Búsqueda in english


pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

búsqueda = chase ; look-up [lookup] ; search ; search request ; searching ; hunt ; hunting ; reaching ; trawl ; querying ; pursuance. 

Example: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.Example: With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.Example: Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind, may be seeking a specific subject which does not quite match requirements.Example: The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.Example: Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here.Example: If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.Example: It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.Example: 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.Example: 'Systematic review' is the process whereby similar studies, identified from a comprehensive trawl of numerous databases, are summarized in digestible form.Example: The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases.Example: Rather, it is shown that in the long-run the pursuance of better quality of social life turns out to be the most important factor.


» acotador de búsquedasearch qualifier [En las búsquedas documentales, elemento que se utiliza para delimitar la clave de búsqueda con objeto de mejorar la pertinencia de los resultados] .

Example: There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.

» acotar una búsquedanarrow + a searchqualify + search [Proceso por el que se modifica la clave inicial de búsqueda para que el resultado de ésta sea más pertinente]refine + a searchnarrow down + a search .

Example: If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.

Example: If too many titles are found, try to qualify your search by entering publication date, author's name, or other qualifier.

Example: The search is given a set number so that if the search results need to be displayed or the search refined it can be referred to directly.

Example: By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.

» agente de búsquedaintelligent search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes]search agent [En Internet, programa que le permite a un usuario buscar información en las redes] .

Example: The author reviews the range of software designed to act as intelligent search agents to assist users find materials of interest in the Internet.

Example: Search agents could be used for monitoring the World Wide Web, or searching newspapers.

» ampliar una búsquedabroaden + a searchexpand + Posesivo + search .

Example: It is, however, possible to broaden the search and find additional information.

Example: By following the path of related records from level to level, you can expand or focus your search almost indefinitely.

» anterior a la búsquedapre-search .

Example: Not the least of the valuable side effects that the computer has had on reference work is an increased awareness of the critical importance of this pre-search stage of the reference process.

» árbol de búsqueda binariobinary search tree .

Example: Documents in a data base are organised in a multi-dimensional binary search tree, and the algorithm identifies the nearest neighbour for a query by a backtracking search of this tree.

» búsqueda a tercerosthird party searching .

Example: The difficulties of third party searching are discussed, particularly those arising from the lack of contact between searcher and requester.

» búsqueda a través de ficheros de identificación documentalsignature-based search .

Example: The signature-based search is used to eliminate large numbers of documents that cannot possibly satisfy the query statement.

» búsqueda automatizadacomputer searchingcomputer searchautomated searching .

Example: Computer searching has many facilities and permits a more flexible approach to index searching, but printed indexes have the advantage of ease of perusal.

Example: Everyone who has examined the topic, librarians and non-librarians alike, are agreed that the reference interview is essential to the success of the computer search.

Example: This article makes suggestions for ways in which the classification might be developed to improve automated searching = Este artículo hace sugerencias sobre la forma en que se podría desarrollar la clasificación para mejorar las búsquedas automatizadas.

» búsqueda avanzadaadvanced search .

Example: It also provides an interface capable of both simple and advanced searches.

» búsqueda bibliográficaliterature searchingliterature searchbibliographic search .

Example: For example, in an academic library, guides to literature searching in the various fields of study undertaken by the students in that institution are an effective means of explaining the use of various information retrieval tools.

Example: These challenges require comprehensive literature searches of the various pharmaceutical and medical data bases.

Example: It is often the case that the enquirer can be much better served by a reference book than by a bibliographic search, on-line or manual.

» búsqueda booleanaBoolean searching .

Example: The EPIC service is a full-featured on-line reference system that provides subject access, and keyword and Boolean searching to a variety of databases.

» búsqueda con anterioridad al pedidopre-order searching [Búsqueda que se realiza antes de hacer un pedido para determinar si el documento en cuestión ya se encuentra en la biblioteca y, si no lo está, para encontrar los datos relativos al mismo que lo identifiquen de un modo inequívoco en el pedido] .

Example: The resulting organisational changes are discussed, as well as workflow adjustments from pre-order searching and ordering to receiving and fund accounting.

» búsqueda contextualcontextual searching .

Example: Some system offer more extensive facilities with regards to contextual or proximity searching, and truncation.

» búsqueda cruzadafederated search .

Example: Federated search is the simultaneous search of multiple online databases.

» búsqueda cruzada de ficheroscross-file searching .

