio, pronunciation: kælsiəmɑksaɪd part of speech: noun calcined lime in spanish: cal calcinada, pronunciation: kælsəndlaɪm part of speech: noun hydrated lime in spanish: cal hidratada, pronunciation: haɪdreɪtədlaɪm part of speech: noun slaked lime in spanish: cal apagada, pronunciation: sleɪktlaɪm part of speech: noun fluxing lime in spanish: cal que fluye, pronunciation: flʌksɪŋlaɪm part of speech: noun lime hydrate in spanish: hidrato de lima, pronunciation: laɪmhaɪdreɪt part of speech: noun caustic lime in spanish: cal cáustica, pronunciation: kɑstɪklaɪm part of speech: noun calcium hydrate in spanish: hidrato de calcio, pronunciation: kælsiəmhaɪdreɪt part of speech: noun
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