Cabriola in english


pronunciation: keɪpɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cabriola = prance. 

Example: I call each of the cat by name and I can tell by their ears, their tails, and their prances that they recognize their names.


» hacer cabriolasprance .

Example: He immediately started prancing, running ahead excitedly and then back to me.

cabriolar = prance. 

Example: He immediately started prancing, running ahead excitedly and then back to me.

Cabriola synonyms

play in spanish: jugar, pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun job in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: dʒɑb part of speech: noun trick in spanish: truco, pronunciation: trɪk part of speech: noun joke in spanish: broma, pronunciation: dʒoʊk part of speech: noun prank in spanish: broma, pronunciation: præŋk part of speech: noun frolic in spanish: fiesta, pronunciation: frɑlɪk part of speech: noun gambol in spanish: retozar, pronunciation: gæmbəl part of speech: noun, verb antic in spanish: grotesco, pronunciation: æntɪk part of speech: adjective, noun romp in spanish: retozar, pronunciation: rɑmp part of speech: noun, verb
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