Example: The useful feature of Dialog's OneSearch cross-file searching capability are described in the light of experience gained in its use at Portland State University.

» búsqueda de alojamientohouse hunthouse-huntingflat-hunting .

Example: In fact, more than 85 percent of homebuyers start their house hunt online first.

Example: When she walked into that second one, that ended all her house-hunting.

Example: When looking for a flat in London, a few tips for flat hunting can come in handy.

» búsqueda de atenciónattention-seeking .

Example: Attention-seeking is the most common type of misbehaviour in children.

» búsqueda de casahouse hunthouse-hunting .

Example: In fact, more than 85 percent of homebuyers start their house hunt online first.

Example: When she walked into that second one, that ended all her house-hunting.

» búsqueda de citascitation search .

Example: When viewing a record, you can also display its references and perform citation searches directly from the reference display.

» búsqueda de comidaforaging .

Example: This article describes parallels between subsistence foraging and scholarly information seeking in the context of the World Wide Web.

» búsqueda de datosfact-finding .

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.

» búsqueda de documento conocidoknown-item search .

Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.

» búsqueda de documentos concretositem search .

Example: If a search was declared in the questionnaire as either a specific item search or a subject search but the log indicated otherwise, it was classed as an undeclared hybrid search.

» búsqueda deductivaheuristic search [Búsqueda en la que el usuario cambia la estrategia de consulta en función de los resultados que va obteniendo y de un modo continuado] .

Example: Such a search, where the course of events is modified continuously in the light of knowledge being gained, may be described as heuristic search.

» búsqueda de empleojob searchingjob huntingjob hunt .

Example: This article was published in a special issue devoted to various aspects of library services for career planning, job searching, and employment opportunities.

Example: The keen competition among employers for the best employees has boosted the development of Web sites devoted to job hunting.

Example: The job hunt can be frustrating for both job seekers and employers.

» búsqueda de informaciónfact-findingquest for + informationinformation seeking .

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.

Example: Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.

Example: Information seeking in electronic environments will become a collaboration among end user and various electronic systems such that users leverage their heuristic power and machines leverage algorithmic power.

» búsqueda de la felicidad, lapursuit of happiness, thesearch for happiness, the .

Example: On that count, then, oppressive governments are not the only threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Example: The search for happiness is as old as mankind.

» búsqueda de la verdadtruth-seeking .

Example: The librarian's professional values include service, commitment to truth-seeking and intellectual freedom and a sense of responsibility (stewardship of knowledge).

» búsqueda del conocimientoquest for/of knowledge .

Example: The fact of the matter is that the reference process is but one aspect of man in quest of knowledge.

» búsqueda del tesorotreasure hunt [Juego consistente en encontrar algo que se ha escondido a través de pistas]scavenger hunttreasure hunting .

Example: The article 'Treasure hunt in the USA' reports on a study tour of the USA by the Danish Research Library Association.

Example: Community activities include going to a park, library, fire station, train or bus station, grocery store, laundromat, festival, and a scavenger hunt.

Example: But archeologists are speaking out against treasure hunting, saying it damages key historical traces.

» búsqueda de nuevos genesgene-harvesting [Búsqueda de nuevos genes, principalmente por los países industrializados, con objeto de mejorar la producción agrícola o con finalidades farmacéuticas] .

Example: There is increasing overlap between conservation and scientific interests as bioprospecting and gene-harvesting assumes greater priority.

» búsqueda de ofertasbargain-hunting .

Example: But first, I'd like to tell you a story about how bargain-hunting on Thanksgiving and Black Friday went wrong.

» búsqueda de orogold digging .

Example: After a string of failed robbery attempts including a purse snatching that goes terribly wrong, the two inept protagonists turn to gold digging.

» búsqueda de palabras clavekeyword search .

Example: This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.

» búsqueda de parejamate finding .

Example: A telephone survey of US daily newspapers show that mate finding is becoming a matter of mediate information, suggesting a new function for the media.

» búsqueda de pisoflat-hunting .

Example: When looking for a flat in London, a few tips for flat hunting can come in handy.

» búsqueda de proximidadproximity searching .

Example: Some system offer more extensive facilities with regards to contextual or proximity searching, and truncation.

» búsqueda de recursosresource discovery [En Internet, acción de usar normalmente algún programa automatizado para examinar el contenido de las páginas Web e indizar su contenido para facilitar su búsqueda] .

