Cabezota in english


pronunciation: hedstrɔŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cabezota = stiff neck ; stiff-necked ; bullheaded ; headstrong ; self-willed ; pigheaded ; self-opinionated ; stubborn. 

Example: They're such stiff necks that when I asked them if I could do anything for them for money (i.e wash cars etc.) they said no.Example: The problem was that the stiff-necked men of science refused to bow down before the idols of political expediency.Example: She glared at him, wondering how in the world she'd run head on into two such bullheaded men in one day.Example: She has somewhat of a headstrong personality, which has caused her to wear out her welcome at several homes before ours.Example: But apparently the self-willed distinction affected his reason -- he went soft in the head and ended up believing in his divine origins.Example: I argue that intellectual vices (such as being gullible, dogmatic, pigheaded, or prejudiced) are essential.Example: You are an overwhelming, self-opinionated bore who cannot abide the thought that other people may not share your views.Example: He is seldom happy, never satisfied, temperamental, stubborn; his behavior at times can be charitably characterized as erratic.

Cabezota synonyms

willful in spanish: voluntarioso, pronunciation: wɪlfəl part of speech: adjective froward in spanish: perverso, pronunciation: fraʊɜrd part of speech: adjective wilful in spanish: voluntarioso, pronunciation: wɪlfəl part of speech: adjective disobedient in spanish: desobediente, pronunciation: dɪsəbidiənt part of speech: adjective self-willed in spanish: con voluntad propia, pronunciation: selfwɪld part of speech: adjective
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