Example: In the past few years the issue of 'resource discovery' on the Internet has been the focus of much work by many different communities.

» búsqueda de secuencias de caracteresstring search [En indización automatizada, búsqueda de varios caracteres unidos y que forman palabras o partes de ellas en registros más o menos amplios]string searching .

Example: For example, to pursue our simple example above, if Greenhouses is not a term in our controlled language, then we might search under Glasshouses instead and then perform a string search on the term 'Greenhouses' to discover whether this term appeared in the text of any of the documents retrieved by the original search.

Example: Often, controlled index terms are used in identifying a relatively large set of potentially relevant references, and then string searching (or natural language searching) will be used to identify specific documents from within that set.

» búsqueda de tesorostreasure-seeking .

Example: Here your will include books with a common denominator, such as novels about the sea, books about treasure-seeking, mystery stories, books by a single author, etc.

» búsqueda de tesoros (perdidos)treasure hunting .

Example: But archeologists are speaking out against treasure hunting, saying it damages key historical traces.

» búsqueda de texto librefree text searchfree-text searching .

Example: Searching descriptor fields for such key terms, e.g. 'FIND: self-esteem in de', can be far more precise than a free text search, eliminating false hits.

Example: The words in abstracts in a database are often used in the free-text searching of that database.

» búsqueda de títulostitle search .

Example: This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.

» búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vezmulti-file searching .

Example: Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.

» búsqueda difusafuzzy matchfuzzy matching .

Example: DBGuide creates summary pages of data retrieved from a database, based on exact and fuzzy matches.

Example: This work demonstrates how a neural network based system can perform extremely rapid fuzzy matching of images within large databases.

» búsqueda documentaldocument search .

Example: While considerable progress has been made in information technology in the document search field, these advances have to be communicated to the end user.

» búsqueda eficazsavvy searching .

Example: No single technique answers every question -- but an intelligent combination of savvy searching and picking the right technique helps expedite the Web search.

» búsqueda en el índiceindex searching .

Example: Computer searching has many facilities and permits a more flexible approach to index searching, but printed indexes have the advantage of ease of perusal.

» búsqueda en lenguaje naturalnatural language searching .

Example: Natural language searching of full text data bases does not solve this problem, because the aspect of a topic of interest to researchers is often inexpressible in concrete terms = La búsqueda en lenguaje natural en las bases de datos de texto completo no resuelve este problema, ya que ciertos aspectos del tema que le interesa al investigador con frecuencia son inexpresables en palabras concretas.

» búsqueda en líneaonline searchingonline search .

Example: Batch mode can be used to conduct retrospective searches but has generally been superseded by online searching in this application.

Example: The amount of data usually transferred to the host computer during an online search is relatively small.

» búsqueda en múltiples bases de datoscross database searching .

Example: There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.

» búsqueda en múltiples ficheroscross-file searching .

Example: The useful feature of Dialog's OneSearch cross-file searching capability are described in the light of experience gained in its use at Portland State University.

» búsqueda en serieserial searchserial searching .

Example: Natural language indexing is exemplified in many systems by the use of a character-string search which is a serial search on part of the file.

Example: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.

» búsqueda en texto completofull text search .

Example: The system, called 'T-Search', includes not only automatic phonetic searching but also capabilities of full text search and couples them with the capability to search the figurative elements of trademarks.

» búsqueda en vanowild goose chase .

Example: The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.

» búsqueda evolutivaberrypicking [Modelo de recuperación de información que describe la búsqueda como un proceso de aceptación y/o rechazo de información/documentos según unos parámetros que se van modificando a medida que se desarrolla la búsqueda] .

Example: This article describes a new model for the searching of on-line and other information systems, called berrypicking, and argues that it is much closer to the behaviour of information searchers than traditional models of information retrieval.

» búsqueda exactaexact match .

Example: DBGuide creates summary pages of data retrieved from a database, based on exact and fuzzy matches.

» búsqueda federadafederated search .

Example: Federated search is the simultaneous search of multiple online databases.

» búsqueda globalcomprehensive search .

Example: But If you want to do a comprehensive search, you may need to search archival discs as well as the current disc.

» búsqueda inteligentesavvy searching .

Example: No single technique answers every question -- but an intelligent combination of savvy searching and picking the right technique helps expedite the Web search.

» búsqueda interactivainteractive searchinginteractive search .

Example: The statements are framed one at a time, and feedback is available at each stage, hence the term 'interactive searching'.

Example: Originally the advent of on-line interactive searches was hailed by some as a boon to users who could henceforward conduct their own searches.

» búsqueda inversabacktracking search .

Example: Documents in a data base are organised in a multi-dimensional binary search tree, and the algorithm identifies the nearest neighbour for a query by a backtracking search of this tree.

» búsqueda iterativaiterative searching .

Example: Humans conduct iterative searching, that is, they modify their search strategy as the search progresses.

» búsqueda laterallateral searching [Búsqueda que se realiza a partir de seleccionar términos del índice] .

Example: Lateral searching: while in the INDEX, you can select an entry or entries and automatically have the System return to FIND and perform a search and all the selections made will be connected with the operator OR.

» búsqueda manualmanual searching .

Example: Those inclined to scoff should reflect on the findings of a 1975 study of on-line users: 'Engineers, scientists, and researchers more readily accept the results of online literature searching than they do the results of manual searching= Aquellos que sienten la inclinación de burlarse deberían reflejarse en los hallazgos de un estudio de 1975 sobre los usuarios conectados en línea: "Los ingenieros, científicos e investigadores aceptan más rápidamente los resultados de la búsqueda en línea de bibliografía especializada que los resultados de la búsqueda manual".

» búsqueda mecánicamachine searching .

Example: The transition from manual to machine searching has made possible a substantial increase in the number of requests which can be accepted = La transición de la búsqueda manual a la automatizada ha hecho posible un aumento sustancial en el número de peticiones que se pueden aceptar.

» búsqueda parcialpartial match .

Example: Further study and analysis are needed to determine which elements of a query make it best suited for partial match or exact match retrieval.

» búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivosheadhuntingexecutive search .

Example: The article 'How headhunters do their research' describes the process of research in the headhunting or executive search business.

Example: The article 'How headhunters do their research' describes the process of research in the headhunting or executive search business.

» búsqueda ponderadaweighted query .

Example: An alternative methodology for handling weighted queries in fuzzy environments is suggested.

» búsqueda por autorauthor searching .

Example: These comments are as true for author searching as subject searching, and they are introduced here only for convenience.

» búsqueda por autor/títuloauthor/title search .

Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.

» búsqueda por camposfield searching .

Example: Field searching: the ability to search for the occurrence of terms in specific fields within the record makes it possible to be more precise in searching.

» búsqueda por descriptoresdescriptor searching .

Example: Alternatively, others believe that descriptor searching is the best retrieval method for the databases.

» búsqueda por el usuario finalend-user searching .

Example: With the advent of both library on-line public access catalogue and end-user searching of on-line and CD-ROM data bases, the need for improved instruction in library use approaches a new plateau.

» búsqueda por materiasubject searchingtopical subject search .

Example: These comments are as true for author searching as subject searching, and they are introduced here only for convenience.

Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.

» búsqueda por materiassubject searchsubject querysubject browsing .

Example: If a search was declared in the questionnaire as either a specific item search or a subject search but the log indicated otherwise, it was classed as an undeclared hybrid search.

Example: During this project a large number of catalogue users was interviewed and their subject queries were recorded.

Example: United States libraries use classification to provide subject browsing in open stacks.

» búsqueda por máxima proximidadnearest neighbour searching .

Example: This article describes the simulation of a nearest neighbour searching algorithm for document retrieval using a pool of microprocessors.

» búsqueda por medio de menúsmenu-assisted searching .

Example: However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in Command Search via function keys.

» búsqueda por medio de órdenescommand search .

Example: However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in command search via function keys.

» búsqueda por palabra del títulotitle word search .

Example: The following example will illustrate how the SCI CD Edition can be used to do a title word search.

» búsqueda por rangosrange searchingranged search .

Example: Range searching: other operators permit the selection of documents meeting certain criteria.

Example: When you encounter the 300 term limit, perform multiple ranged searches that each retrieve fewer terms and then OR the results together.

» búsqueda por secuencia de caracterescharacter-string search .

Example: Natural language indexing is exemplified in many systems by the use of a character-string search which is a serial search on part of the file.

» búsqueda por términos ponderadosweighted term search .

Example: The first takes the list of search terms, which the user is asked to rank in order of importance, and uses them as the basis of a weighted term search producing output in ranked order.

» búsqueda rápidascanning .

Example: With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.

» búsqueda repetitivaiterative search [Búsqueda en la que el bibliotecario hace la consulta para el usuario y en el que ésta se modifica no de una manera continuada sino una vez se han presentado los resultados al usuario] .

Example: This kind of search done by the librarian on behalf of the user and which consequently is modified not continuously but at intervals may be described as iterative search.

» búsqueda retrospectivaretrospective searchretrospective searching .

Example: Batch mode can be used to conduct retrospective searches but has generally been superseded by online searching in this application.

Example: In this sense, a title-based arrangement is attuned to the requirements of retrospective searching.

» búsquedas de secuencias de caracterestext-string searching .

Example: Truncation and text-string searching: truncation and the ability to search on word strings or character strings are available in almost all computerized postcoordinate indexing environments.

» búsqueda simplesimple search .

Example: It also provides an interface capable of both simple and advanced searches.

» búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheroscross-searching [cross searching] .

Example: Cross searching of files are necessary as patents are written in generic terms making it difficult to determine specific commercial products.

» búsqueda simultánea en varios sitioscross-search [cross search] .

Example: The latter is preferable as: it contains the results of cross searches in different databases.

» Búsqueda Simultánea Remota (SRS)Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS) [Técnica por la que el usuario puede hacer una petición de búsqueda pedirle a un intermediario] .

Example: The Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS) technique allows remote patrons to observe passively the search process on their own computers as it is being carried out by an experienced searcher at another location.

» búsqueda tabútabu search .

Example: Tabu search has emerged as a new, highly efficient, search paradigm for efficiently finding high quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems.

» búsqueda truncadatruncated search .

Example: Truncated searches obtain all significant word beginning with a given character string.

» búsqueda y recuperación de imágenesimage matching .

Example: Image matching has been a central research topic in computer vision over the last decades.

» búsqueda y rescatesearch and rescue (SAR) .

Example: Canada's search and rescue (SAR) services are facing increased pressure from changes in tourism, technology, industry and lifestyles.

» capacidad de búsquedasearching power .

Example: With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.

» clave de búsquedasearch key [Elementos por los que un registros puede ser recuperado] .

Example: Typically some parts of records can be searched and their elements used as search keys.

» clave de búsqueda derivadoderived search key .

Example: Searching may not be via an actual name or term but through a search code made up of characters that appear in the terms required (derived search keys).

» clave de búsqueda por el títulotitle key .

Example: Access is available by author/title key and classmark, as well as by control number and charging number.

» clave de búsqueda por nombre de autorauthor key .

Example: Access is available by author/title key and classmark, as well as by control number and charging number.

» clave de búsqueda truncadatruncated key .

Example: In searching, a user will postcoordinate truncated keys derived from words in various elements of the entries, thereby making possible an extremely powerful retrieval tool.

» clave de búsqueda truncada derivadatruncated derived search key .

Example: The truncated derived search keys for titles are derived from up to four words, so that the matrix in this case is four dimensional, albeit skewed because not the same number of letters is derived from each word.

» código de búsquedasearchable code [En una base de datos, abreviatura que se utiliza para referirse a los campos de un registro para restringir las búsquedas a ellos]search code [Tres caracteres asociados a un campo y usados para identificarlo en las búsquedas] .

Example: Some databases offer special display codes which are not searchable codes, and some search codes may not be available as display codes.

Example: Searching may not be via an actual name or term but through a search code made up of characters that appear in the terms required (derived search keys).

» coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsquedacase sensitivity .

Example: The author discusses simple and advanced search modes; wildcards and truncation; Boolean searching and case sensitivity = El autor trata sobre las formas de búsqueda avanzada y simple, los comodines y el truncamiento, las búsquedas booleanas y las búsquedas con coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas.

» comportamiento de búsqueda de informacióninformation-seeking behaviour .

Example: How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.

» condición de búsquedasearch requirement .

Example: The search profile will comprise a series of search keys representing subjects and other characteristics of the search requirements which together indicate the scope and nature of the search.

» conocimientos básicos de búsquedainformation literacy [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita] .

Example: This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.

» construir una búsquedaconstruct + search .

Example: We'll want to construct a title word search that includes the concepts of 'child' and 'AIDS'.

» construir un enunciado de búsquedastate + Posesivo + search topic .

Example: For example, you might state your search topic as shown below.

» criterios de búsquedasearch criteria .

Example: When you've completed typing in the search criteria, press <Enter>.

» cumplir la condición de la búsquedamatch + request specification .

Example: The second search strategy is the more conventional Boolean type; for this, the output is of course not ranked -- a document either matches the request specification or it doesn't.

» cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsquedasatisfy + a logic statement .

Example: Here the number of documents satisfying the previous logic statement (i.e. 6 documents) is indicated.

» de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caractereson a string search basis .

Example: In systems where documents can be retrieved according to search keys on a string search basis few problems arise.

» delimitar una búsquedanarrow + a searchqualify + search [Proceso por el que se modifica la clave inicial de búsqueda para que el resultado de ésta sea más pertinente]refine + a searchnarrow down + a search .

Example: If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.

Example: If too many titles are found, try to qualify your search by entering publication date, author's name, or other qualifier.

Example: The search is given a set number so that if the search results need to be displayed or the search refined it can be referred to directly.

Example: By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.

» desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, recuperación y organización de la informacióninformation illiteracy .

Example: Information illiteracy will be a key threat to prosperity and social inclusion in the knowledge society.

» destreza en la búsqueda de información en una bibliotecalibrary research skills .

Example: This article describes the problems and successes encountered in the use of an interactive video system for teaching basic library research skills.

» detener una búsquedadiscontinue + a search .

Example: If not, press the CTRL (Control) and Scroll Lock (Break) keys simultaneously to discontinue the search.

» donde se pueden hacer búsquedasqueriable  .

Example: In other words making the entire site queriable might be a complex and a time-consuming task.

» durante la búsquedaat the search stage .

Example: Situations where subdivisions might have had some utility are served by the co-ordination of index terms at the search stage.

» ecuación de búsquedasearch argumentsearch expressionsearch formulation .

Example: To search for a publication by LCCN, ISBN, ISSN, or GPO number, simply type in the number as the main search argument.

Example: Every time a term was employed in a search expression, a count in the dictionary file was updated.

Example: An important factor in any computer-based system of this kind is the method used to establish how closely a document description matches a search formulation.

» elemento de búsqueda ficticiorogue string [Datos que se utilizan en una búsqueda que se saben no existen en el sistema y que causan que éste actúe de una manera particular] .

Example: An escape route from the loop would be provided using a 'rogue' string, ie one that would not be encountered in practice.

» eliminar una ecuación de búsquedaclear + a search .

Example: The third choice, 'Begin a New Search,' clears your previous search and leads you to the Search Options menu to choose the terms for a new search.

» empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivosheadhunter .

Example: The article 'How headhunters do their research' describes the process of research in the headhunting or executive search business.

» en búsqueda dea quest for .

Example: The article is entitled 'Digital printing: a quest for definition'.

» en búsqueda del tiempo perdidoin search of lost timea remembrance of things past .

Example: They are aware that they belong to a lost generation ever in search of lost time, hope and love.

Example: In this sense, history is far more than a remembrance of things past, though it certainly includes that.

» en la búsqueda dein the quest for .

Example: This award will help us expand our efforts and create new opportunities that will improve the lives of many Colombians in the quest for a more equal society.

» enseñanza en la búsqueda de informacióninformation instruction .

Example: Results of a survey are discussed and show that chemistry departments face major obstacles in implementing information instruction.

» enunciado de búsquedasearch prescriptionsearch statementsearch queryquery statement .

Example: We have thus dropped the concept Remedial Teaching from the search procedure.

Example: In such applications the search statement, usually referred to as a user interest profile is a linked set of index terms, which remains relatively stable over several computer runs.

Example: Overall information need is normally translated somewhat simplistically into a search statement or query.

Example: The initial query statement (search profile) is often difficult to formulate and the results do not fully meet the requirements for the search.

» enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimediamultimedia query .

Example: This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.

» enunciado de búsqueda en texto librefree-text search statement .

Example: In addition, the adjacency operators NEARx and WITHx may be used with free-text search statements.

» equipo de búsqueda y rescatesearch and rescue team .

Example: Search and rescue teams should have been better instructed about coordinating with local counterpart organizations.

» estadísticas de búsquedasearching statistics [Relación de las consultas realizadas por los usuarios de una base de datos indicando elementos buscados, frecuencia, etc.] .

Example: They responded affirmatively to the suggestion that indexers and vendors should use searching statistics for data base management purposes.

» estrategia de búsquedasearch strategysearch process .

Example: Mechanized systems offer a wide range of potential search strategies and searching aids.

Example: This article considers the need for information professionals to re-think the part of the search process that occurs after the data has been retrieved on-line.

» estrategia de búsqueda de informacióninformation seeking pattern .

Example: The information seeking patterns of a variety of academic social scientists were broken down into 6 characteristics: starting; chaining; browsing; differentiating; monitoring; and extracting.

» expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesaurothesaurus expansion [Ampliación de una búsqueda por medio de los términos contenidos en una entrada del tesauro] .

Example: In such a case, it would make more sense to display all levels of the hierarchy below any term for which the user requests a thesaurus expansion.

» explosión de las búsquedasexplosion of searches [En las búsquedas automatizadas, acción por la cual se recuperan todos aquellos documentos que contienen el término de búsqueda y otros que contienen términos relacionados, normalmente del tipo NT (narrower term - términos más específicos)] .

Example: A thesaurus module that is integrated into the software used for database creation, maintenance and searching can support the automatic explosion of searches to include specified types of related terms.

» expresión de búsquedaaccess vectorsearch expression .

Example: As can be seen, the access vector needs no additional 'rogue' entry, 'ZZZ' in this case, to point one beyond the last entry in the record number list.

Example: Every time a term was employed in a search expression, a count in the dictionary file was updated.

» facilidad de búsquedascannabilitysoughtness  ; searchability [En la búsqueda de información, condición por la cual un instrumento hace fácil la recuperación de los registros que reúnan los requisitos establecidos en la búsqueda]findability .

Example: The typefaces available for computer print-out may detract from the scannability of an index.

Example: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.

Example: This could be achieved by either enhancing content representation in the records within the OPAC data base or by enhancing the searchability and browsability of the OPAC.

Example: Again in the realm of findability, an average 1.3 subject tracings per title is too low to maximize subject-access to materials especially in small-and medium-sized collections.

» formulación de una búsquedaquery formulation .

Example: Any MeSH terms used to describe the documents retrieved are incorporated into the query formulation for further iteration.

» formular una ecuación de búsquedaformulate + a search strategy .

Example: When using Command Search, it is important that you consult the database documentation before formulating a search strategy.

» grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsquedatopicality .

Example: Since topicality is a major factor in relevance, it is crucial to identify the range of relationship types that occur between the topics o user needs and the topics of texts relevant to those needs.

» guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un ficherostore + search results + in disc file .

Example: Many searchers find it convenient to store search results in a disk file.

» guardar una búsqueda en discosave + Posesivo + search + to disc .

Example: Choose from among the TRANSFER options to save your search to disk.

» hábito de búsqueda de informacióninformation-seeking habit .

Example: A survey was carried out into the information needs and information-seeking habits of hospital physicians.

» hacer búsquedas ensearch through .

Example: Users of the Web database will be able to search through this collection of American slave narratives by first and last name of narrator, county and state of servitude, year of birth, and name of master = Los usuarios de la base de datos web podrán consultar esta colección de relatos de esclavos americanos por nombre y apellido del narrador, país y condición de servidumbre, año de nacimiento y nombre del amo.

» hacer cambios en la búsquedarenegotiate + search .

Example: Interactive online systems do permit the user to renegotiate his/her search as s/he proceeds.

» hacer una búsquedalook + Nombre + updo + search .

Example: If so, the call number of the document is looked up and displayed.

Example: But If you want to do a comprehensive search, you may need to search archival discs as well as the current disc.

» hacer una búsqueda en Googlegoogle .

Example: He googled her and went ballistic when up popped a credit for a porno flick.

» hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador OOR together .

Example: If you do this, the system Ors together the results of queries 1, 2, and 3.

» hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador YAND together .

Example: If you do this, the system ANDs together the re

Búsqueda synonyms

look in spanish: Mira, pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun seek in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sik part of speech: verb research in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: risɜrtʃ part of speech: noun hunt in spanish: cazar, pronunciation: hʌnt part of speech: noun, verb explore in spanish: explorar, pronunciation: ɪksplɔr part of speech: verb hunting in spanish: caza, pronunciation: hʌntɪŋ part of speech: noun searching in spanish: buscando, pronunciation: sɜrtʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective look for in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: lʊkfɔr part of speech: verb lookup in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: lʊkəp part of speech: noun
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